

RecordRef.WritePermission() Method

Version: Available or changed with runtime version 1.0.

Determines if you can write to a table.


Ok :=   RecordRef.WritePermission()


This method can be invoked using property access syntax.


 Type: RecordRef
An instance of the RecordRef data type.

Return Value

 Type: Boolean
Specifies if you have permission to write to the table


This method can test for both full write permission and a partial write permission that has been granted with a security filter. A write permission consists of Insert, Delete, and Modify permissions.

This method uses the filter that is currently applied to the RecordRef to determine whether you have write permission. If no filter is applied, the method tests for full write permission. If a filter has been set, the method only tests for write permission in the range of the filter.

To determine whether the user has partial write permission, because a security filter has been applied, view the Permissions page.

If you do not have permission to write to a table and you attempt to write, a run-time error occurs. This method lets you determine in advance if you have write permission. When the permissions are checked, the combination of permissions in the license file and the user's permissions in the Permission table is considered.

This method works the same as the WritePermission Method (Record).


The following example opens table 18 (Customer) and creates a RecordRef variable that is named MyRecordRef for the table. The WritePermission method determines whether the table has write permission and stores the return value in the varHasWritePerm variable. The Customer table has write permission, so the message displays Yes. You can initialize the varTableNo variable with any table number.

    MyRecordRef: RecordRef;
    varTableNo: Integer;
    varHasWritePerm: Boolean;
    Text000: Label 'Does the %1 table have write permission? %2';
    varTableNo := 18;  
    varHasWritePerm := MyRecordRef.WritePermission;  
    Message(Text000, MyRecordRef.Name, varHasWritePerm);  

RecordRef Data Type
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