

.NET SDK and .NET CLI telemetry

The .NET SDK includes a telemetry feature that collects usage data and sends it to Microsoft when you use .NET CLI commands. The usage data includes exception information when the .NET CLI crashes. The .NET CLI comes with the .NET SDK and is the set of verbs that enable you to build, test, and publish your .NET apps. Telemetry data helps the .NET team understand how the tools are used so they can be improved. Information on failures helps the team resolve problems and fix bugs.

The collected data is published in aggregate under the Creative Commons Attribution License. Some of the collected data is published at .NET CLI Telemetry Data.


dotnet has two functions: to run apps and to execute CLI commands. Telemetry isn't collected when using dotnet to start an application in the following format:

  • dotnet [path-to-app].dll

Telemetry is collected when using any of the .NET CLI commands, such as:

  • dotnet build
  • dotnet pack
  • dotnet run

How to opt out

The .NET SDK telemetry feature is enabled by default for Microsoft distributions of the SDK. To opt out of the telemetry feature, set the DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT environment variable to 1 or true.

A single telemetry entry is also sent by the .NET SDK installer when a successful installation happens. To opt out, set the DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT environment variable before you install the .NET SDK.


To opt out after you started the installer: close the installer, set the environment variable, and then run the installer again with that value set.


The .NET SDK displays text similar to the following when you first run one of the .NET CLI commands (for example, dotnet build). Text may vary slightly depending on the version of the SDK you're running. This "first run" experience is how Microsoft notifies you about data collection.

The .NET tools collect usage data in order to help us improve your experience. The data is collected by Microsoft and shared with the community. You can opt-out of telemetry by setting the DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT environment variable to '1' or 'true' using your favorite shell.

Read more about .NET CLI Tools telemetry:

To disable this message and the .NET welcome message, set the DOTNET_NOLOGO environment variable to true. Note that this variable has no effect on telemetry opt out.

Data points

The telemetry feature doesn't collect personal data, such as usernames or email addresses. It doesn't scan your code and doesn't extract project-level data, such as name, repository, or author. It doesn't extract the contents of any data files accessed or created by your apps, dumps of any memory occupied by your apps' objects, or the contents of the clipboard. The data is sent securely to Microsoft servers using Azure Monitor technology, held under restricted access, and published under strict security controls from secure Azure Storage systems.

Protecting your privacy is important to us. If you suspect the telemetry is collecting sensitive data or the data is being insecurely or inappropriately handled, file an issue in the dotnet/sdk repository or send an email to for investigation.

The telemetry feature collects the following data:

SDK versions Data
All Timestamp of invocation.
All Command invoked (for example, "build"), hashed starting in 2.1.
All Three octet IP address used to determine the geographical location.
All Operating system and version.
All Runtime ID (RID) the SDK is running on.
All .NET SDK version.
All Telemetry profile: an optional value only used with explicit user opt-in and used internally at Microsoft.
>=2.0 Command arguments and options: several arguments and options are collected (not arbitrary strings). See collected options. Hashed after 2.1.300.
>=2.0 Whether the SDK is running in a container.
>=2.0 Target frameworks (from the TargetFramework event), hashed starting in 2.1.
>=2.0 Hashed Media Access Control (MAC) address (SHA256).
>=2.0 Hashed current working directory.
>=2.0 Install success report, with hashed installer exe filename.
>=2.1.300 Kernel version.
>=2.1.300 Libc release/version.
>=3.0.100 Whether the output was redirected (true or false).
>=3.0.100 On a CLI/SDK crash, the exception type and its stack trace (only CLI/SDK code is included in the stack trace sent). For more information, see Crash exception telemetry.
>=5.0.100 Hashed TargetFrameworkVersion used for build (MSBuild property)
>=5.0.100 Hashed RuntimeIdentifier used for build (MSBuild property)
>=5.0.100 Hashed SelfContained used for build (MSBuild property)
>=5.0.100 Hashed UseApphost used for build (MSBuild property)
>=5.0.100 Hashed OutputType used for build (MSBuild property)
>=5.0.201 Hashed PublishReadyToRun used for build (MSBuild property)
>=5.0.201 Hashed PublishTrimmed used for build (MSBuild property)
>=5.0.201 Hashed PublishSingleFile used for build (MSBuild property)
>=5.0.202 Elapsed time from process start until entering the CLI program's main method, measuring host and runtime startup.
>=5.0.202 Elapsed time for the step that adds .NET Tools to the path on first run.
>=5.0.202 Elapsed time to display first time use notice on first run.
>=5.0.202 Elapsed time for generating ASP.NET Certificate on first run.
>=5.0.202 Elapsed time to parse the CLI input.
>=6.0.100 OS architecture
>=6.0.104 Hashed PublishReadyToRunUseCrossgen2 used for build (MSBuild property)
>=6.0.104 Hashed Crossgen2PackVersion used for build (MSBuild property)
>=6.0.104 Hashed CompileListCount used for build (MSBuild property)
>=6.0.104 Hashed _ReadyToRunCompilationFailures used for build (MSBuild property)
>=6.0.300 If the CLI was invoked from a Continuous Integration environment. For more information, see Continuous Integration Detection.
>=7.0.100 Hashed PublishAot used for build (MSBuild property)
>=7.0.100 Hashed PublishProtocol used for build (MSBuild property)
>=8.0.100 Hashed TargetPlatformIdentifier used for build (MSBuild property)
>=8.0.100 Hashed HybridGlobalization used for build (MSBuild property)
>=8.0.100 Whether .NET Blazor WebAssembly SDK is used.
>=8.0.100 Whether .NET WebAssembly SDK is used.
>=8.0.100 Whether .NET MAUI is used.
>=8.0.100 Whether .NET mobile SDK is used.
>=8.0.100 Whether other mobile SDKs are used (like: Avalonia, Uno).
>=8.0.100 Whether Mono AOT is used.
>=8.0.100 Whether Mono AOT strip IL feature is used.
>=8.0.100 Whether Mono interpreter is used.
>=8.0.100 Whether library mode for mobile is used.
>=8.0.100 Whether NativeAOT is used.
>=8.0.100 Used Mono runtime pack version.

Collected options

Certain commands send additional data. A subset of commands sends the first argument:

Command First argument data sent
dotnet help <arg> The command help is being queried for.
dotnet new <arg> The template name (hashed).
dotnet add <arg> The word package or reference.
dotnet remove <arg> The word package or reference.
dotnet list <arg> The word package or reference.
dotnet sln <arg> The word add, list, or remove.
dotnet nuget <arg> The word delete, locals, or push.
dotnet workload <subcommand> <arg> The word install, update, list, search, uninstall, repair, restore and the workload name (hashed).
dotnet tool <subcommand> <arg> The word install, update, list, search, uninstall, run and the dotnet tool name (hashed).

A subset of commands sends selected options if they're used, along with their values:

Option Commands
--verbosity All commands
--language dotnet new
--configuration dotnet build, dotnet clean, dotnet publish, dotnet run, dotnet test
--framework dotnet build, dotnet clean, dotnet publish, dotnet run, dotnet test, dotnet vstest
--runtime dotnet build, dotnet publish
--platform dotnet vstest
--logger dotnet vstest
--sdk-package-version dotnet migrate

Except for --verbosity and --sdk-package-version, all the other values are hashed starting with .NET Core 2.1.100 SDK.

Template engine telemetry

The dotnet new template instantiation command collects additional data for Microsoft-authored templates, starting with .NET Core 2.1.100 SDK:

  • --framework
  • --auth

Crash exception telemetry

If the .NET CLI/SDK crashes, it collects the name of the exception and stack trace of the CLI/SDK code. This information is collected to assess problems and improve the quality of the .NET SDK and CLI. This article provides information about the data we collect. It also provides tips on how users building their own version of the .NET SDK can avoid inadvertent disclosure of personal or sensitive information.

The .NET CLI collects information for CLI/SDK exceptions only, not exceptions in your application. The collected data contains the name of the exception and the stack trace. This stack trace is of CLI/SDK code.

The following example shows the kind of data that is collected:

at System.ConsolePal.WindowsConsoleStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at System.IO.StreamWriter.Flush(Boolean flushStream, Boolean flushEncoder)
at System.IO.StreamWriter.Write(Char[] buffer)
at System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine()
at System.IO.TextWriter.SyncTextWriter.WriteLine()
at Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Utils.Reporter.WriteLine()
at Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Run.RunCommand.EnsureProjectIsBuilt()
at Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Run.RunCommand.Execute()
at Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Run.RunCommand.Run(String[] args)
at Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Program.ProcessArgs(String[] args, ITelemetry telemetryClient)
at Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Program.Main(String[] args)

Continuous Integration Detection

In order to detect if the .NET CLI is running in a Continuous Integration environment, the .NET CLI probes for the presence and values of several well-known environment variables that common CI providers set.

The full list of environment variables, and what is done with their values, is shown below. Note that in every case, the value of the environment variable is never collected, only used to set a boolean flag.

Variable(s) Provider Action
TF_BUILD Azure Pipelines Parse boolean value
GITHUB_ACTIONS GitHub Actions Parse boolean value
APPVEYOR Appveyor Parse boolean value
CI Many/Most Parse boolean value
TRAVIS Travis CI Parse boolean value
CIRCLECI Circle CI Parse boolean value
CODEBUILD_BUILD_ID, AWS_REGION Amazon Web Services CodeBuild Check if all are present and non-null
BUILD_ID, BUILD_URL Jenkins Check if all are present and non-null
BUILD_ID, PROJECT_ID Google Cloud Build Check if all are present and non-null
TEAMCITY_VERSION TeamCity Check if present and non-null
JB_SPACE_API_URL JetBrains Space Check if present and non-null

Avoid inadvertent disclosure of information

.NET contributors and anyone else running a version of the .NET SDK that they built themselves should consider the path to their SDK source code. If a crash occurs while using a .NET SDK that is a custom debug build or configured with custom build symbol files, the SDK source file path from the build machine is collected as part of the stack trace and isn't hashed.

Because of this, custom builds of the .NET SDK shouldn't be located in directories whose path names expose personal or sensitive information.

See also