Overview of CloudforSustainabilityWasteDataModel
Cloud for Sustainability Waste Data Model CDM entity definitions
Name | Description |
CircularityDesignPrinciple | Describes the circularity princple followed to produce the finished good such as durability, reusability or repairability. |
FacilityItemConsumption | Entity used to record the quantity of an item consumed in a facility for a specified period. |
ItemBillOfMaterials | Entity which records the Bill Of Material (BOM) used to create the item. The BOM lists the items (materials) that are part of the item. |
ItemSustainableContent | Entity for capturing data on the sustainable content types in the item such as percentage of recycled, reused or renewable content. |
WasteCharacteristicType | Stores all the different classifications for the waste quality characteristics. |
WasteQualityCharacteristic | Stores information on the characteristics of the contaminant or chemical being tracked. |
WasteQualityTestResult | Stores information on the result of the tests for tracking chemical/contaminant levels. |
WasteQuantity | Stores information on the actual waste quantity of the organization. |
WasteTestMethod | Stores information on tests performed for the contaminant. |
WasteType | Stores information on the type of waste generated. |