
Mail flow insights in the new Exchange admin center in Exchange Online

Admins can use the insights dashboard in the new Exchange admin center (new EAC) to discover issues with mail flow and take corrective action. If an item appears in the mail flow insights dashboard, you need to investigate and likely fix the issue.

The following mail flow insights are available:

Permissions required to view and use mail flow insights

To use the mail flow insights to take corrective action, you need to be a member of one of the following role groups:

  • Organization Management
  • Security Administrator<sup>*

For read only access to the mail flow insights, you need to be a member of one of the following role groups:

  • Security Reader*
  • View-only Organization Management
  • View-Only Recipients

For more information, see Permissions in Exchange Online and Manage role groups in Exchange Online.

<sup>* You manage these role groups in the Microsoft Entra admin center.

Where to find mail flow insights

To see the mail flow insights, open the new EAC at https://admin.exchange.microsoft.com and select Insights.

To go directly to the mail flow insights dashboard, open https://admin.exchange.microsoft.com/#/insights.