

Data Member Attributes

The following attributes apply to the data members in a class, coclass, or interface.

Attribute Description
db_accessor Groups db_column attributes that participate in IAccessor-based binding.
db_column Binds a specified column to the rowset.
db_command Creates an OLE DB command.
db_param Associates the specified member variable with an input or output parameter and delimits the variable.
db_source Creates a connection to a data source.
db_table Opens an OLE DB table.
defaultbind Indicates the single, bindable property that best represents the object.
displaybind Indicates a property that should be displayed to the user as bindable.
id Specifies a DISPID for a member function (either a property or a method, in an interface or dispinterface).
range Specifies a range of allowable values for arguments or fields whose values are set at run time.
rdx Creates a registry key or modifies an existing registry key.
readonly Prohibits assignment to a data member.
requestedit Indicates that the property supports the OnRequestEdit notification.

See also

Attributes by Usage