

Prepare to install Azure CLI extensions

This how-to guide explains the steps for installing the required az CLI and extensions required to interact with Operator Nexus.

Installations of the following CLI extensions are required: networkcloud (for Microsoft.NetworkCloud APIs) and managednetworkfabric (for Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric APIs).

If you haven't already installed Azure CLI: Install Azure CLI. The links download the latest available version of the extension. For list of available versions, see the extension release history.

Install networkcloud CLI extension

  • Upgrade any previously installed version of the extension

    az extension add --yes --upgrade --name networkcloud
  • Install and test the latest version of networkcloud CLI extension

    az extension add --name networkcloud
    az networkcloud --help

Install managednetworkfabric CLI extension

  • Upgrade any previously installed version of the extension

    az extension add --yes --upgrade --name managednetworkfabric
  • Install and test the managednetworkfabric CLI extension

    az extension add --name managednetworkfabric
    az networkfabric --help

Install other Azure extensions

az extension add --yes --upgrade --name customlocation
az extension add --yes --upgrade --name k8s-extension
az extension add --yes --upgrade --name k8s-configuration
az extension add --yes --upgrade --name connectedmachine
az extension add --yes --upgrade --name monitor-control-service
az extension add --yes --upgrade --name ssh
az extension add --yes --upgrade --name connectedk8s
  • List installed CLI extensions and versions

List the extension version running:

az extension list --query "[].{Name:name,Version:version}" -o table

Example output:

Name                     Version
-----------------------  -------------
monitor-control-service  0.4.1
connectedmachine         0.7.0
connectedk8s             1.9.2
k8s-extension            1.4.3
networkcloud             1.1.0
k8s-configuration        2.0.0
managednetworkfabric     6.4.0
customlocation           0.1.3
ssh                      2.0.5