

Tutorial: Add sign in and sign out functional components in a React single page app

Functional components are the building blocks of React apps. This tutorial demonstrates how functional components can be used to build the sign in and sign out experience in a React single-page app (SPA). The useMsal hook is used to retrieve an access token to allow user sign-in.

In this tutorial:

  • Add components to the application
  • Create a way of displaying the user's profile information
  • Create a layout that displays the sign in and sign out experience
  • Add the sign in and sign out experiences


Add the page layout component

  1. Open PageLayout.jsx and add the following code to render the page layout. The useIsAuthenticated hook returns whether or not a user is currently signed-in.

     * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
     * Licensed under the MIT License.
    import React from "react";
    import Navbar from "react-bootstrap/Navbar";
    import { useIsAuthenticated } from "@azure/msal-react";
    import { SignInButton } from "./SignInButton";
    import { SignOutButton } from "./SignOutButton";
     * Renders the navbar component with a sign in or sign out button depending on whether or not a user is authenticated
     * @param props
    export const PageLayout = (props) => {
      const isAuthenticated = useIsAuthenticated();
      return (
          <Navbar bg="primary" variant="dark" className="navbarStyle">
            <a className="navbar-brand" href="/">
              Microsoft Identity Platform
            <div className="collapse navbar-collapse justify-content-end">
              {isAuthenticated ? <SignOutButton /> : <SignInButton />}
          <br />
          <br />
              Welcome to the Microsoft Authentication Library For JavaScript -
              React SPA Tutorial
          <br />
          <br />
  2. Save the file.

Display profile information

  1. Open the ProfileData.jsx and add the following code, which creates a component that displays the user's profile information:

    import React from "react";
     * Renders information about the user obtained from MS Graph 
     * @param props
    export const ProfileData = (props) => {
      return (
        <div id="profile-div">
            <strong>First Name: </strong> {props.graphData.givenName}
            <strong>Last Name: </strong> {props.graphData.surname}
            <strong>Email: </strong> {props.graphData.userPrincipalName}
            <strong>Id: </strong> {}
  2. Save the file.

Adding the sign in experience

  1. Open SignInButton.jsx and add the following code, which creates a button that signs in the user using either a pop-up or redirect.

    import React from "react";
    import { useMsal } from "@azure/msal-react";
    import { loginRequest } from "../authConfig";
    import DropdownButton from "react-bootstrap/DropdownButton";
    import Dropdown from "react-bootstrap/Dropdown";
     * Renders a drop down button with child buttons for logging in with a popup or redirect
     * Note the [useMsal] package 
    export const SignInButton = () => {
      const { instance } = useMsal();
      const handleLogin = (loginType) => {
        if (loginType === "popup") {
          instance.loginPopup(loginRequest).catch((e) => {
        } else if (loginType === "redirect") {
          instance.loginRedirect(loginRequest).catch((e) => {
      return (
          title="Sign In"
          <Dropdown.Item as="button" onClick={() => handleLogin("popup")}>
            Sign in using Popup
          <Dropdown.Item as="button" onClick={() => handleLogin("redirect")}>
            Sign in using Redirect
  2. Save the file.

Adding the sign out experience

  1. Open SignOutButton.jsx and add the following code, which creates a button that signs out the user using either a pop-up or redirect.

    import React from "react";
    import { useMsal } from "@azure/msal-react";
    import DropdownButton from "react-bootstrap/DropdownButton";
    import Dropdown from "react-bootstrap/Dropdown";
     * Renders a sign out button 
    export const SignOutButton = () => {
      const { instance } = useMsal();
      const handleLogout = (logoutType) => {
        if (logoutType === "popup") {
            postLogoutRedirectUri: "/",
            mainWindowRedirectUri: "/",
        } else if (logoutType === "redirect") {
            postLogoutRedirectUri: "/",
      return (
          title="Sign Out"
          <Dropdown.Item as="button" onClick={() => handleLogout("popup")}>
            Sign out using Popup
          <Dropdown.Item as="button" onClick={() => handleLogout("redirect")}>
            Sign out using Redirect
  2. Save the file.

Next steps