

Debugging Enumerations

This section describes the unmanaged enumerations that the debugging API uses.

In This Section

Provides values that are used by the ICLRDebugging::OpenVirtualProcess method.

CLRDataAddressType Enumeration
Indicates the type of data contained at a given address by the IXCLRDataProcess::GetAddressType

CLRDataByNameFlag Enumeration
Indicates how names should match in a search.

CLRDataDetailedFrameType Enumeration
Describes a type of frame in the call stack in detail from the IXCLRDataStackWalk::GetFrameType method.

CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags Enumeration
Indicates which memory regions a call to the ICLRDataEnumMemoryRegions::EnumMemoryRegions method should include.

CLRDataExceptionSameFlag Enumeration
Indicates how exception states should match against system records.

CLRDataFieldFlag Enumeration
Indicates various attributes of a field.

CLRDataFollowStubInFlag Enumeration
A set of flags passed to IXCLRDataProcess::FollowStub and IXCLRDataProcess::FollowStub2 that define how to follow the stub.

CLRDataFollowStubOutFlag Enumeration
A set of flags returned from IXCLRDataProcess::FollowStub and IXCLRDataProcess::FollowStub2 that indicate the result of following a stub.

CLRDataMethodCodeNotification Enumeration
Indicates the type of notifications pertaining to method instance code that should be delivered. Used in calls to IXCLRDataProcess::SetCodeNotifications and IXCLRDataProcess::SetAllCodeNotifications Method.

CLRDataModuleExtentType Enumeration
Indicates the type of memory region associated with a module via IXCLRDataModule::EnumExtent.

CLRDataOtherNotifyFlag Enumeration
Indicates the type of notifications that should be delivered. Used in calls to IXCLRDataProcess::SetOtherNotificationFlags Method.

CLRDataSimpleFrameType Enumeraiton
Describes a type of frame in the call stack from IXCLRDataStackWalk::GetFrameType.

CLRDataSourceType Enumeration
Provides values that are used by the CLRDATA_IL_ADDRESS_MAP structure.

CLRDataValueFlag Enumeration
Indicates various attributes of a value.

Identifies the type of process to be enumerated.

CorDebugBlockingReason Enumeration
Specifies the reasons why a thread may become blocked on a given object.

CorDebugChainReason Enumeration
Indicates the reason or reasons for the initiation of a call chain.

CorDebugCodeInvokeKind Enumeration
Describes how an exported function invokes managed code.

CorDebugCodeInvokePurpose Enumeration
Describes why an exported function calls managed code.

CorDebugCreateProcessFlags Enumeration
Provides additional debugging options that can be used in a call to the ICorDebug::CreateProcess method.

CorDebugDebugEventKind Enumeration
Indicates the type of event whose information is decoded by the DecodeEvent method.

CorDebugDecodeEventFlagsWindows Enumeration
Provides additional information about debug events on the Windows platform.

CorDebugExceptionCallbackType Enumeration
Indicates the type of callback that is made from an ICorDebugManagedCallback2::Exception event.

CorDebugExceptionFlags Enumeration
Provides additional information about an exception.

CorDebugExceptionUnwindCallbackType Enumeration
Indicates the event that is being signaled by the callback during the unwind phase.

CorDebugGCType Enumeration
Indicates whether the garbage collector is running on a workstation or a server.

CorDebugGenerationTypes Enumeration
Specifies the generation of a region of memory on the managed heap.

CorDebugHandleType Enumeration
Indicates the handle type.

CorDebugIlToNativeMappingTypes Enumeration
Indicates whether a particular range of native instructions corresponds to a special code region.

CorDebugIntercept Enumeration
Indicates the types of code that can be stepped into.

CorDebugInterfaceVersion Enumeration
Specifies either a version of the .NET Framework, or the version of the .NET Framework in which an interface was introduced.

CorDebugInternalFrameType Enumeration
Identifies the type of stack frame.

CorDebugJITCompilerFlags Enumeration
Contains values that influence the behavior of the managed just-in-time (JIT) compiler.

CorDebugJITCompilerFlagsDeprecated Enumeration
Obsolete. Use the CORDEBUG_JIT_DEFAULT member of the CorDebugJITCompilerFlags enumeration instead.

CorDebugMappingResult Enumeration
Provides the details of how the value of the instruction pointer (IP) was obtained.

CorDebugMDAFlags Enumeration
Specifies the status of the thread on which the managed debugging assistant (MDA) is fired.

CorDebugNGenPolicy Enumeration
Provides a value that determines whether a debugger loads native (NGen) images from the native image cache.

CorDebugPlatform Enumeration
Provides target platform values that are used by the ICorDebugDataTarget::GetPlatform method.

CorDebugRecordFormat Enumeration
Describes the format of the data in a byte array that contains information about a native exception debug event.

CorDebugRegister Enumeration
Specifies the registers associated with a given processor architecture.

CorDebugSetContextFlag Enumeration
Indicates whether the context is from the active (or leaf) frame on the stack or has been computed by unwinding from another frame.

CorDebugStateChange Enumeration
Describes the amount of cached data that must be discarded based on changes to the process.

CorDebugStepReason Enumeration
Indicates the outcome of an individual step.

CorDebugThreadState Enumeration
Specifies the state of a thread for debugging.

CorDebugUnmappedStop Enumeration
Specifies the type of unmapped code that can trigger a halt in code execution by the stepper.

CorDebugUserState Enumeration
Indicates the user state of a thread.

CorGCReferenceType Enumeration
Identifies the source of an object to be garbage-collected.

ILCodeKind Enumeration
Provides values that specify whether the debugger is able to access local variables or code added in profiler ReJIT instrumentation.

LoggingLevelEnum Enumeration
Indicates the severity level of a descriptive message that is written to the event log when a managed thread logs an event.

LogSwitchCallReason Enumeration
Indicates the operation that was performed on a debugging/tracing switch.

VariableLocationType Enumeration
Indicates the native location type of a variable.

WriteableMetadataUpdateMode Enumeration
Provides values that specify whether in-memory updates to metadata are visible to a debugger.

Debugging Coclasses

Debugging Interfaces

Debugging Global Static Functions

Debugging Structures