31. maalisk. klo 23 - 2. huhtik. klo 23
Suurin Fabric-, Power BI- ja SQL-oppimistapahtuma. 31. maaliskuuta – 2. huhtikuuta. Käytä koodia FABINSIDER säästääksesi 400 dollaria.
Rekisteröidy jo tänäänTätä selainta ei enää tueta.
Päivitä Microsoft Edgeen, jotta voit hyödyntää uusimpia ominaisuuksia, suojauspäivityksiä ja teknistä tukea.
Azure Files offers fully managed file shares in the cloud that are accessible via the industry standard Server Message Block (SMB) protocol, Network File System (NFS) protocol, and Azure Files REST API. Azure file shares can be mounted concurrently by cloud or on-premises deployments. SMB Azure file shares are accessible from Windows, Linux, and macOS clients. NFS Azure file shares are accessible from Linux clients. Additionally, SMB Azure file shares can be cached on Windows servers with Azure File Sync for fast access near where the data is being used.
Here are some videos on common use cases for Azure Files:
To get started using Azure Files, see Quickstart: Create and use an Azure file share.
You can use Azure file shares to:
Replace or supplement on-premises file servers:
Use Azure Files to replace or supplement traditional on-premises file servers or network-attached storage (NAS) devices. Popular operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux can directly mount Azure file shares wherever they are in the world. SMB Azure file shares can also be replicated with Azure File Sync to Windows servers, either on-premises or in the cloud, for performance and distributed caching of the data. With identity-based authentication, SMB Azure file shares can work with on-premises Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) for access control.
"Lift and shift" applications:
Azure Files makes it easy to "lift and shift" applications to the cloud that expect a file share to store file application or user data. Azure Files enables both the "classic" lift and shift scenario, where both the application and its data are moved to Azure, and the "hybrid" lift and shift scenario, where the application data is moved to Azure Files, and the application continues to run on-premises.
Simplify cloud development:
You can use Azure Files to simplify new cloud development projects. For example:
Shared application settings:
A common pattern for distributed applications is to have configuration files in a centralized location where they can be accessed from many application instances. Application instances can load their configuration through the Azure Files REST API, and humans can access them by mounting the share locally.
Diagnostic share:
An Azure file share is a convenient place for cloud applications to write their logs, metrics, and crash dumps. Logs can be written by the application instances via the File REST API, and developers can access them by mounting the file share on their local machine. This enables great flexibility, as developers can embrace cloud development without having to abandon any existing tooling they know and love.
When developers or administrators are working on VMs in the cloud, they often need a set of tools or utilities. Copying such utilities and tools to each VM can be a time consuming exercise. By mounting an Azure file share locally on the VMs, a developer and administrator can quickly access their tools and utilities, no copying required.
You can also use Azure file shares as persistent volumes for stateful containers. Containers deliver "build once, run anywhere" capabilities that enable developers to accelerate innovation. For the containers that access raw data at every start, a shared file system is required to allow these containers to access the file system no matter which instance they run on.
For self-paced training, see the following modules:
For guidance on architecting solutions on Azure Files using established patterns and practices, see the following:
31. maalisk. klo 23 - 2. huhtik. klo 23
Suurin Fabric-, Power BI- ja SQL-oppimistapahtuma. 31. maaliskuuta – 2. huhtikuuta. Käytä koodia FABINSIDER säästääksesi 400 dollaria.
Rekisteröidy jo tänäänOpetus
Johdatus Azure-tiedostoihin - Training
Lue, miten Azure Files ja Azure File Sync voivat auttaa sinua täyttämään SMB- ja NFS-pilvitiedostoja koskevat tarpeet.
Microsoft-sertifiointi: Azuren perusteet - Certifications
Osoita perustiedot pilvipalvelukonsepteista, Azuren ydinpalveluista sekä Azuren hallinta- ja hallintaominaisuuksista ja -työkaluista.
Plan for an Azure Files deployment
Understand how to plan for an Azure Files deployment. You can either direct mount an SMB or NFS Azure file share, or cache SMB Azure file shares on-premises with Azure File Sync.
Create an Azure file share - Azure Files
How to create and delete SMB and NFS Azure file share by using the Azure portal, Azure PowerShell, or Azure CLI.
SMB file shares in Azure Files
Learn about file shares hosted in Azure Files using the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol, including features, security, and SMB Multichannel for premium file shares.