14. helmik. klo 16 - 31. maalisk. klo 16
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Päivitä Microsoft Edgeen, jotta voit hyödyntää uusimpia ominaisuuksia, suojauspäivityksiä ja teknistä tukea.
Beginning April 01, 2026, Unified Service Desk will be deprecated. We recommend that you start using Customer Service workspace. Learn more in Transition from Unified Service Desk to Customer Service workspace.
Unified Service Desk for Dynamics 365 model-driven apps provides a configurable framework for quickly building applications for call centers so that agents can get a unified view of the customer data stored in Microsoft Dataverse. You can aggregate customer information from different areas in Dataverse into an integrated desktop that provides a 360° view of the customer interactions. This gives your customer service agents immediate access to business critical information so they can quickly engage with customers and address queries and issues.
Unified Service Desk, which is built using the User Interface Integration (UII) framework, is designed as a series of adapters and modules that facilitate management of UI elements (such as pages and dialogs), automatic loading of related records, agent scripting, a configurable toolbar, and so on. Unified Service Desk can be configured and administered using Dataverse or Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Outlook. Using Unified Service Desk to configure agent applications doesn’t require you to write code for the most part, and therefore reduces the lead time to design an agent application as per your business requirements. Also, with the computer telephony integration (CTI) framework of UII, organizations can build adapters to connect Unified Service Desk with their existing CTI infrastructure to support customer communication in agent desktops over various channels such as chat, email, or telephone.
Video: Overview of Unified Service Desk (5:00)
Unified Service Desk leverages the power of the User Interface Integration (UII) framework to help you quickly configure a customized agent application. The UII framework lets you build and deploy composite agent applications that can provide unified access to customer information in Dataverse and external systems, and can aggregate different modes of customer interactions or channels. UII provides a framework for non-intrusive integration of existing line-of-business (LOB) systems at the UI level. For more information about how you can use UII, see Unified Service Desk and the UII framework.
Unified Service Desk is a collection of solutions and data files that contain configuration entities and the underlying entities for the UII framework. You configure the Unified Service Desk entities to define the user experience in the client application, such as various controls, their layout, user flow, and so on. All configuration information is stored in the Unified Service Desk entities, and you can bundle it along with the solutions and data files into a “package” that defines a Unified Service Desk application. The package can then be deployed to any Dataverse instance, and users can connect to it using the Unified Service Desk client application to experience the interface and functionality defined by the configuration data of the application.
The Unified Service Desk feature is defined by the following two solution files:
Dynamics Unified Service Desk: This solution file contains the primary Unified Service Desk entities that you configure to define the agent application experience.
User Interface Integration for the Common Data Service platform: This solution contains the underlying entities required by the Unified Service Desk configuration entities.
Unified Service Desk comes with four sample applications. More information: Sample Unified Service Desk applications
For information about the core Unified Service Desk concepts, see Components of Unified Service Desk.
Call center challenges and how Unified Service Desk can help?
14. helmik. klo 16 - 31. maalisk. klo 16
Kun sinulla on neljä mahdollisuutta osallistua, voit voittaa konferenssipaketin ja päästä LIVE Grand Finaleen Las Vegasissa
Design the Dynamics 365 deployment - Training
Explore Dynamics 365 customization, focusing on user needs, problem evaluation from multiple perspectives, and successful solution design.
Paranna asiakaspalvelutoimintojen liiketoimintaprosesseja, kuten automaattista palvelupyyntöjen luomista ja jononhallintaa Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Servicen avulla.
Yhteyden muodostaminen mallipohjaiseen sovellukseen Unified Service Desk -asiakasohjelman avulla
Tietoja Unified Service Deskin kirjautumisesta Unified Service Desk -asiakasohjelman avulla. Tietoja on myös Unified Service Deskin kertakirjautumisesta.
Customer Service workspacen käyttöön siirtyminen
Opi siirtyminen Dynamics 365 Unified Service Desk -ratkaisusta Customer Service workspaceen.
Puhelinkeskuksen haasteiden käsitteleminen Unified Service Deskin avulla
Tietoja puhelinkeskusalasta ja sen haasteista sekä tavoista, joilla Unified Service Desk voi auttaa yritystä ja asiakaspalvelijoita selviytymään tällaisista haasteista.
Unified Service Deskin omnikanava
Asiakaspalvelun omnikanava -ratkaisu on sovellus, joka on otettava käyttöön Unified Service Desk -asiakassovelluksessa.