Prefer target-typed new expressions when created type is apparent
Do not prefer target-typed new expressions
Default option value
// csharp_style_implicit_object_creation_when_type_is_apparent = true
C c = new();
C c2 = new() { Field = 0 };
// csharp_style_implicit_object_creation_when_type_is_apparent = false
C c = new C();
C c2 = new C() { Field = 0 };
Suppress a warning
If you want to suppress only a single violation, add preprocessor directives to your source file to disable and then re-enable the rule.
#pragmawarning disable IDE0090// The code that's violating the rule is on this line.#pragmawarning restore IDE0090
To disable the rule for a file, folder, or project, set its severity to none in the configuration file.
Liity tapaamissarjaan ja luo skaalattavia tekoälyratkaisuja, jotka perustuvat reaalimaailman käyttötapauksiin muiden kehittäjien ja asiantuntijoiden kanssa.