

Development in cloud-hosted environments without admin access

As of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance, Enterprise edition, Platform update 12, you will no longer have access to virtual machine (VM) administrator accounts on development or build environments that are running Microsoft subscriptions and you will not be able to deploy Tier 1 environment using a Microsoft subscription.

You can use a remote desktop (RDP) to access these restricted environments using the non-admin user provided on the Lifecycle Services (LCS) environment page. For more information about environments that don't allow administrator access, see Development and build VMs that don't allow administrator access FAQ.

If you need admin access in your environment, use your Azure subscription and deploy the environment using LCS. You can also use the downloadable VHD and deploy it in your Azure VM or host it locally to get full admin access.

If you don’t have admin access in the environment, you will not be able to test and debug using the Store Commerce app. You can still do all commerce customization for POS if you are testing the customization, you must use Store Commerce for web in that environment. From a customization perspective, there is no difference between Store Commerce for web and the Store Commerce app - any customization will work both in Store Commerce for web and the Store Commerce app. There is no additional logic or code for customization completed in Store Commerce for web in order to work in the Store Commerce app or vice versa, unless you added logic that is browser-specific or UWP app- specific for hardware and other scenarios. Another option is to do all development work in the environment using the Store Commerce app and test it in some other environment where you have admin access to install the Store Commerce app. In most cases, you should be able to test using Store Commerce for web, expect if you want to test for offline scenarios. If you want to test offline scenarios, you can create a Store Commerce appS installer using the build script, and then test it in your test environment or some other POS registers.

If you are using Store Commerce for web for development, set up the following configuration before opening the Store Commerce for web project

  1. Open Visual Studio and go to View > Application Explorer. Wait for Internet Information Services (IIS) Express to start with all the Commerce websites deployed. You should see the IIS tray icon in the task bar with all the websites running, such as Store Commerce for web and Commerce Scale Unit.

  2. To debug CRT/RS extensions, attach the CRT/RS project to the IIS Express process.

  3. When you open the Store Commerce for web project from the Retail SDK, IIS Express may fail with the following error.

    Filename: redirection.config
    Error: Cannot read configuration file

To resolve this issue

  1. Close Visual Studio.

  2. Copy the aspnet.config and redirection.config files to %userprofile%\Documents\IISExpress\config.

  3. Open the applicationhost.config file in the %userprofile%\Documents\IISExpress\config folder.

  4. In applicationhost.config, change the physcialPath of RetailCloudPos to point to your SDK location. For example, physicalPath="K:\RetailSDK\POS\Web". The overall section will look like the following:

    <site name="RetailCloudPOs" id="4" serverAutoStart="true">
        <application path="/" applicationPool="Dynamics365">
            <virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="K:\RetailSDK\POS\Web" />
  5. Save the changes to applicationhost.config

  6. Rename the %userprofile%\Documents\IISExpress\config folder. Do not delete the files because you will copy the applicationhost.config file to a new location in step 8.

  7. Start Visual Studio again with the Store Commerce for web project. The %userprofile%\Documents\IISExpress\config folder will be recreated with the default config files.

  8. Copy the applicationhost.config file from the folder that you renamed in step 6, to the folder created in step 7.

  9. Edit ..\RetailSDK\POS\Web\Pos.Web.csproj and change the default IISURL node value to your Store Commerce for web URL and set UseIIS to false.

  1. Right-click the Pos.Web project and select Properties.
  2. In the Properties window, select the Web tab. Select the Start URL radio option and set the start URL as your Cloud POS URL and under the Servers section select IIS Express as the server from the drop down menu and set the Project URL as your cloud POS URL.

If you are using IIS for development (VMs with admin access), then you need to set the UseIIS node value to False and select Local IIS from the Server drop-down menu.

For example,

  1. Save the changes.
  2. Right-click the Pos.Web project and select Set as StartUp Project.
  3. Press F5 to run the Pos.Web Project or click the Run button in the Visual Studio menu.