Text Merge cognitive skill
The Text Merge skill consolidates text from an array of strings into a single field.
This skill isn't bound to Azure AI services. It is non-billable and has no Azure AI services key requirement.
Skill parameters
Parameters are case-sensitive.
Parameter name | Description |
insertPreTag |
String to be included before every insertion. The default value is " " . To omit the space, set the value to "" . |
insertPostTag |
String to be included after every insertion. The default value is " " . To omit the space, set the value to "" . |
Skill inputs
Input name | Description |
itemsToInsert |
Array of strings to be merged. |
text |
(optional) Main text body to be inserted into. If text is not provided, elements of itemsToInsert will be concatencated. |
offsets |
(optional) Array of positions within text where itemsToInsert should be inserted. If provided, the number of elements of text must equal the number of elements of textToInsert . Otherwise all items will be appended at the end of text . |
Skill outputs
Output name | Description |
mergedText |
The resulting merged text. |
mergedOffsets |
Array of positions within mergedText where elements of itemsToInsert were inserted. |
Sample input
A JSON document providing usable input for this skill could be:
"values": [
"recordId": "1",
"text": "The brown fox jumps over the dog",
"itemsToInsert": ["quick", "lazy"],
"offsets": [3, 28]
Sample output
This example shows the output of the previous input, assuming that the insertPreTag is set to " "
, and insertPostTag is set to ""
"values": [
"recordId": "1",
"mergedText": "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
Extended sample skillset definition
A common scenario for using Text Merge is to merge the textual representation of images (text from an OCR skill, or the caption of an image) into the content field of a document.
The following example skillset uses the OCR skill to extract text from images embedded in the document. Next, it creates a merged_text field to contain both original and OCRed text from each image. You can learn more about the OCR skill here.
"description": "Extract text from images and merge with content text to produce merged_text",
"description": "Extract text (plain and structured) from image.",
"@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Vision.OcrSkill",
"context": "/document/normalized_images/*",
"defaultLanguageCode": "en",
"detectOrientation": true,
"inputs": [
"name": "image",
"source": "/document/normalized_images/*"
"outputs": [
"name": "text"
"@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Text.MergeSkill",
"description": "Create merged_text, which includes all the textual representation of each image inserted at the right location in the content field.",
"context": "/document",
"insertPreTag": " ",
"insertPostTag": " ",
"inputs": [
"source": "/document/content"
"name": "itemsToInsert",
"source": "/document/normalized_images/*/text"
"source": "/document/normalized_images/*/contentOffset"
"outputs": [
"name": "mergedText",
"targetName" : "merged_text"
The example above assumes that a normalized-images field exists. To get normalized-images field, set the imageAction configuration in your indexer definition to generateNormalizedImages as shown below:
//...rest of your indexer definition goes here ...