


Microsoft Specific

The __declspec attribute tells the compiler that a function does not return. The compiler then knows that the code following a call to a __declspec(noreturn) function is unreachable.

If the compiler finds a function with a control path that does not return a value, it generates a warning (C4715) or error message (C2202). If the control path cannot be reached due to a function that never returns, use __declspec(noreturn) to prevent this warning or error.


Adding __declspec(noreturn) to a function that is expected to return can result in undefined behavior.


In the following example, when the argument for isZeroOrPositive is negative, fatal is called. There isn't a return statement in that control path, which results in warning C4715 that not all control paths return a value. Declaring fatal as __declspec(noreturn) mitigates that warning, which is desirable because there is no point in it since fatal() terminates the program.

// noreturn2.cpp
#include <exception>

__declspec(noreturn) void fatal()

int isZeroOrPositive(int val)
   if (val == 0)
      return 0;
   else if (val > 0)
      return 1;
   // this function terminates if val is negative

int main()

END Microsoft Specific

See also
