

Print lump sum recovery text on a customer invoice

This article provides information about how to print a lump sum recovery text that shows the penalty amount on customer invoices for France.

Set up the parameters to print a lump sum recovery text on customer invoices

Use the Form setup page to set up the parameters to print a lump sum recovery text on customer invoices. You can enter the lump sum recovery text and the penalty amount to print on customer invoices. You can also enter the number of days in the grace period before a penalty is applied. The penalty is applied after the specified number of days has passed since the document date or the invoice date.

Use the Posting invoice page to print the lump sum recovery text that shows the penalty amount on customer invoices. On the Posting invoice page, select the Print lump sum recovery text check box for each line. A selected check box indicates that the lump sum recovery text is printed on the customer invoices. When you post the sales order, the lump sum recovery text is printed on the customer invoice. You can also print the lump sum recovery text on a customer invoice that you print from the Invoice journal page.