Microsoft Dynamics AX form list
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Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3
This topic provides a list of the Help topics for the forms in Microsoft Dynamics AX. These topics provide descriptions of the fields, buttons, tabs, and other controls in the forms, and other information about the purpose of the form. When you’re looking for information about a specific form, you can start your search in this topic. To search quickly, press Ctrl+F and enter the name of the form. In some cases, you can also enter the Application Object Tree (AOT) name of the form to search.
Microsoft Dynamics AX form topics
[Workflow name] - Submit (form)
(USA) 1099 software vendor (form)
(ESP) 347 validation lists (form)
(IND) Abatement certificate (form)
About Microsoft Dynamics AX (form)
(BRA) Absorbed costs cancellation (form)
(BRA) Absorption costs - Monthly closing (form)
Accounting distributions (form)
(IND) Accounting distributions (modified form)
Accounting distribution templates (form)
(EEUR) Account interval (form)
(ITA) Account interval to exclude (form)
(BRA) Account number (modified form)
Accounts for automatic transactions (form)
Accounts for automatic transactions (form) (Project Management and Accounting Add-in)
Accounts payable parameters (form)
(POL) Accounts payable parameters (modified form)
(JPN) Accounts payable parameters (modified form)
(BRA) Accounts payable parameters (modified form)
(LTU) Accounts payable parameters (modified form)
(IND) Accounts payable parameters (modified form)
(CZE) Accounts payable parameters (modified form)
(LVA) Accounts payable parameters (modified form)
(HUN) Accounts payable parameters (modified form)
(EEUR) Accounts payable parameters (modified form)
Accounts receivable parameters (form)
(PM) Accounts receivable parameters (form)
(EEUR) Accounts receivable parameters (modified form)
(JPN) Accounts receivable parameters (modified form)
(LVA) Accounts receivable parameters (modified form)
(CZE) Accounts receivable parameters (modified form)
(HUN) Accounts receivable parameters (modified form)
(CHN) Accounts receivable parameters (modified form)
(LTU) Accounts receivable parameters (modified form)
(POL) Accounts receivable parameters (modified form)
(BRA) Accounts receivable parameters (modified form)
Acquisition adjustment proposal (form)
Activate production flow (class form)
Activate sales price/discount (form)
Activate transaction combinations (form)
(CHN) Activate transaction combinations (modified form)
Active Directory Import Wizard (form)
Activity summary (form) (Public sector)
Add existing activity (class form)
Add items (to quality group) (form)
Add items to standard cost conversion (form)
(AUS) Additional BAS reconciliation account (form)
(AUS) Additional BAS report boxes (form)
Additional consolidation accounts (form)
(BEL) Additional sales tax report boxes (form)
Add new external catalog link (form)
Add output order to shipment (form)
Add permissions to privilege (form)
Add products to release (form)
(BRA) Address setup (modified form)
(CZE) Address setup (modified form)
Add subcontracting service to activity (form)
Add to consolidated batch order (form)
Add vendor evaluation criterion groups (form)
Add vendor to legal entities (form)
Adjust flex balance (class form)
Adjust inventory transactions (class form)
Adjustment of on-hand inventory (class form)
Adjustment of on-hand inventory (form)
(EEUR) Adjustment of on-hand inventory (modified class form)
(IND) Adjustments (modified form)
Adjust payroll statistics (class form)
Adjust transactions (class form) (Project)
Adjust transactions (form) (Inventory)
(IND) Adjust transactions (modified class form)
(EEUR) Adjust transactions (modified class form) (Inventory)
(EEUR) Adjust transactions (modified class form) (Project)
Administration of web sites (form)
Advanced ledger entry (form) (Public sector)
Advanced rule structures (form)
(EEUR) Advance holder groups (form)
(EEUR) Advance holder transactions (form)
Aging period definitions (form)
Aging period definition statistics (form)
Agreement classification (form)
Agreement classification translation (form)
AIF file system adapter configuration (form)
AIF outbound transforms (form)
AIF Pipeline XSLT transform (form)
AIF Select service operations (form)
AIF trusted intermediaries (form)
AIF value substitution component configuration (form)
AIF value substitution configuration (form)
AIF value substitution maps (form)
Finalize purchase order (form)
(BRA) All fiscal documents (list page)
Allocate charges - Invoice (form)
(IND) Allocate charges (modified form)
Allocation keys for bundled jobs (form)
(PM) All production orders (list page)
(BRA) All purchase complementary fiscal documents (list page)
(BRA) All sales complementary fiscal documents (list page)
(LTU) Amount spent for repair (form)
Analysis Services Project Wizard
Financial dimension default templates (form)
Financial dimension sets (form)
Financial dimension values (form)
(RUS) Financial dimension values (modified form)
(EEUR) Financial report generator parameters copying (form)
(RUS) Financial report generator parameters copying (form)
(EEUR) Financial reports generator (form)
(RUS) Financial reports generator (form)
Financial statement report (form)
(JPN) Financial statement setup (modified form)
Financial statement setup (form)
(IND) Annual consumption (form)
Answer on questionnaire (form)
Application e-mail templates (form)
(IND) Approval EPCG schemes (form)
(LVA) Approval of bank information (form)
Approve absence requests (form)
Approve application basket records (form)
Approve bill of materials (class form)
Approve BOM or formula (class form)
Approve BOM version (class form)
(IND) Approved EPCG schemes (form)
Approved vendor list by item (form)
Approved vendor list by vendor (form)
Approved vendor list expiration (form)
(PM) Approve formula version (class form)
Approve model version (class form)
Approve product model (class form)
Approve registrations (class form)
Approve route version (class form)
Archive future registrations (class form)
Areas of responsibility (form)
(IND) Asset depreciation book (modified form)
(CZE) Asset depreciation books (modified form)
Assign circulating card (form)
Assigned indirect cost components (form)
(BRA) Assign fiscal document types (form)
Assign fixed asset number to bar code (form)
Assign teams to address books (form)
Assign users to or exclude users from role (form)
Associate derived financial hierarchies (form) (Public sector)
Associated inventory batches (form)
(PM) Attached agreement (form)
Attribute-based pricing data (form)
Attribute enumerate values (form)
Attribute groups (form) (Project)
Attribute groups (form) (Retail)
Audit policy rule test result (form)
Available ship and receipt dates (form)
(USA) Available solutions (form)
(PM) Backorder lines-Purchase orders (form)
(PM) Backorder lines-Purchase orders (list page)
(PM) Backorder lines - Sales orders (form)
(PM) Backorder lines-Sales orders (list page)
Backorder purchase lines (form)
Balance control accounts (form)
(RUS) Balance turnover register (employees) (form)
(CZE) Balance sheet definition (form)
(PM) Balances of periods - Demand forecast (form)
Balances of periods - demand (form)
(PM) Balances of periods - Supply forecast
(FRA) Balance summary (form) (Public sector)
Bank account disbursements (form)
(RUS) Bank account reconciliation (modified form)
(RUS) Bank accounts (modified form)
(EEUR) Bank accounts (modified form)
(LTU) Bank accounts (modified form)
(CZE) Bank accounts (modified form)
(LVA) Bank accounts (modified form)
(JPN) Bank accounts (modified form)
(BEL) Bank account statement details (form)
Bank account transactions (form)
(NOR) Bank account trap (form)
(IND) Bank certificate number (form)
(CZE) Bank constant symbols (form)
Bank documents posting profile (form)
Banked tender transactions (form)
Bank facility agreement details (form)
(SWE) Bank Giro Autogiro (form)
(JPN) Bank groups (modified form)
(IND) Bank guarantee details (form)
(POL) Bank parameters (modified form)
Bank reconciliation journal (form)
Bank reconciliation worksheet (form)
Bank transaction groups (form)
(LVA) Bank transactions (modified form)
(RUS) Bank transactions (modified form)
(RUS) Bank transaction type (modified form)
Bar code mask characters (form)
(AUS) BAS fringe benefit reason codes (form)
(AUS) BAS PAYG reason codes (form)
(PM) Batch attribute selection (form)
Batch attributes inquiry (form)
Batch disposition master (form)
Batch job for delivery due date notification workflow (form)
Batch transfer for subledger journals (form)
(PM) Batch number creation (form)
Beginning balance journal (form)
Benefit accrual balances (form)
Benefit accrual plans (form) 6.2 CU7 and prior
Benefit accruals (form) 6.2 CU7 and prior
Benefit accrual transactions (form)
Benefit eligibility policies (list page)
Benefit eligibility policy (form)
Benefit eligibility rules (form)
Billing classifications (form) (Public sector)
Billing code custom fields (form) (Public sector)
Billing codes (form) (Public sector)
(IND) Billing rules (modified form)
(IND) Bill of entry journal (form)
(IND) Bill of entry number (form)
Bill of exchange document (class form)
Bill of exchange invoices (form)
Bill of exchange journal (form)
Bill of exchange layout (form)
Bill of exchange signature (form)
(PM) Bill of lading items (form)
(RUS) Bill of lading (modified form)
(PM) Bill of lading orders (form)
Bills of exchange statistics (form)
Bills of exchange origin (form)
(IND) Block extension details (form)
BLWI country/region groups (form)
BOM calculation results (form)
(RUS) BOM calculation results (modified form)
(RUS) BOM line (modified form)
BOM values for report as finished setup (form)
Bonus depreciation proposal (form)
Budget allocation terms (form)
Budget analysis for actual expenditures (form) (Public sector)
Budget analysis for encumbrances (form) (Public sector)
Budget analysis (form) (Public sector)
Budget analysis for pre-encumbrances (form) (Public sector)
Budget analysis for revised budgets (form) (Public sector)
Budget check errors or warnings (form)
Budget control configuration (form)
(RUS) Budget control configuration (modified form)
Budget control statistics (form)
Budget cycle time spans (form)
Budget planning configuration (form)
Budget planning process (form)
Budget plan proposed assets (form)
Budget plan proposed projects (form)
Budget registry entries inquiry (form)
Budget reservations for encumbrances (form)
Budget reservations for pre-encumbrances (form)
(RUS) Budget revenue classification (form)
Bulk edit opportunity lines in opportunity (form)
Business classifications for accounts (form)
Business classifications (form)
Business justifications (form)
Business overview - add indicator (form)
Business overview - edit indicator (form)
Business overview - manage indicators (form)
Business rules for fixed asset determination (form)
Business statistics data (form)
(RUS) By-product journal lines (form)
(RUS) By-product transactions (form)
Calculate cash flow forecasts (form)
Calculate distribution basis (form)
Calculate estimate (class form)
Calculate proposal for minimum inventory level (class form)
Calculation and approval status (form)
Calculation - Co-products (form)
Calculation for a costing version (form)
Calculation for an item (form)
Calculations (Production order price calculations) (form)
Calculator for units - Bulk item conversion (form)
Calendar deviations for resource (form)
Call list responsibilities (form)
Campaign mail merge file (form)
Campaign responsibilities (form)
Campaign target contacts (form)
(CAN) Account identifiers (form)
Cancel bill of exchange (class form)
(BRA) Cancel customer fiscal document (form)
Cancellation - Initialize (form)
(RUS) Cancellation of by-product journal (form)
(RUS) Cancellation of preliminary processing (form)
Cancel payment (form) (deposit slips)
Cancel picking line (class form)
(BRA) Cancel project invoice (form)
Cancel promissory note (class form)
Cancel service level agreement (form)
(BRA) Cancel transfer fiscal document (form)
(BRA) Cancel vendor fiscal document (form)
Capacity requirement statistics (form)
Capacity reservations in graph (form)
(PM) Capacity reservations on resources or resource groups (form)
Capacity reservations on resources or resource groups (form)
Carrier transaction information (form)
Case category type security (form)
(HUN) Cash accounts (modified form)
Cash and bank management parameters (form)
(EEUR) Cash and bank management parameters (modified form)
(LVA) Cash and bank management parameters (modified form)
(HUN) Cash and bank management parameters (modified form)
(RUS) Cash and bank management parameters (modified form)
(POL) Cash and bank management parameters (modified form)
(RUS) Cash balance recalculation (form)
(RUS) Cash counting statement (INV-15) (form)
(RUS) Cash due announcement journal (form)
(RUS) Cash flow forecasts (modified form)
Cash flow forecast transactions (form)
(ESP) Cash ledger accounts (form)
(LVA) Cash receipt books (form)
(LVA) Cash receipts movements (form)
(LVA) Cash receipts transactions (form)
(LVA) Cash receipt update (form)
(LVA) Cash transaction reporting (form)
(EEUR) Cash transactions (form)
(HUN) Cash transactions (modified form)
(POL) Cash transactions (modified form)
Catalog approval page (form) (Retail)
Category access policy rule (form)
(POL) Category hierarchies (modified form)
Category hierarchy types (form)
Category validation project assignments (form)
Category validation worker assignments (form)
Certificate of analysis (form)
(IND) Certificate transactions (form)
Certification type (form) (Public sector)
(MEX) CFD (electronic invoices) (form)
(BRA) CFOP mapping for transfer orders (form)
(IND) Challan information (form)
Change case association (form)
Change destination location (form)
(ITA) Change first page number (form)
Change fixed asset group (form)
Change method of payment (form)
Change nonconformance type (form)
Change party association (form)
Change planned order status (class form)
Change planned order type (class form)
Change project group (class form)
Change quality test type (form)
Change the assigned resource (form)
Change the date of the voucher (class form)
(RUS) Charges allocation (form)
(BRA) Charges code (modified form)
(RUS) Charges code (modified form)
(EEUR) Charges code (modified form)
(HUN) Charges code (modified form)
Charges totals details/Compare charges values (form)
(RUS) Charges transactions (modified form)
(POL) Chart of accounts (modified form)
(CHN) Chart of accounts (modified form)
(IND) Chart of accounts (modified form)
Check BOM or formula (class form)
Check intercompany order price discrepancies (form)
Check journal (class form) (Project)
(BRA) Check layout (modified form)
(BRA) Choose fiscal reference based fiscal documents (form)
Clean up registrations (class form)
Clean up unused inventory dimensions (class form)
Client performance options (form)
Clock out workers (class form)
Closed customer transaction editing in several currencies (form)
(BRA) Closed customer transaction editing in several currencies (modified form)
(RUS) Closed transaction editing in several currencies (form)
Closed vendor transaction editing in several currencies (form)
(BRA) Closed vendor transaction editing in several currencies (modified form)
(RUS) Closing and adjustment (form)
(BEL) CODA transaction group (form)
Collaboration workspace settings (form)
(RUS) Collation statements journal (form)
Collection letter journal (form)
Collections activities (list page)
Collective registration (form)
Commerce Data Exchange: Real-time Service profile (form)
Commerce Data Exchange: Synch Service messages (form)
Commerce Data Exchange: Synch Service message tree (form)
Commerce Data Exchange: Synch Service profiles (form)
Commerce Data Exchange: Synch Service upload options (form)
Commission customer group (form)
Commission transactions (form)
(FRA) Commitment close (form) (Public sector)
(FRA) Commitment (form) (Public sector)
(POL) Commodity codes (modified form)
(EEUR) Commodity codes (modified form)
Commodity pricing template (form)
(USA) Company web address (form)
Compare data upgrade row counts (form)
Compare purchase order versions (form)
Compare request for quotation replies (form)
(PM) Compare request for quotation replies (form)
(HUN) Compensation of customer/vendor transactions (form)
(POL) Compensation of customer/vendor transactions (form)
Competency - Certificates (form)
Compile product model (class form)
Complete a questionnaire (form)
Complete formula calculation (form)
Complete job and enter details (form)
Compose working times (class form)
Compounding rules - Cost (form)
Compounding rules - Invoice (form)
Compounding rules - Revenue (form)
Compression of Intrastat (form)
(RUS) Conditions for FA group definition (form)
(USA) Configuration checklist - Commerce Services (form)
(USA) Configuration checklist - Sites Services (form)
(RUS) Configuration of electronic document sending (form)
Configuration rules - Formula (form)
Configuration templates (form)
(BRA) Configurator definition groups (form)
(BRA) Configurator export utility (form)
(BRA) Configurator layout groups (form)
Configure account structures (form)
Configure exchange rate providers (form)
Configure registration forms (form)
Configure selected item (form)
(PM) Confirmation journal (form)
(IND) Confirmation journal (modified form)
Confirmation of product receipt policies (form)
Confirming PO codes (form) (Public sector)
Confirm quotation (class form)
Connect to source database (form)
Consistency check (class form)
Consolidated batch orders (form)
Consolidated batch orders (list page)
(JPN) Consolidated invoice (form)
(BRA) Consolidate (modified form)
Consolidation account groups (form)
Constraint-based product configuration model details (form)
Consumption depreciation (form)
(JPN) Consumption tax working sheet (form)
(JPN) Contacts (modified form)
(SAU) Contracts - vendor details (form)
Contribution calculation rates (form) 6.2 CU7 and prior
Converted exchange rates (form)
Converted secondary exchange rates (form)
Converted triangulation flags (form)
Convert to products not stocked (form)
Code upgrade rule configuration (form)
Co-product cost allocation (form)
Copy costing versions (class form)
Copy day in pay agreement (class form)
Copy forecasts to ledger (class form)
Copy forecast to on-account (form)
(PM) Copy from all - Sales quotations (form)
Copy from all - Sales quotations (form)
(PM) Copy from lines - Requests for quotations (form)
Copy from product model (class form)
(PM) Copy from sales lines (form)
Copy lines to a new journal (form)
(RUS) Copy lines to a new journal (modified form)
Copy pay agreement (class form)
Copy pricing calculation (form)
(IND) Copy product group (form)
Copy profile day setup (class form)
(RUS) Copy purchase orders (modified form)
(IND) Copy purchase orders (modified form)
Copy purchase - Purchase requisition (form)
Copy purchase requisition lines to request for quotations (form)
(CZE) Copy sales orders (modified form)
(IND) Copy sales orders (modified form)
Copy service agreement lines (form)
Copy service order lines (form)
Copy service template lines (form)
Copy variable setup (class form)
(IND) Copy withholding tax components (form)
(BRA) Correction letter (form)
(BRA) Cost absorption journal (form)
(BRA) Cost absorption journal lines (form)
(BRA) Cost absorption parameters (form)
Cost accounting accrual schemes (form)
Cost accounting accrual transactions (form)
Cost accounting budget model (form)
Cost accounting journal texts (form)
Cost category references (form)
(RUS) Cost explorer (modified form)
Cost rollup by cost group (form)
(LTU) Counters management (form)
Counting (Quantity adjustment) (form)
Countries/regions that require item reporting (form)
Country/region parameters (form)
Cover page for payments report (form) (Public sector)
Create/Rename favorite group or folder (form)
Create activity relation (form)
Create adjustment transactions (class form)
(CHN) Create a ledger account (form)
Create financial dimension (form)
Create and update routes (form)
(RUS) Create a new line (form)
Create application document (form)
(IND) Create certificates (form)
Create circulating cards (form)
Create collaboration workspace (form)
Create consolidation opportunity (form)
Create consumption proposal (form)
(EEUR) Create corrected invoice (form)
(RUS) Create correction (form)
(EEUR) Create credit note for free text invoice (form)
(EEUR) Create credit note for sales order (form)
(RUS) Create customs journal (form)
(CZE) Create depreciation suspension (form)
Create e-mail group (class form)
(IND) Create export obligation periods (form)
Create fixed quantity kanbans (form)
Create input transport (class form)
(FRA) Create Intrastat diskette in French layout (class form)
(DEU) Create Intrastat diskette in German layout (class form)
Create invoice proposal (form)
Create invoice proposals (class form)
Create invoice proposals for projects that have billing rules (form)
(IND) Create invoice proposals (modified form)
Create item counting journal (class form)
Create journal(s) for the relief of legacy accrual of unmatched quantities (form)
(RUS) Create lines - Advance report (form)
Create mass hire positions (form)
Create minimum inventory journal lines (class form)
Create new plan activity (form)
(RUS) Create new worker (modified form)
Create new work item queue assignment rule (form)
(PM) Create nonconformance (form)
(RUS) Create or update FRG lines (form)
Create picking list journal lines (class form)
(PM) Create planned purchase order (form)
Create price and margin data (form)
Create production order (form)
Create purchase documents for subcontracting services (class form)
(PM) Create purchase lines (form)
(PM) Create purchase order from sales (form)
(IND) Create purchase order (modified form)
Create purchase order or direct delivery from sales (form)
Create purchase packing material transaction (form)
Create purchase release order (form)
(PM) Create purchase release orders (form)
(PM) Create quality order (form)
Create refill for picking location (class form)
(RUS) Create report cells (form)
(POL) Create SAD documents (form)
(PM) Create sales lines (form)
(RUS) Create sales lines (modified form)
(IND) Create sales order (modified form)
Create sales release order (form)
(PM) Create sales release order (form)
Create scheduled kanbans (form)
Create service orders (class form)
Create table definition group (form)
Create time registration workers (form)
(IND) Create withholding tax journal (form)
Creation of collection letter (class form)
Credit card category codes (form)
Credit card import from folder (class form)
Credit Card Setup Wizard (form)
Credit card transactions (form)
(RUS) Creditors debt cancellation (form)
(RUS) Currencies (modified form)
Currency exchange rates (form)
(HUN) Currency exchange rate types (form)
Currency for the current requirement (form)
Currency requirement date (form)
Currency revaluation accounts (form)
(RUS) Currency revaluation accounts (modified form)
(BRA) Custom check layout (form)
Customer aging snapshot (form)
(CHN) Customer balance inquiry (form)
(LVA) Customer bank accounts (modified form)
(CZE) Customer bank accounts (modified form)
(RUS) Customer bank accounts (modified form)
(LTU) Customer bank accounts (modified form)
(EEUR) Customer bank accounts (modified form)
Customer classification groups (form)
Customer foreign currency revaluation (form)
Customer foreign currency revaluation periodic job (class form)
(POL) Customer groups (modified form)
Customer interest range (form)
Customer invoice journal (form)
(PM) Customer invoice journal (form)
(BRA) Customer invoice journal (modified form)
(HUN) Customer invoice journal (modified form)
(EEUR) Customer invoice journal (modified form)
(RUS) Customer invoice journal (modified form)
(POL) Customer invoice journal (modified form)
(IND) Customer invoice journal (modified form)
(CZE) Customer invoice journal (modified form)
(CHN) Customer invoice journal (modified form)
Customer invoice lines – Sales agreements (form)
Customer invoice recurrence history (form)
Customer invoice totals (form)
(NOR) Customer method of payment bank accounts (form)
(LTU) Customer methods of payment (modified form)
(JPN) Customer open transaction editing (modified form)
Customer payment by check (form)
Customer payment fee setup (form)
(LTU) Customer payment journal lines (modified form)
Customer payment management fee (form)
Customer payment management transactions (form)
Customer payment proposal (class form)
Customer payment proposal - Draw bill of exchange (class form)
Customer payment proposal - Edit (form)
(BRA) Customer payment proposal - Edit (modified form)
(JPN) Customer payment proposal (modified form)
Customer payment retention terms (form)
Customer payment schedule (form)
Customer payment specification (form)
(BRA) Customer payment specification (modified form)
Customer postdated checks (form)
Customer posting profiles (form)
(BRA) Customer posting profiles (modified form)
(POL) Customer posting profiles (modified form)
(RUS) Customer posting profiles (modified form)
Customer product model group (form)
Customer recurring invoice (form)
(RUS) Customer recurring invoice (modified form)
Customer recurring invoice totals (form)
Customer remittance file (form)
Customer responsibilities (form)
Customers assigned to the selected template (list page)
Customer self-service parameters (form)
(BRA) Customer settlement (modified form)
(EEUR) Customers (modified form)
(JPN) Customers (modified form)
(POL) Customers (modified form)
(BRA) Customers (modified form)
(HUN) Customers (modified form)
(IND) Customers (modified form)
(LTU) Customers (modified form)
(EST) Customers (modified form)
(RUS) Customers (modified form)
Customer transactions marked for settlement (form)
(POL) Customer transactions (modified form)
(BRA) Customer transactions (modified form)
(IND) Customer transactions (modified form)
(EEUR) Customer transactions (modified form)
(HUN) Customer transactions (modified form)
(RUS) Customs counteragents (form)
(RUS) Customs fees calculation (form)
(IND) Customs tariff codes (form)
(IND) Customs transactions (form)
(RUS) Customs value correction (form)
(DEU) Data export definition groups (form)
(DEU) Data export fields (form)
(DEU) Data export relations (form)
(DEU, FRA) Data export tables (form)
(PM) Data, material stockout list (form)
Date effective policies for role (form)
Deactivate production flow (class form)
(BRA) Debit note journals (form)
(BRA) Debit note proposal (form)
(ESP) Declaration 347 tenants (form)
(ESP) Declaration 347 transactions (form)
Default offset account for expenses (form)
(PM) Default order settings (form)
Default request for quotation reply fields (form)
Default signing limit rule details (form)
Default tax region (form) 6.2 CU7 and prior
(IND) Deferment installment (form)
(IND) Deferment schedule (form)
(RUS) Deferral balances (form)
(RUS) Deferrals counting journal (form)
(RUS) Deferrals counting journal line (form)
(RUS) Deferrals creating (form)
(RUS) Deferrals posting profiles (form)
(RUS) Deferrals sum for writing off calculation (form)
(RUS) Deferrals transactions (form)
(RUS) Deferrals writing off factor calculation (form)
(RUS) Deferrals writing off profile (form)
(BRA) Definition group wizard (form)
(PM) Delayed purchase orders (list page)
(IND) Delete certificates (form)
Delete consumption proposal (form)
Delete depreciation book transactions (form)
Delete fixed asset budgets (form)
Delete inventory journals (class form)
Delete production journals (class form)
Delete productions (class form)
Delete project journals (class form)
Delete purchase history of update ( form)
Delete requests for quotations (form)
Delete sales history of update (class form)
Delete selected journal lines (form)
(PM) Deliver picked items (form)
Delivery e-mail addresses (form)
Delivery schedule - Purchase order (form)
(PM) Delivery schedule - Purchase order (form)
Delivery schedule - Sales order (form)
(PM) Delivery schedule - Sales order (form)
(PM) Delivery schedule - Sales quotation (form)
Delivery schedule - Sales quotation (form)
(RUS) Demand forecast (modified form)
Denomination currencies (form)
Deposit slip payment cancellations lines (form)
(RUS) Depreciation bonus (form)
Depreciation book bonus depreciation (form)
Depreciation book journal (form)
Depreciation book journal names (form)
(CZE) Depreciation books (modified form)
(IND) Depreciation books (modified form)
(EEUR) Depreciation books (modified form)
(EEUR) Depreciation books setup (modified form)
Depreciation books setup (form)
Depreciation book transactions (form)
(CZE) Depreciation groups (form)
(RUS) Depreciation groups (form)
(POL) Depreciation groups (form)
(RUS) Depreciation methods (form)
(HUN) Depreciation profile (modified form)
(CZE) Depreciation profiles (modified form)
(CZE) Depreciation proposal (modified form)
(POL) Depreciation proposal (modified form)
(CZE) Depreciation suspension (form)
Derived financial hierarchies (form) (Public sector)
(IND) Details of annual consumption (form)
(IND) Details of confirmed orders (form)
(IND) Details of export orders (form)
(CHN) Dimension matrix report (form)
Dimension selector - Price margin update (form)
Disposable income definitions (form) 6.2 CU7 and prior
(CZE) Disposal parameters (modified form)
(POL) Disposal parameters (modified form)
Disputed credit card transactions (form)
(RUS) Distribution - tax reporting (form)
Document management parameters (form)
Document selection date range (form)
(RUS) Document templates (form)
Duplicate product configuration model (form)
(IND) Duty drawback rates (form)
(IND) Duty Drawback transactions (form)
(IND) Duty drawback values (form)
(POL) Duty rates groups (form)
Earning codes (form) 6.2 CU7 and prior
Earnings statement lines (form)
Edit contact information (form)
Edit co-product or by-product line (form)
(BRA) Edit customer payments (modified form)
Edit forecast transactions (form)
Edit forecast transactions (form) (Project)
Editing of forecast transactions (form)
Edit service or template BOM line (form)
(RUS) Edit transactions (form)
Education discipline category (form)
(NOR) eInvoice enrollment and answer (form)
(NLD) Electronic declaration returned errors (form)
(DEU) Electronic document - file transactions (form)
(RUS) Electronic document identifiers (form)
(RUS) Electronic document send journal (form)
(NLD) Electronic ICP declaration corrections (form)
(NLD) Electronic ICP declaration deliveries (form)
(NLD) Electronic ICP declaration (form)
(MEX) Electronic invoice parameters (form)
(NLD) Electronic OB declaration details (form)
(NLD) Electronic OB declaration (form)
Electronic signature parameters (form)
Electronic signature reason codes (form)
Electronic signature requirements (form)
(DEU) Electronic tax declaration log (form)
(NLD) Electronic tax declaration parameters (form)
(DEU) Electronic tax declaration setup (form)
(NLD) Electronic tax error messages (form)
(CZE) EU Sales list checklist (form)
(HUN) EU sales list (modified form)
(CZE) EU sales list (modified form)
(LTU) EU sales list (modified form)
Eligibility event details (form)
Eliminate estimate (class form)
E-mail distributor batch (form)
Employee fixed compensation (form)
(EEUR) Employee posting profiles (form)
(RUS) Employee posting profiles (form)
Employee variable compensation awards (form)
Employee variable compensation enrollment (form)
Employer tax regions (form) 6.2 CU7 and prior
(JPN) Endorse bill of exchange (list page)
Enter account financial dimensions (form)
Enter customer payments (form)
(BRA) Enter customer payments (modified form)
Enterprise Portal parameters (form)
(IND) Enterprise tax registration numbers (form)
Entity transaction error message (form)
Environmental conversion (form)
Environmental process maps (form)
Environmental process references (form)
Environmental sustainability parameters (form)
(IND) EPCG export obligation (form)
(ESP) Make diskette for Intrastat in Spanish layout (class form)
Event processing results (form)
(RUS) Exchange formats for settlement account (form)
(RUS) Exchange formats of client-bank (form)
(RUS) Exchange rate factor (form)
(LTU) Exchange rate (modified form)
(IND) Excise register inquiry (form)
(IND) Excise registers balance inquiry (form)
(IND) Excise register transactions (form)
(IND) Excise tariff codes (form)
(IND) Excise transactions (form)
(IND) EXIM Duty Drawback schemes (form)
(IND) EXIM EPCG schemes (form)
(IND) EXIM Authorization schemes (form)
Expenditure reviewers - Expense reports (form)
Expenditure reviewers - Purchase requisitions (form)
(RUS) Expense and income codes (form)
(RUS) Expense code and ledger relation (form)
(RUS) Expense code setup (form)
(IND) Expense journal (modified form)
(POL) Expense journal (modified form)
Expense purpose for transactions (form)
Expense report policies (list page)
Expense sales tax configuration (form)
Explode BOM lines in purchase order (form)
(RUS) Explode BOM lines in purchase order (modified form)
Explode BOM lines in sales order (form)
(RUS) Explode BOM lines in sales order (modified form)
Explosion - set up display (form)
(NLD) Export financial data for XBRL reporter (form)
(RUS) Export confirmation period (form)
Export document types (class form)
(RUS) Exported payments (form)
(LTU) Export invoice register (FR0671) (form)
(LTU) Export invoice register (FR0672) (form)
Export ledger transactions to an ASCII file in CED format (form)
Export letter of credit/import collection (form)
(IND) Export obligation (form)
(RUS) Export of payments to client-bank (form)
(IND) Export order details (form)
(ESP) Export report 347 to an ASCII file (form)
(RUS) Export templates settings (form)
(IND) Export transaction details (form)
Expression constraint editor (form)
Index subscription (class form)
(POL) Ext. inventory delivery note number sequence (form)
(RUS) Extended data types (form)
(POL) External inventory on-hand (form)
External product descriptions (form)
Extraordinary depreciation proposal (form)
(RUS) Facture accounting journal (form)
(RUS) Facture final state (form)
(RUS) Facture and payment settlement (form)
(RUS) Facture operation codes (form)
(RUS) FA counting lines (form)
(RUS) Factors for deferrals writing off (form)
(RUS) FA group value models (form)
Fallback warehouse for site (form)
(RUS) FA revaluation lines (form)
(RUS) Fees of storage and escort (form)
(IND) Fee transactions, services (modified form)
(NOR) File archiving parameters (form)
File format for the export of the financial statement (form)
(EST) File formats for methods of payment (form)
Filter on action creations (form)
Filter results (form) (Public sector)
Filter transfer kanban jobs (form)
Firm consolidated batch orders (form)
(BRA) Fiscal establishment groups (form)
(BRA) Fiscal establishments (form)
(IND) Fiscal calendars (modified form)
(BRA) Fiscal classification codes (form)
(BRA) Fiscal document source texts (form)
(BRA) Fiscal documents pending an update to contingency mode (list page)
(BRA) Fiscal document texts (form)
(BRA) Fiscal document types (form)
Fiscal LIFO calculation engine - Final (form)
Fiscal LIFO calculation engine - Internal (form)
(ITA) Fiscal LIFO journal lines (form)
(ITA) Fiscal LIFO reporting group (form)
Fixed asset changes history (form)
Fixed asset depreciation profile schedules (form)
(POL) Fixed asset details (modified form)
Fixed asset group/depreciation book bonus (form)
Fixed asset group/depreciation book (form)
Fixed asset group/value model (form)
(IND) Fixed asset group/ Value model (modified form)
(LVA) Fixed asset internal transfer history (form)
(CZE) Fixed asset journal lines (modified form)
(LTU) Fixed asset packing slip (form)
(LTU) Fixed asset packing slip register (form)
(RUS) Fixed asset parameters (form)
(RUS) Fixed asset posting profiles (form)
Fixed asset posting profiles (form)
Fixed asset provision types (form)
Fixed assets budget register entries (form)
(BRA) Fixed assets (modified form)
(LVA) Fixed assets (modified form)
(RUS) Fixed assets (modified form)
(CHN) Fixed asset source types (form)
Fixed assets parameters (form)
(POL) Fixed assets parameters (modified form)
(BRA) Fixed assets parameters (modified form)
(IND) Fixed assets parameters (modified form)
(HUN) Fixed assets parameters (modified form)
Fixed asset statement rows (form)
Fixed assets transfer history (form)
Fixed asset transactions (form)
(LVA) Fixed asset transactions (modified form)
Fixed asset transfer confirmation (form)
(LTU) Fixed asset transfer (modified form)
(IND) Fixed asset value model/shift depreciation (form)
Fixed asset value model inventory transactions (form)
(POL) Fixed asset value models (modified form)
Fixed compensation actions (form)
Fixed compensation plans (form)
Forecast allocations - purchase (form)
Forecast - customer group (form)
Forecast - product dimensions (form)
Forecast scheduling (class form)
Forecast - vendor group (form)
Foreign trade parameters (form)
(EEUR) Foreign trade parameters (modified form)
(HUN) Foreign trade parameters (modified form)
(CZE) Foreign trade parameters (modified form)
(LTU) Foreign trade parameters (modified form)
(POL) Foreign trade parameters (modified form)
Format invoice proposal (form)
(RUS) Format of requisites (form)
Form I-9 document types (form)
(RUS) Forming of storage debt (form)
(RUS) Form setup (modified form)
Formula calculation results (form)
Form W-2 box adjustments (form)
(NOR) Free text interpreter (form)
Free text invoice line custom fields (form) (Public sector)
(IND) Free text invoice (modified form)
(HUN) Free text invoice (modified form)
(CHN) Free text invoice (modified form)
(RUS) Free text invoice (modified form)
(LVA) Free text invoice (modified form)
(EEUR) Free text invoice (modified form)
(ESP) Free text invoice (modified form)
(BRA) Free text invoice (modified form)
(POL) Free text invoice (modified form)
(CZE) Free text invoice (modified form)
(LTU) Free text invoice (modified form)
Free text invoices (list page)
Free text invoice templates (form)
(IND) Free text invoice templates (modified form)
(RUS) Free text invoice templates (modified form)
Free text invoice totals (form)
Freight allocation group (form)
Futures messages details (form)
Funding rule allocations (class form)
Funding source definition (form)
(POL) Funding source details (modified form)
Fund types (form) (Public sector)
Garnishment and tax levy rules (form)
(CHN) GB/T 24589-2010 export (class form)
(CHN) GB/T 24589-2010 parameters (form)
General ledger parameters (form)
(IND) General ledger parameters (modified form)
(EEUR) General ledger parameters (modified form)
(LTU) General ledger parameters (modified form)
(CHN) General ledger parameters (modified form)
(JPN) General ledger parameters (modified form)
(CZE) General ledger parameters (modified form)
(RUS) General ledger parameters (modified form)
Generate budget plan from budget plan (form)
Generate budget plan from fixed assets (form)
Generate budget plan from forecast positions (form)
Generate budget plan from general ledger (form)
Generate budget register entry (form)
(NLD) Generate certificate search string (form)
Generate committed costs (form)
(ESP) Generate declaration 347 (class form)
Generate items and dimensions (form)
Generate mailings (class form)
Generate payments - customer (class form)
Generate payments - vendor (class form)
Generate recurring invoices (form)
Get RFID transactions (class form)
Global address book parameters (form)
(IND) Goods receipt note (form)
Grantor contact information (form)
(EEUR) Ground area categories (form)
Group calendar deviations (form)
Group selected planned orders (class form)
History of batch disposition inventory (form)
(RUS) History of tax allowance changing (form)
(IND) Authorization approval details (form)
(MEX) Authorization numbers (form)
(IND) Authorization purchase details (form)
(IND) Authorization sale details (form)
Hour transactions (form) (Project Management and Accounting Add-in)
Human resource parameters (form)
Human Resources reason codes (form)
Human resources shared parameters (form)
(EST) Human resources shared parameters (modified form)
I-9 document (form) - verification
(IND) India sales tax form types (form)
(IND) India sales tax inquiry (form)
(IND) India sales tax transactions (form)
(RUS) Indicative prices of TN VED (form)
Policy rule: Vendor invoice (form)
(RUS) Identity documents (form)
(ESP) Import financial statement definition (form)
Import conversion data (class form)
Import currency exchange rates (form)
(BRA) Import declaration addition (form)
(BRA) Import declaration (form)
(IND) Import details - AA/DFIA (form)
(IND) Import details - EPCG (form)
Import document types (class form)
(RUS) Imported bank statement (form)
Import faxed receipts for employees or expense reports (form)
(RUS) Import from client-bank (form)
(IND) Import invoice number (form)
(ESP) Import main accounts (form)
Import PRODCOM data (class form)
Import product configuration model (form)
(RUS) Import templates settings (form)
(IND) Import transaction details (form)
Import ZIP/postal codes (form)
(JPN) Import ZIP/postal codes (modified form)
(IND) Incentive scheme groups (form)
(IND) Incentive scheme parameters (form)
(RUS) Increasing of the extended data types (form)
(MEX) Inflation Adjustment B-10 (form)
(RUS) Inflation indexes (form)
Injury or illness incidents (form)
Inquire customer retained payments (form)
Inquiry for vendor retained payments (form)
Interest calculation (class form)
(POL) Interest calculation (modified form)
Intercompany accounting (form)
(BRA) Intercompany accounting (modified form)
Intercompany master scheduling (class form)
Interest lines (form) (Public sector)
(POL) Interest (modified form)
Internal organizations (list page)
Interest note adjustment history (form)
(POL) Interest note (modified form)
Interest setup (modified form)
(BEL) INTERVAT tax declaration (form)
(BEL) Intrastat archive detail (form)
(BEL) Intrastat archive (form)
(POL) Intrastat (modified form)
(LVA) Intrastat (modified form)
(LTU) Intrastat (modified form)
(EEUR) Intrastat (modified form)
(HUN) Intrastat (modified form)
(FIN) Intrastat service point (form)
(BEL) Intrastat to PRODCOM conversion (form)
(PM) Inventory and warehouse management parameters (form)
Inventory and warehouse management parameters (form)
(EEUR) Inventory and warehouse management parameters (modified form)
(IND) Inventory and warehouse management parameters (modified form)
(RUS) Inventory and warehouse management parameters (modified form)
(CHN) Inventory and warehouse management parameters (modified form)
(POL) Inventory and warehouse parameters (modified form)
Inventory batch attributes (form)
Inventory batch attributes - Posting product receipt
(PM) Inventory blocking (form)
(PM) Inventory forecast (form)
(CHN) Inventory in/out status (form)
(LVA) Inventory journal (modified form)
(RUS) Inventory journal (modified form)
(RUS) Inventory journal report table (form)
(RUS) Inventory model groups (modified form)
Inventory movement voucher transactions (form)
(PM) Inventory movement voucher transactions (form)
(RUS) Inventory movement voucher transactions (modified form)
(PM) Inventory order transaction (form)
Inventory order transaction (form)
(RUS) Inventory picking (modified form)
(RUS) Inventory profile - posting profile (form)
(RUS) Inventory profiles (form)
(PM) Inventory registration (form)
Inventory settlements clean up (class form)
(PM) Inventory settlements (form)
(RUS) Inventory settlements (modified form)
Inventory transaction posting (form)
(RUS) Inventory transaction posting (modified form)
(RUS) Inventory transactions (modified form)
(BRA) Invoices paid by Bordero (form)
(CZE) Invoice approval journal (modified form)
Invoice control (form) (Project Management and Accounting Add-in)
(LTU) Invoice history journal (modified form)
(IND) Invoice journal (modified form)
Invoice journals (form) (Project)
(EEUR) Invoice journals (modified form) (Project)
Invoice matching details (form)
(LTU) Invoice numbering setup (form)
(IND) Invoice pool excl. posting (modified form)
Invoice posting history and matching details (form)
Invoice proposals (form) (Project Management and Accounting Add-in)
(IND) Invoice proposals (modified form)
(BRA) Invoice proposals (modified form)
(LTU) Invoice proposals (modified form)
(EEUR) Invoice proposals (modified form)
(LVA) Invoice proposals (modified form)
(EEUR) Invoice register journal lines (modified form)
(POL) Invoice register (modified form)
(IND) Invoice registration (form)
Invoice totals matching details (form)
Invoice totals tolerances (form)
Indirect activities costs (form)
Indirect activities (list page)
Indirect activities setup (form)
Indirect activity cost price (form)
Indirect component transaction (form)
Indirect cost component (form)
Indirect cost component group assignment rules (form)
Indirect cost component groups (form)
Indirect cost transactions (form)
(IND) Indirect tax inquiry (form)
(IND) Indirect tax transactions (form)
(THA, SAU, GBR, IRL) Item withholding tax groups (form)
(THA, SAU, GBR, IRL) New released product (modified form)
(THA, SAU, GBR, IRL) Procurement categories (modified form)
(THA, SAU, GBR, IRL) Released product details (modified form)
(GBR, IRL) Vendors (modified form)
(THA, SAU, GBR, IRL) Withholding tax codes (modified form)
(THA, SAU, GBR, IRL) Withholding tax ledger posting groups (form)
(THA, SAU, GBR, IRL) Withholding tax payments (form)
(THA, SAU, GBR, IRL) Withholding tax settlement periods (form)
(RUS) Issue statements journal (form)
(RUS) Issue and usage rates (form)
(POL) Item codes for SAD (form)
Item coverage journal lines (form)
(ESP) Item group (modified form)
(CHN) Item model groups (modified form)
(CHN) Item posting (modified form)
(RUS) Item posting (modified form)
Item price tolerance groups (form)
(RUS) Item relation with FA group (form)
(RUS) Item relation with TN VED (form)
(BRA) Item requirements (modified form)
(IND) Item requirements (modified form)
Item requirement statistics (form)
(BRA) Item sales tax groups (modified form)
(HUN) Item sales tax groups (modified form)
(IND) Item sales tax groups (modified form)
Job list - limit display (form)
Job registration (Job list) (form)
(PM) Job registration - resource (form)
Job registration - resource (form)
Job types and exempt status (form)
Journal descriptions - General ledger (form)
(RUS) Journal header (modified form)
(ESP) Journalize transactions (class form)
Journalize transactions (form)
Journal lines for beginning balances (form)
(IND) Journal lines for fees on projects (modified form)
Journal lines for hours (form)
(IND) Journal lines for hours (modified form)
Journal lines, Inventory adjustment (form)
(PM) Journal lines, Inventory adjustment (form)
(PM) Journal lines, Inventory BOM (form)
Journal lines, Inventory BOM (form)
Journal lines, Inventory count (form)
(PM) Journal lines, Inventory count (form)
(PM) Journal lines, Inventory count tag (form)
Journal lines, Inventory count tag (form)
(LVA) Journal lines, Inventory (modified form)
Journal lines, Inventory movement (form)
(PM) Journal lines, Inventory movement (form)
(RUS) Journal lines, Inventory movement (modified form)
(IND) Journal lines, Inventory movement (modified form)
(RUS) Journal lines, Inventory profit/loss (modified form)
Journal lines, Inventory project (form)
(IND) Journal lines, inventory project (modified form)
Journal lines, Inventory to fixed assets (form)
(PM) Journal lines, Inventory transfer (form)
Journal lines, Inventory transfer (form)
(RUS) Journal lines, Inventory transfer (modified form)
(PM) Journal lines, locations (form)
Journal lines, locations (form)
(RUS) Journal lines of write-off on condition (form)
(PM) Journal lines, price/discount agreement (form)
Journal lines, price/discount agreement (form)
(IND) Journal lines, price/discount agreement (modified form)
(RUS) Journal lines,price/discount agreement (modified form)
(ITA) Journal names, Fiscal LIFO (form)
Journal names (form) (Project)
Journal names, Inventory (form)
(POL) Journal names, Inventory (modified form)
Journal names, item coverage (form)
(JPN) Journal names setup (modified form)
(RUS) Journal names setup (modified form)
Journal names, warehouse management (form)
(RUS) Journal of passing of property (form)
(RUS) Journal of invoices for payment (form)
Journal voucher - Bill of exchange journal (form)
(RUS) Journal voucher - Bill of exchange journal (modified form)
Journal voucher - Customer payment journal (form)
(LVA) Journal voucher - Customer payment journal (modified form)
(RUS) Journal voucher - Customer payment journal (modified form)
(BRA) Journal voucher - Customer payment journal (modified form)
(IND) Journal voucher - Customer payment journal (modified form)
(RUS) Journal voucher - Deferrals (form)
Journal voucher - Fixed asset budget (form)
Journal voucher - Fixed assets (form)
(RUS) Journal voucher - Fixed assets (modified form)
Journal voucher - General journal (form)
(CHN) Journal voucher - General journal (modified form)
(POL) Journal voucher - General journal (modified form)
(LVA) Journal voucher - General journal (modified form)
(JPN) Journal voucher - General journal (modified form)
(IND) Journal voucher - General journal (modified form)
(RUS) Journal voucher - General journal (modified form)
Journal voucher - Invoice approval journal (form)
(IND) Journal voucher - Invoice approval journal (modified form)
(POL) Journal voucher - Invoice approval journal (modified form)
(RUS) Journal voucher - Invoice approval journal (modified form)
Journal voucher - Invoice journal (form)
(POL) Journal voucher - Invoice journal (modified form)
(IND) Journal voucher - Invoice journal (modified form)
(ESP) Journal voucher - Invoice journal (modified form)
Journal voucher - Invoice register (form)
(RUS) Journal voucher - Invoice register (modified form)
(POL) Journal voucher - Invoice register (modified form)
(ESP) Journal voucher - Invoice register (modified form)
(IND) Journal voucher - Invoice register (modified form)
(CZE) Journal voucher (modified form)
Journal voucher - Payroll payment journal (form)
(IND) Journal voucher, project expense (modified form)
Journal voucher - Promissory note journal (form)
(LVA) Journal voucher - Slip journal (form)
(RUS) Journal voucher - Slip journal (form)
(POL) Journal voucher - Slip journal (form)
Journal voucher - Vendor payment journal (form)
(RUS) Journal voucher - Vendor payment journal (modified form)
(LVA) Journal voucher - Vendor payment journal (modified form)
(BRA) Journal voucher - Vendor payment journal (modified form)
(IND) Journal voucher - Vendor payment journal (modified form)
Kanban board for process jobs (form)
Kanban board for transfer jobs (form)
Kanban quantity calculation (form)
Kanban quantity calculation policies (form)
Keyboard mapping groups (form)
(RUS) Kinds of by-product (form)
Lead qualifying process (form)
Ledger accounting currency conversion (form)
(RUS) Ledger accounts renaming (form)
Ledger accrual transactions (form)
Ledger allocation basis (form)
Ledger allocation basis source (form)
Ledger allocation rule destination (form)
Ledger allocation rule source (form)
(CHN) Ledger calendar (modified form)
Ledger elimination rule (form)
Ledger elimination rule line (form)
Ledger foreign currency revaluation (form)
(RUS) Ledger posting groups (modified form)
(HUN) Ledger posting groups (modified form)
(BRA) Ledger posting groups (modified form)
(RUS) Ledger posting groups of profit tax (form)
(RUS) Ledger posting groups of taxes (form)
Ledger reporting currency conversion (form)
Ledger settlement transactions (form)
(CZE) Ledger statement definition (form)
Ledger updates (form) (Project Management and Accounting Add-in)
(CHN) Legal entities - Additions (form)
(LTU) Legal entities (modified form)
(MEX) Legal entities (modified form)
(RUS) Legal entities (modified form)
(IND) Legal entities (modified form)
(CZE) Legal entities (modified form)
(CHN) Legal entities (modified form)
(BRA) Legal entities (modified form)
(GBR) Legal entities (modifiied form)
(RUS) Legislative tax registration types (form)
Letter of credit / import collection (form)
Letter of credit/Import collection history (form)
Letter of credit margin transactions (form)
(ITA) Italian black list report (form)
(ITA) Italian sales tax book sections (form)
(ITA) Italian sales tax books (form)
Limit agreement exceptions (form)
Limit agreement rule details (form)
Limit currency rule details (form)
(RUS) Lines of storage calculation operation (form)
Link collaboration workspace (form)
(HUN) Linking prepayments to advance invoices (form)
(CZE) Linking prepayments to advance invoices (form)
(POL) Linking prepayment to advance invoices (form)
(MEX) Link main accounts (form)
(MEX) Link sales tax code (form)
(FIN) LM02 export parameters (form)
Load ledger transactions (form)
Load license file (class form)
(RUS) Location journal (modified form)
Logging database changes (form)
Loyalty point transactions (form)
(LTU) Sales packing slip journal (modified form)
(LTU) Sales tax codes (modified form)
(LTU) Sales tax payment (modified form)
(LTU) Sales tax reporting codes (modified form)
(LTU) Sales tax reporting XML codes (form)
(LTU) Sales invoice journal (modified form)
(LTU) Sales orders (modified form)
Main account categories (form)
(CHN) Main account hierarchy (form)
Main accounts - chart of accounts (form)
(BRA) Main accounts - chart of accounts (modified form)
Main account statistics (form)
Maintain details for an external catalog (form)
Maintain benefit versions (form)
(FRA) Maintain mandats de paiement (form) (Public sector)
Maintain payroll versions (form)
Maintain position versions (form)
(FRA) Maintain titres de recette (form) (Public sector)
Maintain user relation versions (form)
(DNK) Make diskette for Intrastat in Danish layout (class form)
(GBR) Make diskette for Intrastat in British layout (class form)
(BEL) Make diskette for Intrastat in Belgian layout (class form)
(ITA) Make diskette for Intrastat in Italian layout (class form)
(FIN) Make diskette for Intrastat in Finnish layout (class form)
(AUT) Make diskette for Intrastat in Austrian layout (class form)
(SWE) Make diskette for Intrastat in Swedish layout (class form)
(NLD) Make diskette for Intrastat in Dutch layout (class form)
(RUS) Manage addresses (modified form)
(BRA) Manage addresses (modified form)
(IND) Manage addresses (modified form)
Manage customer waive limits (form)
Manage Enterprise Portal deployments (form)
Management statistics data editor (form)
Management statistics queries (form)
(IND) Manage tax information (form)
(RUS) Manual correspondence (form)
Manufacturing execution parameters (form)
Manufacturing execution production parameters (form)
Mark check interval for reconciliation (form)
Mass benefit enrollment (form)
Mass benefit enrollment results (form)
Mass create discussions (form)
Mass create sales or project quotations (class form)
Mass hire position details (form)
Master planning parameters (form)
Master planning statistics (form)
Master scheduling (class form)
Match product receipts to invoice (form)
Material reporting lists (form)
(PM) Material stockout list (form)
(CHN) Matrix account report (form)
Max. report as finished (form)
(PM) Max report as finished (form)
Merge address book records (form)
(IND) Merge EPCG licenses (form)
Methods of importing account statements (form)
Methods of payment - customers (form)
(RUS) Methods of payment - customers (modified form)
(BRA) Methods of payment - customers (modified form)
(RUS) Methods of payment (modified form)
Methods of payment - vendors (form)
(BRA) Methods of payment - vendors (modified form)
(RUS) Methods of payment - vendors (modified form)
Microsoft Dynamics AX to Microsoft Outlook or Exchange Server mapping (form)
Microsoft Office Outlook synchronization parameters (form)
Microsoft Outlook administration (form)
Microsoft Outlook setup wizard (class form)
Microsoft Project Server integration global settings (form)
Microsoft Project Server integration settings (form)
(RUS) Misc. charge relation with terms of delivery (form)
(RUS) Misc. charges posting in Accounts receivable (form)
Mix and match discounts (form)
Mix and match line group setup (form)
Mix and match line groups (form)
Modify invalid conditions (form)
Modify payment attributes (form)
(EEUR) Monetary unit declensions (form)
Move service order lines (form)
Multi-dimension on-hand (form)
Multisite activation - dimension inconsistency clean up (class form)
My delegates (form) (Project timesheets)
(LVA) Natural resources tax group (form)
(LVA) Natural resources tax report setup (form)
(USA) NACHA IAT information (form)
New product configuration model (form)
New request for quotation (form)
New status change request (form)
(BRA) NF-e federal parameters (form)
Nonconformance reference (form)
(RUS) Turnover sheet with correspondence (form)
Number of planning periods (form)
(CHN) Number sequences - Additions (form)
(CHN) Number sequences (modified form)
(IND) Auto charges (modified form)
(RUS) Officials (modified form)
Automatic account type selection (form)
(IND) On-account (modified form)
On-account transactions (form)
(PM) On-hand inventory (list page)
(RUS) On-hand inventory (modified form)
(USA) Online service account (form)
Online store transactions (form)
(BRA) Open or close term (form)
Open credit card transactions (form)
Open customer invoices (list page)
(CHN) Open customer invoices (list page)
Open customer transactions (form)
(PM) Open purchase order lines (form)
(PM) Open sales order lines (form)
Open vendor invoices (list page)
(RUS) Open-vendor transaction editing in several currencies (modified form)
Open vendor transactions (form)
(IND) Open vendor transactions (modified form)
(RUS) Operation of storage calculation (form)
Operations for a nonconformance (form)
Order entry deadline groups (form)
Order entry statistics clean up (class form)
Organization hierarchies (form)
Organization hierarchies (list page)
Organization hierarchy purposes (form)
Organizations for the automatic role assignment rule (form) or Organizations for the user (form)
Organization-wide fixed asset identifiers (form)
(RUS) Origin payment codes (form)
Other worker attributes (form)
Outbound ports for electronic payments (form)
Packing material transactions (form)
Packing material transactions - purchase (form)
(LTU) Packing slip details (form)
(PM) Packing slip history (form)
(PM) Packing slip journal (form)
(BRA) Packing slip journal (modified form)
(PM) Packing slip posting (form)
(POL) Packing units (modified form)
Pallet transport handling (form)
(PM) Pallet transport line (form)
(NLD) Path and file name for XBRL (form)
(FIN) Parameters for foreign payments (form)
Parameters for the export of a financial statement (form)
(RUS) Parameters of VAT process (form)
Parties without primary addresses (form)
(RUS) Passing of property (form)
Pay adjustment pay types (form)
Pay cycles and pay periods (form) 6.2 CU7 and prior
Pay for performance allocations (form)
Payment calendar configuration - vendors and customers (form)
Payment journals - Customer (list page)
Payment journals - Vendor (list page)
Payment methods (form) (Retail)
(NOR) Payment mode change (form)
(RUS) Payment orders' statuses (form)
Payment processing data (form)
(BRA) Payment reversals (modified form)
(BEL) Payment survey codes (form)
Payroll calculation frequencies (form) 6.2 CU7 and prior
Payroll statistics setup (form)
Pay statement benefit amounts (form)
Pegging event processing (class form)
Pending vendor invoices (list page)
Period allocation categories (form)
Period allocation transactions (form)
Period calculation (class form)
(POL) Periodic journal lines (modified form)
(EEUR) Periodic journal lines (modified form)
(RUS) Periods of formats application (form)
Physical shipment update (class form)
(PM) Picking list registration (form)
Picking list registration (form)
Planned absence registrations (form)
Planned answer session for questionnaires (form)
Planned production jobs (form)
Planned production route (form)
Planned production route overview (form)
(PM) Planned purchase orders (list page)
POS functionality profile (form)
Position and job titles (form)
Position hierarchy types (form)
POS position permissions (form)
Post customer payments (class form)
(BRA) Post debit note proposal (form)
Post depreciation book journals (form)
Posted sales tax corrections (form)
(POL) Posted sales tax (modified form)
(IND) Posted sales tax (modified form)
(BRA) Posted sales tax (modified form)
(HUN) Posted sales tax (modified form)
(CZE) Posted sales tax (modified form)
(RUS) Posted sales tax (modified form)
(IND) Posted tax information (form)
(THA) Posted withholding tax settlements (form)
POS terminal receipt printing (form)
(RUS) Posting invoice for payment (form)
Posting per account (class form)
(PM) Posting picking list (form)
Posting request for quotation acceptance (form)
Posting request for quotation rejection (form)
(IND) Posting shipping bill (form)
(JPN) Postings (modified form)
Post interest note (class form)
(HUN) Post invoice proposals (modified form)
(CZE) Post invoice proposals (modified form)
(POL) Post invoice proposals (modified form)
(LTU) Post invoice proposals (modified form)
Post indirect activities costs (class form)
Post recurring invoices (form)
(RUS) Post recurring invoices (modified form)
Post service orders (class form)
Post vendor payments (class form)
(RUS) Preliminary processing of export factures (form)
(EEUR) Prepayment handling (form)
(POL) Prepayment handling (modified form)
(CZE) Prepayment handling (modified form)
Prevent startup of lists (class form)
(RUS) Preview journal transactions (form)
Preview year-end General ledger transactions (form) (Public sector)
Price/discount agreement journals (form)
Price adjustment in currency (form)
Price margin update-lines (form)
Print/post collection letters (form)
(RUS) Print assessed tax declaration (form)
(RUS) Print counting act (form)
(RUS) Print counting list (INV-3) (form)
Print destination settings (form)
(RUS) Print land tax declaration (form)
(RUS) Print of counting act (INV-6) (form)
(RUS) Print transport tax declaration (form)
Prioritized upgrade scripts (form)
Problem/nonconformance types validation (form)
Process allocation request (form)
Process ledger transactions (form)
Process project transactions (form)
Process transaction application (form)
Process transactions (class form)
Procurement and sourcing parameters (form)
(POL) Procurement and sourcing parameters (modified form)
(RUS) Procurement and sourcing parameters (modified form)
Procurement catalogs (list page)
Product Builder approval (form)
Product Builder approval - tree (form)
Product Builder configuration (form)
Product Builder configuration - tree (form)
Product builder parameters (form)
Product dimension groups (form)
Product information management parameters (form)
(RUS) Production orders (modified form)
(RUS) Production BOM (modified form)
Production control parameters (form)
(RUS) Production control parameters (modified form)
Production data on current job (form)
(PM) Production data on current job (form)
Production flow activities (form)
Production flow version details (form)
Production - Estimation (class form)
Production - Job scheduling (class form)
(PM) Production jobs (list page)
Production journal lines, job card (form)
(PM) Production journal lines, job card (form)
Production journal lines, report as finished (form)
(PM) Production journal lines, report as finished (form)
(RUS) Production journal lines, report as finished (modified form)
(PM) Production journal lines, route card
Production journal lines, route card (form)
(RUS) Production journal lines, route card (modified form)
(PM) Production journal lines, picking list (form)
Production journal lines, picking list (form)
(RUS) Production journal lines, picking list (modified form)
Production journal names (form)
(RUS) Production journal names (modified form)
Production - Operations scheduling (class form)
(RUS) Production posting (modified form)
(PM) Production - Price calculation (class form)
(PM) Production - Price calculation (form)
Production - Price calculation (form)
Production - Release (class form)
(PM) Production - Report as finished (class form)
Production - Report as finished (class form)
(RUS) Production - Report as finished (modified form)
Production - Reset status (class form)
Production - Start (class form)
(PM) Production - Start (class form)
Product label report setup (form)
Product model variables (form)
(RUS) Product output/mileage (form)
(RUS) Product receipt correction (modified form)
Product receipt journal (form)
(PM) Product receipt journal (form)
Product relationship types (form)
Product safety data sheet - Country and region (form)
Product safety data sheet (form)
Product safety data sheet log - Customer (form)
Product safety data sheet log - Vendor (form)
Product section location (form)
Professional experience (form)
Project/category validation groups (form)
Project/group line properties (form)
(BRA) Project/group line properties (modified form)
Project activities (list page)
Project allocation keys (form)
Project budget allocation (form)
Project budget balances (form)
Project budget carry-forward process (form)
Project budget revision allocation (form)
Project budget revision (form)
Project budget revisions (form)
Project budget settings for user groups (form)
Project categories (form) (Project Management and Accounting Add-in)
Project contracts (form) (Project Management and Accounting Add-in)
(IND) Project contracts (modified form)
(BRA) Project contracts (modified form)
(LVA) Project contracts (modified form)
Project copy wizard (form) (Project Management and Accounting Add-in)
(BRA) Project debit note proposals (list page)
Project expense policies (form)
Project expense policy worker groups (form)
(BRA) Project invoice journals (modified form)
Project invoice proposals (list page)
Project management and accounting parameters (form)
Project management and accounting parameters (form) (Project Management and Accounting Add-in)
(IND) Project management and accounting parameters (modified form)
(EEUR) Project management and accounting parameters (modified form)
(BRA) Project management and accounting parameters (modified form)
(LTU) Project parameters (modified form)
(IND) Project quotation (modified form)
Project report sort fields (form)
Projects (form) (Project Management and Accounting Add-in)
(BRA) Projects (modified form)
(IND) Projects (modified form)
Project validation category assignments (form)
Project validation worker assignments (form)
Promissory note statistics (form)
Promissory note document (class form)
Promissory note invoices (form)
Promissory note journal (form)
Promissory note signature (form)
Promissory notes origin (form)
Prospective vendor profile (form)
Prospect responsibilities (form)
(JPN) Prospects (modified form)
Protest settled bills of exchange (form)
(PM) Purchase agreement confirmation history (form)
Purchase agreement confirmations (form)
(FRA) Purchase agreement department access (form) (Public sector)
(PM) Purchase agreements (form)
(PM) Purchase agreements (list page)
(RUS) Purchase agreements (modified form)
(FRA) Purchase agreement tree (form) (Public sector)
(RUS) Purchase book (Incoming VAT processing) (form)
(RUS) Purchase book lines (form)
(RUS) Purchase books journal (form)
(BRA) Purchase complementary fiscal document (form)
(AUT) Purchase duty value (form)
(RUS) Purchase form setup (modified form)
(LTU) Purchase invoice journal (modified form)
(PM) Purchase order confirmations (form)
Purchase order creation and demand consolidation rule (form)
(LVA) Purchase order details (modified form)
Purchase order (form) (Project Management and Accounting Add-in)
Purchase order line amounts (form) (Public sector)
(PM) Purchase order lines (form)
(POL) Purchase order (modified form)
(JPN) Purchase order (modified form)
(BRA) Purchase order (modified form)
(IND) Purchase orders (modified form)
(HUN) Purchase orders (modified form)
(CZE) Purchase orders (modified form)
(EEUR) Purchase orders (modified form)
(RUS) Purchase orders (modified form)
(LTU) Purchase orders (modified form)
(PM) Purchase order totals (form)
(BRA) Purchase order totals (modified form)
Purchase order versions (form)
(PM) Purchase order versions (form)
Purchase order year-end process (form)
(IND) Purchase posting (modified form)
Purchase release order lines (form)
(IND) Purchase release order lines (modified form)
Purchase requisition consolidation (form)
Purchase requisition control rule (form)
(PM) Purchase requisition - Copy lines (form)
Purchase requisition permissions (form)
Purchase requisitions: Request for quotation control rules (form)
Purchase requisitions - lines (form)
(BRA) Purchase requisitions - lines (modified form)
Purchase requisitions (list page)
(IND) Purchase requisitions (modified form)
Purchase requisition totals (form)
Purchase requisition versions (form)
(POL) Purchases for SAD (form)
Purchasing policies (list page)
Quality miscellaneous charges (form)
Quality order line results (form)
(PM) Quality order line results (form)
Quantity and margin template (form)
(PM) Quarantine order - Report as finished (form)
(RUS) Query function setup (form)
Quick links - edit link (form)
Quick links - manage links (form)
Questionnaire statistics (form)
Questionnaire statistics graph (form)
Questionnaire statistics results (form)
Questionnaire group members (form)
Questionnaire parameters (form)
Questionnaire schedules (Form)
Question - point distribution (form)
Quotation address selection (form)
(PM) Quotation confirmation journal (form)
Quotation template groups (form)
Rating on vendor evaluation criteria (form)
Raw registrations archive (form)
(RUS) Abridgements of addresses (form)
(RUS) Account group - Ledger posting groups (modified form)
(RUS) Account interval groups (form)
(RUS) Account payable counting lines (form)
(RUS) Account receivable counting lines (form)
(RUS) Accounts payable parameters (modified form)
(RUS) Accounts receivable amortization cancellation (form)
(RUS) Accounts receivable parameters (modified form)
(RUS) Activate transaction combinations (modified form)
(RUS) Act of adjustment (customers) (form)
(RUS) Act of adjustment (vendors) (form)
(RUS) Adding fixed assets from issue journals for another company (form)
(RUS) Address setup (modified form)
(RUS) Add standard sections (form)
(RUS) Adjustment of on-hand inventory (modified form)
(RUS) Adjust transactions (modified form)
(RUS) Advance adjustment parameters (form)
(RUS) Advance holder groups (form)
(RUS) Advance holder transactions (form)
Re-approval rule for purchase orders (form)
Reason for asset changes (form)
Rebate program batch calculation (form)
Recalculate credit limit (class form)
Recalculate flexible hours balance (class form)
Recalculate ledger periods (form)
Recalculate takt times (class form)
(RUS) Receipt from another company (form)
(PM) Receipts list journal (form)
Reconciliation matching rule set (form)
Reconciliation matching rules (form)
Reconciliation of inventory/ledger (class form)
Reconciliation subtotals by transaction types (form)
Record level security wizard (form)
(IND) Recoverable certificates (form)
Recurring invoice lines (form)
(RUS) Recurring invoices lines (modified form)
(RUS) Return orders (modified form)
Register absences for multiple workers (form)
(RUS) Register journal lines (form)
(RUS) Registry of payment orders (form)
Reinstate waived interest notes (form)
Reinstate waived interest on customer transactions (form)
Rejected confirmation of product receipts (form)
(BRA) Rejected fiscal documents with pending cancellation (list page)
Related knowledge article (form)
Related operation charges (form)
Related operation items (form)
Release approved purchase requisition (form)
(POL) Released product detailes (modified form)
(PM) Released product details (form)
Released product details (form)
Released product details (form) (Retail)
(IND) Released product details (modified form)
(RUS) Released product details (modified form)
(EEUR) Released product details (modified form)
(BRA) Released product details (modified form)
(CZE) Released product details (modified form)
(PM) Released products (list page)
Released product variants (form)
Release from purchase or sales agreement (form)
(PM) Release from sales agreement (form)
Release products to legal entity (form)
Release sales order picking (form)
(PM) Release sales order picking (form)
(PM) Release transfer order picking (form)
Release transfer order picking (form)
Remittance files for customers (form)
Remittance files for vendors (form)
(BRA) Remittance occurrence codes (form)
Rename product dimension (form)
(BRA) Return occurrence codes (form)
(POL) Return packages table (form)
(POL) Return packages confirmation (form)
(POL) Return packages transactions (form)
Return reason code groups (form)
Replenishment category access policy rule (form)
Replenishment control rule (form)
Report as finished-batch orders (form)
Report as finished - from inventory journal line (class form)
Report BOM as finished (class form)
(RUS) Report BOM as finished (modified form)
Reported regulated products (form)
Report quarantine order as finished (form)
Reports deployment settings (form)
Report setup for quality management (form)
(RUS) Report validation (form)
(LVA) Report version lines (form)
Request absence approval (form)
Request for customer retained amount (form)
Request for quotation details (form)
(PM) Request for quotation details (form)
(IND) Request for quotation details (modified form)
Request for quotation follow-up (form)
Request for quotation journal (form)
(PM) Request for quotation journal (form)
Request for quotation replies (list page)
Request for quotation reply (form)
(PM) Request for quotation reply (form)
(BRA) Request for quotation reply (modified form)
Request for quotation totals (form)
Request future absences (form)
(RUS) Requirements slip journal (form)
(RUS) Requisites import (form)
Requisition purpose rule (form)
Requests for quotations (list page)
Resending request for quotation (form)
Reset batch disposition code (form)
Reset vendor batch details (form)
Resource assignment analysis - Financial dimension (form)
Resource assignment analysis - Department (form)
Resource assignment analysis - Project (form)
Resource assignment analysis - Project (form) in AX 2012 R3
Resource assignment analysis - worker (form)
Result groups for answer (form)
Retail channel navigation hierarchy (form)
(IND) Retail parameters (modified form)
(RUS) Retail parameters (modified form)
Retail POS redeployment (form)
Retail product hierarchy (form)
(BRA) Retail product hierarchy (modified form)
Retail scheduler parameters (form)
Retail shared parameters (form)
Retail store transactions (form)
Retrieve fixed asset transactions (form)
(PM) Retrieve purchase orders (form)
Retrieve purchase orders (form)
(IND) Revalidation details (form)
Revaluation for moving average (form)
(ESP) Revaluation groups (form)
Revenue recognition of reserves (form)
Reverse elimination (class form)
Reverse empty handling unit (form)
Reverse interest on customer transactions (form)
Reverse prepayment application (form)
Revert kanban job status (form)
Review costs, revenue and profitability (form)
RFID synchronization parameters (form)
(IND) RG23A item details (form)
(IND) RG23A tax details (form)
(IND) RG23C item details (form)
(IND) RG23C tax details (form)
(RUS) Agreement classification (modified form)
(RUS) Agreement classification translations (form)
(RUS) Allocate charges - Invoice (modified form)
(RUS) Allocate charges (modified form)
Responsibilities distribution (form)
Route operation details (form)
Route operations details (form)
Route operations on route version (form)
Restricted products - Country/Region/State by item (form)
Restricted products - Item by country/region or state (form)
Restricted products regional lists (form)
(RUS) Asset tax and transport tax filling in fixed asset table (form)
(POL) SAD document's parameters (form)
(ITA) Sales tax book status (form)
(POL) Sales tax codes (modified form)
(RUS) Sales tax codes (modified form)
(IND) Sales tax codes (modified form)
(BRA) Sales tax codes (modified form)
(EST) Sales tax codes (modified form)
(EEUR) Sales tax codes (modified form)
(THA) Sales tax exchange rate adjustments (form)
(IND) Sales tax groups (modified form)
(HUN) Sales tax groups (modified form)
(BRA) Sales tax groups (modified form)
(POL) Sales tax groups (modified form)
(CZE) Sales tax groups (modified form)
(RUS) Sales tax groups (modified form)
(BRA) Sales tax authorities (modified form)
(RUS) Sales tax authorities (modified form)
Sales tax jurisdictions (form)
Sales tax override group (form)
Sales tax payment (class form)
(ITA) Sales tax payment (form)
(IND) Sales tax payment (modified form)
(IND) Sales tax payments (modified form)
(CZE) Sales tax payments (modified form)
(RUS) Sales tax relations (form)
Sales tax reporting codes (form)
(CZE) Sales tax reporting codes (modified form)
Sales tax settlement periods (form)
(RUS) Sales tax settlement periods (modified form)
(EEUR) Sales tax transactions (modified form)
(IND) Sales tax transactions (modified form)
(IND) Sale items details (form)
Sales agreement confirmations (form)
(PM) Sales agreement confirmations (form)
(RUS) Sales agreements (modified form)
Sales and marketing parameters (form)
(RUS) Sales and marketing parameters (modified form)
(RUS) Sales book (Canceling processed VAT) (form)
(RUS) Sales book (Outgoing VAT processing) (form)
(RUS) Sales books journal (form)
(BRA) Sales complementary fiscal document (form)
Sales form sorting parameters (form)
(PM) Sales history on update (form)
Sales order line explosion (class form)
Sales order lines incl. packing duty (form)
Sales orders attached to shipment (form)
(IND) Sales orders (modified form)
(RUS) Sales orders (modified form)
(BRA) Sales orders (modified form)
(JPN) Sales orders (modified form)
(POL) Sales orders (modified form)
(EEUR) Sales orders (modified form)
(LVA) Sales orders (modified form)
(CZE) Sales orders (modified form)
(PM) Sales order totals (form)
(BRA) Sales order totals (modified form)
(BRA) Sales quotation (modified form)
(IND) Sales quotation (modified form)
(PM) Sales release order lines (form)
Sales release order lines (form)
(IND) Sales release order lines (modified form)
(IND) Sales posting (modified form)
(POL) Sales posting (modified form)
(BRA) Sales posting (modified form)
(RUS) Sales posting (modified form)
(EEUR) Sales posting (modified form)
Sales price - Subscription (form)
(ESP) Sales purchase cycle (form)
Same batch reservation conflict (form)
Save journal as periodic journal (form)
Save template - Batch attribute search (form)
Scheduled items not delivered (form)
Schedule load utilization (form)
(RUS) Schedule of FA depreciation (form)
Scheduling setup details (form)
Segregation of duties conflicts (form)
Segregation of duties rules (form)
Select an aging period definition and a date principle (class form)
Select a payment account (form)
Select a template for... (form)
Select balance parameters (form)
Select bridged postings (form)
Select company accounts (form)
Select concurrency mode (form)
Select contact information (form)
Select contacts from Microsoft Dynamics AX (form)
Select contacts from Microsoft Outlook (form)
(IND) Select for credit note (modified form)
Select forecast positions (form)
(CZE) Select free text invoice for advance invoice (form)
Select on-hand inventory (class form)
(PM) Select product receipt (form)
Select product receipt - Purchase order (form)
Select query for calculation (form)
Select resource and action (form)
Select sales order packing slip (form)
Select Template BOM (Class form)
Select trade agreements (class form)
(RUS) Select trade agreements (modified class form)
(JPN) Select transactions (form)
Select transactions to accrue revenue (form)
Select transactions to post costs (form)
Sellable days by customer (form)
(RUS) Send electronic document (form)
Sending request for quotation (form)
(PM) Sending request for quotation (form)
(RUS) Separate divisions (form)
Sequenced planned orders (form)
Sequenced planned orders (list page)
(IND) Service agreements (modified form)
(IND) Service event group (form)
Service management parameters (form)
Service object relations (form)
(IND) Service orders (modified form)
(POL) Service tariff numbers (form)
(IND) Service tax inquiry (form)
(IND) Service tax transactions (form)
Service template groups (form)
Set campaign status canceled (form)
Set opening flex balance (class form)
Settlements for voucher (form)
(PM) Settlements in the transaction (form)
Settlements in the transaction (form)
(RUS) Settlements in the transactions (modified form)
(PM) Settle open transactions - customer (form)
Settle open transactions - customer (form)
(BRA) Settle open transactions - customer (modified form)
Settle open transactions - vendor (form)
(BRA) Settle open transactions - vendor (modified form)
(JPN) Settle open transactions - vendor (modified form)
Set up alert for batch job (form)
Set up batch processing (class form)
Set up cancellation/renegotiation (form)
Set up cash flow forecasts (form)
Set up default parameters for picking list (form)
(MEX) Set up DIOT declaration (form)
(RUS) Set up end (modified form)
Set up general system parameters (form)
Set up number sequences wizard (form)
Set up operations scheduling (form)
Set up quarantine report as finished (form)
Set up report as finished (form)
Set up reverse status (class form)
Shelf label report setup (form)
(RUS) Shipment cancellation (form)
Shipment reservation (class form)
Shipment reservation combinations (form)
Shipment reservation sequences (form)
(RUS) Shipments (modified form)
(PM) Shipment - transfer order (form)
(IND) Shipping bill details (form)
(IND) Shipping bill number (form)
Shipping carrier role users (form)
Shipping line specification (form)
(BRA) Shipping line specification (modified form)
Shows expected adjustments instead of current posting (form)
Show special calculations per division (form)
Signature requirement details (form)
Signing limit parameters (form)
(USA) Sites Services solution wizard (form)
(HUN) Slip journal lines (modified form)
(POL) Slip journal lines (modified form)
(ESP) Spanish VAT books (form)
(ESP) Spanish VAT reports (form)
Special calculation (class form)
Special depreciation allowance (form)
(NOR) Specification of payment (form)
(FRA) Spending thresholds by category policy rule (form) (Public sector)
Split customer advance transaction (form)
Split planned order quantity (class form)
SQL statement trace log (form)
Standard cost conversion (form)
(RUS) Standard expenses sequence (form)
(IND) Standard quantity (form)
(RUS) Standard sections (form)
Start picking route (class form)
Start SLA time recording (form)
State/province holidays (form)
(RUS) State custom declaration numbers (form)
Statistical balance setup (form)
Status for number sequences (form)
Stop SLA time recording (form)
(RUS) Storage calculation operations (form)
(RUS) Storage calculation setup (form)
Storage dimension groups (form)
Store locator group assignment (form)
(IND) Structure designer (modified form)
Subcontracting service details (form)
Subledger journal entries not yet transferred (form)
(RUS) Subledger journal (modified form)
Subscription accrue period (form)
Subscription parameters (form)
(CHN) Summarized general ledger (form)
(IND) Summary importable items (form)
Supplemental retail hierarchies (form)
(RUS) Supply forecast (modified form)
Synchronization service parameters (form)
Synchronize job table (class form)
(IND) System accounts (modified form)
System currency and exchange rate type (form)
System service accounts (form)
Table and index options (form)
Table constraint attachment (form)
Table mapping between source and target systems (form)
(JPN) T-account journal voucher (form)
(USA) Tax 1099 transactions (form)
(USA) Tax 1099 validation errors (form)
(MEX) Tax category codes (form)
(FIN) Tax code description text (form)
(IND) Tax codes for incentive schemes (form)
Tax codes (form) 6.2 CU7 and prior
(IND) Tax component - Indirect tax (form)
(IND) Tax components balance (form)
(IND) Tax components - Customs (form)
(IND) Tax components - Excise (form)
(IND) Tax components - India sales tax (form)
(IND) Tax components - VAT (form)
(RUS) Tax correction distribution (form)
(LVA) Tax depreciation details (form)
(BRA) Tax fiscal document (form)
Tax groups (form) 6.2 CU7 and prior
(CHN) Tax integration profiles (form)
(IND) Tax ledger posting groups (form)
(LVA) Tax on natural resources (form)
Tax regions (form) 6.2 CU7 and prior
(RUS) Tax register creation wizard (form)
(RUS) Tax register journal (form)
(IND) Tax registration group (form)
(RUS) Tax registration number search criteria (form)
(RUS) Tax registration types (modified form)
(JPN) Tax reporting accounts (form)
Tax transaction history detail (form)
Tax transaction history summary (form)
(RUS) Tax value depending on the FA life-time (form)
(IND) TCS or TDS inquiry (form)
(IND) TCS or TDS transactions (form)
(RUS) Temporary closing-down (form)
Temporary group assignment (form)
Temporary sales tax transactions (form)
(BRA) Temporary sales tax transactions (modified form)
(IND) Temporary sales tax transactions (modified form)
(CZE) Temporary sales tax transactions (modified form)
(POL) Temporary sales tax transactions (modified form)
(HUN) Temporary sales tax transactions (modified form)
(RUS) Temporary sales tax transactions (modified form)
Tender declaration transactions (form)
(IND) Technology upgrade details (form)
(RUS) Terms of delivery (modified form)
(EEUR) Terms of payment (modified form)
(ESP) Terms of payment (modified form)
(JPN) Terms of payment (modified form)
Terms of payment (modified form)
Time and attendance configuration wizard (form)
Time and attendance parameters (form)
Time and attendance upgrade wizard (form)
Timesheet line comments (form)
(IND) Timesheet line details (modified form)
(RUS) TN VED code relation with customs payment (form)
Total currency requirement (form)
(IND) Total Duty Drawback amount (form)
Totals (form) (Project invoices)
Totals (form) (Project quotations)
(IND) Totals - India sales tax (form)
(IND) Totals - Indirect tax (form)
(IND) Totals - Service tax (form)
(IND) Totals - TCS or TDS (form)
Test Posting Definition Wizard (form)
Trace inventory dimensions (class form)
Trace inventory dimensions (form)
Tracking dimension groups (form)
(RUS) Tracking dimension groups (modified form)
Trade agreement journal names (form)
(RUS) Trade liabilities amortization cancellation (form)
Trading partner codes (form) (Public sector)
(BEL) Transaction category (form)
Transaction code mapping (form)
(HUN) Transaction codes (modified form)
Transaction information or Record information (form)
Transaction posting definitions (form)
Transaction reorganizing (form)
(RUS) Transaction settlements (form)
Transactions (Inventory voucher transactions) (form)
(PM) Transactions - inventory voucher transactions (form)
(RUS) Transactions (Inventory voucher transactions) (modified form)
(RUS) Transactions on settlement (form)
(EEUR) Transactions on settlement (form)
(LVA) Transactions preview (form)
(IND) Transactions vouchers (form)
(AUS) Transfer assets to low value pool - depreciation books (form)
(AUS) Transfer assets to low value pool - value models (form)
(AUS) Transfer asset to low value pool (depreciation book) (form)
(AUS) Transfer asset to low value pool (value models) (form)
(AUT) Transfer – AT (class form)
Transfer balances to budget (form)
(BEL) Transfer – BE (class form)
(DEU) Transfer – DE (class form)
(RUS) Transference to another company (form)
(ESP) Transfer - ES (class form)
(EST) Transfer (modified class form)
(NLD) Transfer – NL (class form)
(RUS) Transfer order history (modified form)
Transfer order shipment (form)
(PM) Transfer order shipment (form)
(IND) Transfer order shipment (modified form)
(RUS) Transfer order shipment (modified form)
(LTU) Transfer orders (modified form)
(BRA) Transfer orders (modified form)
(IND) Transfer orders (modified form)
(RUS) Transfer orders (modified form)
Transfer purchase budget to ledger (class form)
Transfer quotation lines to forecast (form)
Transfer quotation to project wizard
(IND) Transfer Quotation to Project wizard (modified form)
Transfer registrations (class form)
Transfer sales budget to ledger (class form)
(RUS) Transfer slip journal (form)
Transfer to fixed asset and ledger budget (form)
Transfer to fixed asset journal (form)
Transfer to ledger budget (form)
Transfer transactions for EU sales list (form)
(IND) Transit document details (form)
Translated unit descriptions (form)
(RUS) Translation groups (form)
(RUS) Translation ledger account rules (form)
(RUS) Translation sessions (form)
Translation text: Vendor notification message (form)
(RUS) Translation wizard (form)
(LVA) Transportation details (form)
(LTU) Transportation details (form)
Travel and expense parameters (form)
Travel requisition (list page)
Test workflow condition (form)
(RUS) Types of issue and usage rates (form)
Unfinished scheduling processes (form)
Unposted timesheets (list page)
(RUS) Unsettled payments (form)
Update batch disposition status (form)
Update best before dates (form)
(IND) Update certificate (form)
Update dimension value dates (form)
(IND) Update excise registers (form)
Update of names and check texts for locations (class form)
Update percent complete (form)
Update purchase and sales budget (class form)
Update purchase order lines (class form)
Update purchase order lines prompt (class form)
(IND) Update purchase or sales order lines (modified form)
(PM) Update remaining purchase quantity (form)
(PM) Update remaining sales quantity
Update replacement costs and insured values (form)
Update request for quotation lines (form)
Update sales order lines auto (class form)
Update sales order lines prompt (class form)
Update sales quotation lines (class form)
Update search crawler role (form)
Update shelf advice dates (form)
Update warehouse levels (class form)
Update worker periods (class form)
Use alternative kanban rule (form)
User group budget permissions (form)
Validate currency codes (form)
Validate or post location journal (class form)
Validate production flow (class form)
Validate RFID transactions (class form)
Validate the quality order (form)
(CHN) Validation checklist (form)
(IND) Value models (modified form)
(EEUR) Value models (modified form)
(RUS) Value models (modified form)
(LTU) Value models (modified form)
(CZE) Value models (modified form)
(EEUR) Value models setup (modified form)
(LVA) Value models setup (modified form)
Values of sales tax codes (form)
(POL) Values of sales tax codes (Modified form)
(RUS) Values of sales tax codes (modified form)
(IND) Values of sales tax codes (modified form)
Variable compensation plans (form)
Variable compensation types (form)
Variable group hierarchy (form)
Variable language texts (form)
(IND) VAT commodity codes (form)
(IND) VAT deferment balance (form)
(IND) VAT deferment inquiry (form)
(IND) VAT deferment transactions (form)
(CHN) VAT invoice description (form)
(RUS) VAT operation codes (form)
(RUS) VAT processing log (form)
(CZE) VAT register transactions (modified form)
(POL) VAT report date codes (form)
(RUS) VAT restoring journal (form)
(RUS) VAT restoring journal total amounts (form)
(CHN) Vendor balance inquiry (form)
(CZE) Vendor bank accounts (modified form)
(EEUR) Vendor bank accounts (modified form)
(RUS) Vendor bank accounts (modified form)
(LTU) Vendor bank accounts (modified form)
(LVA) Vendor bank accounts (modified form)
(JPN) Vendor bank accounts (modified form)
Vendor batch details - Posting product receipt (form)
Vendor catalog import parameters (form)
Vendor category approval (form)
Vendor category request (form)
Vendor evaluation criteria (form)
Vendor evaluation criterion group (form)
Vendor exception groups (form)
Vendor foreign currency revaluation (form)
Vendor foreign currency revaluation periodic job (class form)
(POL) Vendor groups (modified form)
(ISL) Vendor invoice declaration (form)
Vendor invoice (form) (Project Management and Accounting Add-in)
Vendor invoice policies (list page)
(PM) Vendor invoice journal (form)
(HUN) Vendor invoice journal (modified form)
(BRA) Vendor invoice journal (modified form)
(LTU) Vendor invoice journal (modified form)
(RUS) Vendor invoice journal (modified form)
(CZE) Vendor invoice journal (modified form)
(POL) Vendor invoice journal (modified form)
Vendor invoice lines – Purchase agreements (form)
(JPN) Vendor invoice (modified form)
(IND) Vendor invoice (modified form)
(EEUR) Vendor invoice (modified form)
(RUS) Vendor invoice (modified form)
(BRA) Vendor invoice (modified form)
(FRA) Vendor invoice payment hold history (form) (Public sector)
Vendor invoice pool excluding posting details (form)
(POL) Vendor invoice pool excluding posting details (modified form)
(IND) Vendor invoice pool excluding posting details (modified form)
Vendor invoices in invoice pool excluding posting (list page)
Vendor invoices with pay when paid (form)
Vendor invoices with retention (form)
(IND) Vendor invoices with service tax (form)
(BRA) Vendor invoice totals (modified form)
(NOR) Vendor method of payment bank accounts (form)
(LTU) Vendor methods of payment (modified form)
Vendor payment by check (form)
(IND) Vendor payment fee (modified form)
Vendor payment fee setup (form)
(LTU) Vendor payment journal lines (modified form)
(LVA) Vendor payment journal lines (modified form)
Vendor payment proposal (class form)
Vendor payment proposal - Edit (form)
(BRA) Vendor payment proposal - Edit (modified form)
(JPN) Vendor payment proposal (modified form)
Vendor payment proposal - Promissory note (class form)
Vendor payment schedule (form)
Vendor payment specification (form)
(BRA) Vendor payment specification (modified form)
Vendor postdated checks (form)
Vendor posting profiles (form)
(RUS) Vendor posting profiles (modified form)
(BRA) Vendor posting profiles (modified form)
Vendor price tolerance groups (form)
Vendor request configurations (form)
Vendor sales price margin setup (form)
Vendor sales price point setup (form)
(USA) Vendor settlement for 1099s (form)
(USA) Vendor state tax IDs (form)
Vendor transactions marked for settlement (form)
(JPN) Vendor transactions (modified form)
(EEUR) Vendor transactions (modified form)
(IND) Vendor transactions (modified form)
(BRA) Vendor transactions (modified form)
(USA) Vendor update of tax 1099 information (form)
Verify compliance of user-role assignments with rules for segregation of duties (form)
Version comparison for purchase requisition (form)
View budget plan hierarchy (form)
View budget planning process status (form)
View purchase requisition version (form)
View purchase requisition version- lines (form)
Virtual company accounts (form)
(CHN) Voucher continuity check log (form)
(CHN) Voucher transactions (modified form)
(BRA) Voucher transactions (modified form)
(CHN) Voucher type setup (form)
(CHN) Voucher type setup wizard (form)
Waive interest on customer transactions (form)
(HUN) Warehouses (modified form)
(BRA) Warehouses (modified form)
(RUS) Warehouses (modified form)
(LTU) Warehouse transfer (form)
Where-used - Batch attributes (form)
Which values are allowed (form)
Withholding tax code in group (form)
(IND) Withholding tax codes (modified form)
(BRA) Withholding tax codes (modified form)
(IND) Withholding tax component groups (form)
(IND) Withholding tax components (form)
(IND) Withholding tax concessions (form)
(IND) Withholding tax groups (modified form)
(IND) Withholding tax authorities (form)
(ITA) Withholding tax - Model 770 (form)
(IND) Withholding tax payment (form)
(BRA) Withholding tax payments inquiry (form)
(IND) Withholding tax reporting codes (form)
(THA) Withholding tax report setup (form)
(THA) Withholding tax revenue types (form)
(IND) Withholding tax settlement periods (form)
Withholding tax transactions (form)
(IND) Withholding tax transactions (form)
(BRA) Withholding tax transactions (form)
(IND) Withholding tax values (modified form)
(RUS) Wizard for cost value adjustment of inventory transactions or entire on-hand inventory (form)
Wizard use option (class form)
Work breakdown structure (form)
Work breakdown structure (form) (Project Management and Accounting Add-in)
Work breakdown structure template (form)
Worker/category validation groups (form)
Worker/project validation groups (form)
Worker distribution statistics (form)
Workers (form) (Project Management and Accounting Add-in)
Workers responsible for quality (form)
Worker task assignments (form)
Worker tax codes (form) 6.2 CU7 and prior
Worker tax region (form) 6.2 CU7 and prior
Worker validation category assignments (form)
Worker validation project assignments (form)
(RUS) Working clothes/Special rigging/NVFA issue journal (form)
(RUS) Working clothes/Special rigging/NVFA issue journal lines (form)
(RUS) Working clothes/Special riggings on-hand (form)
Work item queue assignment rules (form)
(RUS) Writing off methods (form)
(RUS) Writing off on condition (form)
(ITA) Yearly tax communication details (form)
(ITA) Yearly tax communication (form)
(ITA) Yearly tax communication setup (form)
(SAU) Zakat assets and depreciation (form)
(SAU) Zakat assets group (form)
(SAU) Zakat reports name (form)