

Create and post a sales complementary fiscal document (Brazil)

Use this procedure to create a sales complementary fiscal document to adjust a sales fiscal document that was generated for an incorrect price, Imposto Sobre Produtos Industrializados (IPI) amount, or Imposto Sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços (ICMS) amount. This task uses the BRMF demo company.

  1. Go to Accounts receivable > Fiscal documents > All fiscal documents.
  2. In the list, click the link in the selected row.
  3. Click Complementary fiscal document.
  4. Click Price.
  5. In the list, mark the selected row.
  6. In the Corrected line amount field, enter a number.
    • Enter the corrected line amount in the transaction currency. The difference between the amount in the Corrected line amount field and the amount in the Original line amount field is updated in the Amount field.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click Post.
  9. Close the page.
  10. Close the page.
  11. Close the page.
  12. Go to Accounts receivable > Fiscal documents > Electronic fiscal documents > Export/import NF-e process.
  13. Click OK.