Interpolated strings are strings that allow you to embed F# expressions into them. They are helpful in a wide range of scenarios where the value of a string may change based on the result of a value or expression.
Interpolated strings let you write code in "holes" inside of a string literal. Here's a basic example:
let name = "Phillip"let age = 30
printfn $"Name: {name}, Age: {age}"
printfn $"I think {3.0 + 0.14} is close to {System.Math.PI}!"
The contents in between each {} brace pair can be any F# expression.
To escape a {} brace pair, write two of them like so:
let str = $"A pair of braces: {{}}"// "A pair of braces: {}"
Typed interpolated strings
Interpolated strings can also have F# format specifiers to enforce type safety.
let name = "Phillip"let age = 30
printfn $"Name: %s{name}, Age: %d{age}"// Error: type mismatch
printfn $"Name: %s{age}, Age: %d{name}"
In the previous example, the code mistakenly passes the age value where name should be, and vice/versa. Because the interpolated strings use format specifiers, this is a compile error instead of a subtle runtime bug.
Verbatim interpolated strings
F# supports verbatim interpolated strings with triple quotes so that you can embed string literals.
let age = 30
printfn $"""Name: {"Phillip"}, Age: %d{age}"""
Format specifiers
Format specifiers can either be printf-style or .NET-style. Printf-style specifiers are those covered in plaintext formatting, placed before the braces. For example:
let pi = $"%0.3f{System.Math.PI}"// "3.142"let code = $"0x%08x{43962}"// "0x0000abba"
The format specifier %A is particularly useful for producing diagnostic output of structured F# data.
let data = [0..4]
let output = $"The data is %A{data}"// "The data is [0; 1; 2; 3; 4]"
.NET-style specifiers are those usable with String.Format, placed after a : within the braces. For example:
let pi = $"{System.Math.PI:N4}"// "3.1416"let now = $"{System.DateTime.UtcNow:``yyyyMMdd``}"// e.g. "20220210"
If a .NET-style specifier contains an unusual character, then it can be escaped using double-backticks:
let nowDashes = $"{System.DateTime.UtcNow:``yyyy-MM-dd``}"// e.g. "2022-02-10"
Aligning expressions in interpolated strings
You can left-align or right-align expressions inside interpolated strings with | and a specification of how many spaces. The following interpolated string aligns the left and right expressions to the left and right, respectively, by seven spaces.
Interpolated strings and FormattableString formatting
You can also apply formatting that adheres to the rules for FormattableString:
let speedOfLight = 299792.458
printfn $"The speed of light is {speedOfLight:N3} km/s."// "The speed of light is 299,792.458 km/s."
Additionally, an interpolated string can also be type checked as a FormattableString via a type annotation:
let frmtStr = $"The speed of light is {speedOfLight:N3} km/s." : FormattableString
// Type: FormattableString// The speed of light is 299,792.458 km/s.
Note that the type annotation must be on the interpolated string expression itself. F# does not implicitly convert an interpolated string into a FormattableString.
Extended syntax for string interpolation
Beginning with F# 8, when you work with text containing multiple {, } or % characters already, you can use extended string interpolation syntax to remove the need for escaping.
Triple quote string literals can start with multiple $ characters, which changes how many braces are required to open and close interpolation.
In these string literals, { and } characters don't need to be escaped:
let str = $$"""A string containing some {curly braces} and an {{"F#" + " " + "expression"}}."""// "A string containing some {curly braces} and an F# expression."let another = $$$"""A string with pairs of {{ and }} characters and {{{ "an F# expression" }}}."""// "A string with pairs of {{ and }} characters and an F# expression."""
The number of % characters needed for format specifiers is affected in the same way:
let percent = $$"""50% of 20 is %%.1f{{20m * 0.5m}}"""// "50% of 20 is 10.0"
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