

Record Views (MFC Data Access)

This section applies only to the MFC ODBC classes. For information about OLE DB record views, see COleDBRecordView and Using OLE DB Record Views.

To support form-based data-access applications, the class library provides class CRecordView. A record view is a form view object whose controls are mapped directly to the field data members of a recordset object (and indirectly to the corresponding columns in a query result or table on the data source). Like its base class CFormView, CRecordView is based on a dialog template resource.

Form Uses

Forms are useful for a variety of data-access tasks:

  • Entering data

  • Performing read-only examination of data

  • Updating data

Further Reading About Record Views

The material in topics applies to both the ODBC-based and the DAO-based classes. Use CRecordView for ODBC and CDaoRecordView for DAO.

Topics include:

See also

Data Access Programming (MFC/ATL)
ODBC Driver List