

Interop ETW Events

Interop events capture information about common intermediate language (CIL) stub generation and caching.

ILStubGenerated Event

The following table shows the keyword and level. (For more information, see CLR ETW Keywords and Levels.)

Keyword for raising the event Level
InteropKeyword (0x2000) Informational(4)

The following table shows the event information.

Event Event ID Raised when
ILStubGenerated 88 The CIL stub has been generated.

The following table shows the event data.

Field name Data type Description
ModuleID win:UInt16 The module identifier.
StubMethodID win:UInt64 The stub method identifier.
StubFlags win:UInt64 The flags for the stub:

0x1 - Reverse interop.

0x2 - COM interop.

0x4 - Stub generated by NGen.exe.

0x8 - Delegate.

0x10 - Variable argument.

0x20 - Unmanaged callee.
ManagedInteropMethodToken win:UInt32 The token for the managed interop method.
ManagedInteropMethodNameSpace win:UnicodeString The namespace of the managed interop method.
ManagedInteropMethodName win:UnicodeString The name of the managed interop method.
ManagedInteropMethodSignature win:UnicodeString The signature of the managed interop method.
NativeMethodSignature win:UnicodeString The native method signature.
StubMethodSignature win:UnicodeString The stub method signature.
StubMethodILCode win:UnicodeString The CIL code for the stub method.
ClrInstanceID win:UInt16 Unique ID for the instance of CLR or CoreCLR.

ILStubCacheHit Event

The following table shows the keyword and level.

Keyword for raising the event Level
InteropKeyword (0x2000) Informational(4)

The following table shows the event information.

Event Event ID Raised when
ILStubCacheHit 89 The CIL cache has been accessed.

The following table shows the event data.

Field name Data type Description
ModuleID win:UInt16 The module identifier.
StubMethodID win:UInt64 The stub method identifier.
ManagedInteropMethodToken win:UInt32 The token for the managed interop method.
ManagedInteropMethodNameSpace win:UnicodeString The namespace of the managed interop method.
ManagedInteropMethodName win:UnicodeString The name of the managed interop method.
ManagedInteropMethodSignature win:UnicodeString The signature of the managed interop method.
ClrInstanceID win:UInt16 Unique ID for the instance of CLR or CoreCLR.

See also