

Create definitions

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Create a new accessReviewScheduleDefinition object.

This API is available in the following national cloud deployments.

Global service US Government L4 US Government L5 (DOD) China operated by 21Vianet


Choose the permission or permissions marked as least privileged for this API. Use a higher privileged permission or permissions only if your app requires it. For details about delegated and application permissions, see Permission types. To learn more about these permissions, see the permissions reference.

Permission type Least privileged permissions Higher privileged permissions
Delegated (work or school account) AccessReview.ReadWrite.All Not available.
Delegated (personal Microsoft account) Not supported. Not supported.
Application AccessReview.ReadWrite.All Not available.

The signed-in user must also be in a directory role that permits them to create an access review. For more details, see the role and permission requirements for access reviews.

HTTP request

POST /identityGovernance/accessReviews/definitions

Request headers

Name Description
Authorization Bearer {token}. Required. Learn more about authentication and authorization.
Content-type application/json. Required.

Request body

In the request body, supply a JSON representation of an accessReviewScheduleDefinition object.

The following table shows the properties accepted to create an accessReview.

Property Type Description
additionalNotificationRecipients accessReviewNotificationRecipientItem collection Defines the list of additional users or group members to be notified of the access review progress.
descriptionForAdmins String Context of the review provided to admins. Required.
descriptionForReviewers String Context of the review provided to reviewers in email notifications. Email notifications support up to 256 characters. Required.
displayName String Name of access review series. Required.
fallbackReviewers accessReviewReviewerScope collection If provided, the fallback reviewers are asked to complete a review if the primary reviewers do not exist. For example, if managers are selected as reviewers and a principal under review does not have a manager in Microsoft Entra ID, the fallback reviewers are asked to review that principal.

NOTE: The value of this property will be ignored if fallback reviewers are assigned through the stageSettings property.
instanceEnumerationScope accessReviewScope In the case of an all groups review, this determines the scope of which groups will be reviewed. See accessReviewScope and also learn how to configure the scope of your access review definition.
reviewers accessReviewReviewerScope collection Defines who the reviewers are. If none are specified, the review is a self-review (users review their own access). For examples of options for assigning reviewers, see Assign reviewers to your access review definition using the Microsoft Graph API.

NOTE: The value of this property will be ignored if reviewers are assigned through the stageSettings property.
scope accessReviewScope Defines the entities whose access is reviewed. See accessReviewScope and also learn how to configure the scope of your access review definition. Required.
stageSettings accessReviewStageSettings collection Defines how many stages each instance of an access review series will have. Stages will be created sequentially based on the dependsOn property. Each stage can have different set of reviewer, fallback reviewers and settings.

When this property is defined, its values are used instead of the corresponding values in the accessReviewScheduleDefinition object and its settings property. Optional.
settings accessReviewScheduleSettings The settings for an access review series. Recurrence is determined here. See accessReviewScheduleSettings.


If successful, this method returns a 201 Created response code and an accessReviewScheduleDefinition object in the response body.


Example 1: Create an access review on a group

The following example creates an access review with the following settings:

  • The review reviews all members of a group with the id 02f3bafb-448c-487c-88c2-5fd65ce49a41.
  • A specific user with the user id 398164b1-5196-49dd-ada2-364b49f99b27 is the reviewer.
  • It recurs weekly and continues indefinitely.


Content-type: application/json

  "displayName": "Test create",
  "descriptionForAdmins": "New scheduled access review",
  "descriptionForReviewers": "If you have any questions, contact",
  "scope": {
    "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.accessReviewQueryScope",
    "query": "/groups/02f3bafb-448c-487c-88c2-5fd65ce49a41/transitiveMembers",
    "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph"
  "reviewers": [
      "query": "/users/398164b1-5196-49dd-ada2-364b49f99b27",
      "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph"
  "settings": {
    "mailNotificationsEnabled": true,
    "reminderNotificationsEnabled": true,
    "justificationRequiredOnApproval": true,
    "defaultDecisionEnabled": false,
    "defaultDecision": "None",
    "instanceDurationInDays": 1,
    "recommendationsEnabled": true,
    "recurrence": {
      "pattern": {
        "type": "weekly",
        "interval": 1
      "range": {
        "type": "noEnd",
        "startDate": "2020-09-08T12:02:30.667Z"


Note: The response object shown here might be shortened for readability.

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-type: application/json

  "id": "29f2d16e-9ca6-4052-bbfe-802c48944448",
  "displayName": "Test create",
  "createdDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "lastModifiedDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "status": "NotStarted",
  "descriptionForAdmins": "Test create",
  "descriptionForReviewers": "Test create",
  "instanceEnumerationScope": null,
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "957f1027-c0ee-460d-9269-b8444459e0fe",
    "displayName": "MOD Administrator",
    "userPrincipalName": ""
  "scope": {
    "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.accessReviewQueryScope",
    "query": "/groups/b74444cb-038a-4802-8fc9-b9d1ed0cf11f/transitiveMembers",
    "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph"
  "reviewers": [
      "query": "/users/7eae986b-d425-48b2-adf2-3c777f4444f3",
      "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph",
      "queryRoot": "decisions"
  "settings": {
    "mailNotificationsEnabled": true,
    "reminderNotificationsEnabled": true,
    "justificationRequiredOnApproval": true,
    "defaultDecisionEnabled": false,
    "defaultDecision": "None",
    "instanceDurationInDays": 1,
    "autoApplyDecisionsEnabled": false,
    "recommendationsEnabled": true,
    "recurrence": {
      "pattern": {
        "type": "weekly",
        "interval": 1,
        "month": 0,
        "dayOfMonth": 0,
        "daysOfWeek": [],
        "firstDayOfWeek": "sunday",
        "index": "first"
      "range": {
        "type": "noEnd",
        "numberOfOccurrences": 0,
        "recurrenceTimeZone": null,
        "startDate": "2020-09-08",
        "endDate": null
  "applyActions": []
  "additionalNotificationRecipients": []

Example 2: Create an access review on all teams with inactive guest users

The following example creates an access review with the following settings:

  • The review reviews all teams with inactive guest users. The period of inactivity is 30 days from the start date of the access review.
  • The group owners are the reviewers and fallback reviewers are assigned.
  • It recurs on the fifth day of every quarter and continues indefinitely.
  • autoApplyDecisionsEnabled is set to true with the defaultDecision set to Deny.


In the request body, supply a JSON representation of the accessReviewScheduleDefinition object.

Content-type: application/json

  "displayName": "Review inactive guests on teams",
  "descriptionForAdmins": "Control guest user access to our teams.",
  "descriptionForReviewers": "Information security is everyone's responsibility. Review our access policy for more.",
  "instanceEnumerationScope": {
    "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.accessReviewQueryScope",
    "query": "/groups?$filter=(groupTypes/any(c:c+eq+'Unified') and resourceProvisioningOptions/Any(x:x eq 'Team')')",
    "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph"
  "scope": {
    "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.accessReviewInactiveUsersQueryScope",
    "query": "./members/microsoft.graph.user/?$filter=(userType eq 'Guest')",
    "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph",
    "inactiveDuration": "P30D"
  "reviewers": [
      "query": "./owners",
      "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph"
  "fallbackReviewers": [
      "query": "/users/fc9a2c2b-1ddc-486d-a211-5fe8ca77fa1f",
      "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph"
  "settings": {
    "mailNotificationsEnabled": true,
    "reminderNotificationsEnabled": true,
    "justificationRequiredOnApproval": true,
    "recommendationsEnabled": true,
    "instanceDurationInDays": 3,
    "recurrence": {
      "pattern": {
        "type": "absoluteMonthly",
        "dayOfMonth": 5,
        "interval": 3
      "range": {
        "type": "noEnd",
        "startDate": "2020-05-04T00:00:00.000Z"
    "defaultDecisionEnabled": true,
    "defaultDecision": "Deny",
    "autoApplyDecisionsEnabled": true


Note: The response object shown here might be shortened for readability.

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-type: application/json

  "@odata.context": "$metadata#identityGovernance/accessReviews/definitions/$entity",
  "id": "b0966e21-a01e-43c9-8f8b-9ba30ed5710a",
  "displayName": "Review inactive guests on teams",
  "createdDateTime": "2021-05-04T18:27:02.6719849Z",
  "lastModifiedDateTime": "2021-05-04T18:27:24.0889623Z",
  "status": "InProgress",
  "descriptionForAdmins": "Control guest user access to our teams.",
  "descriptionForReviewers": "Information security is everyone's responsibility. Review our access policy for more.",
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "fc9a2c2b-1ddc-486d-a211-5fe8ca77fa1f",
    "displayName": "MOD Administrator",
    "userPrincipalName": ""
  "scope": {
    "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.accessReviewInactiveUsersQueryScope",
    "query": "./members/microsoft.graph.user/?$count=true&$filter=(userType eq 'Guest')",
    "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph",
    "queryRoot": null,
    "inactiveDuration": "P30D"
  "instanceEnumerationScope": {
    "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.accessReviewQueryScope",
    "query": "/groups?$filter=(groupTypes/any(c:c+eq+'Unified') and resourceProvisioningOptions/Any(x:x eq 'Team'))&$count=true",
    "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph",
    "queryRoot": null
  "reviewers": [
      "query": "./owners",
      "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph",
      "queryRoot": null
  "backupReviewers": [],
  "fallbackReviewers": [
      "query": "/users/fc9a2c2b-1ddc-486d-a211-5fe8ca77fa1f",
      "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph",
      "queryRoot": null
  "settings": {
    "mailNotificationsEnabled": true,
    "reminderNotificationsEnabled": true,
    "justificationRequiredOnApproval": true,
    "defaultDecisionEnabled": true,
    "defaultDecision": "Deny",
    "instanceDurationInDays": 3,
    "autoApplyDecisionsEnabled": true,
    "recommendationsEnabled": true,
    "recurrence": {
      "pattern": {
        "type": "absoluteMonthly",
        "interval": 3,
        "month": 0,
        "dayOfMonth": 5,
        "daysOfWeek": [],
        "firstDayOfWeek": "sunday",
        "index": "first"
      "range": {
        "type": "noEnd",
        "numberOfOccurrences": 0,
        "recurrenceTimeZone": null,
        "startDate": "2021-05-05",
        "endDate": "null"
    "applyActions": []
  "additionalNotificationRecipients": []

Example 3: Create an access review of all users to an application

The following example creates an access review with the following settings:

  • The review reviews user access to an application.
  • The people managers are the reviewers and fallback reviewers are the members of a group.
  • It recurs semi-annually and ends 1 year from the startDate.


Content-type: application/json

  "displayName": "Review employee access to LinkedIn",
  "descriptionForAdmins": "Review employee access to LinkedIn",
  "scope": {
    "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.principalResourceMembershipsScope",
    "principalScopes": [
        "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.accessReviewQueryScope",
        "query": "/users",
        "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph"
    "resourceScopes": [
        "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.accessReviewQueryScope",
        "query": "/servicePrincipals/bae11f90-7d5d-46ba-9f55-8112b59d92ae",
        "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph"
  "reviewers": [
      "query": "./manager",
      "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph",
      "queryRoot": "decisions"
  "backupReviewers": [
      "query": "/groups/072ac5f4-3f13-4088-ab30-0a276f3e6322/transitiveMembers",
      "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph"
  "fallbackReviewers": [
      "query": "/groups/072ac5f4-3f13-4088-ab30-0a276f3e6322/transitiveMembers",
      "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph"
  "settings": {
    "mailNotificationsEnabled": true,
    "reminderNotificationsEnabled": true,
    "justificationRequiredOnApproval": true,
    "defaultDecisionEnabled": true,
    "defaultDecision": "Recommendation",
    "instanceDurationInDays": 180,
    "autoApplyDecisionsEnabled": true,
    "recommendationsEnabled": true,
    "recurrence": {
      "pattern": {
        "type": "absoluteMonthly",
        "interval": 6,
        "dayOfMonth": 0
      "range": {
        "type": "numbered",
        "startDate": "2021-05-05",
        "endDate": "2022-05-05"


Note: The response object shown here might be shortened for readability.

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-type: application/json

  "@odata.context": "$metadata#identityGovernance/accessReviews/definitions/$entity",
  "id": "1f79f34b-8667-40d9-875c-893b630b3dec",
  "scope": {
    "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.principalResourceMembershipsScope",
    "principalScopes": [
        "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.accessReviewQueryScope",
        "query": "/users"
    "resourceScopes": [
        "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.accessReviewQueryScope",
        "query": "/servicePrincipals/bae11f90-7d5d-46ba-9f55-8112b59d92ae"
  "reviewers": [
      "query": "./manager"
  "fallbackReviewers": [
      "query": "/groups/072ac5f4-3f13-4088-ab30-0a276f3e6322/transitiveMembers"

Example 4: Create an access review on a group with multiple stages

The following example creates an access review with the following settings:

  • The review reviews all members of a group with the id 02f3bafb-448c-487c-88c2-5fd65ce49a41.
  • It has two stages:
    • A specific user with the user id 398164b1-5196-49dd-ada2-364b49f99b27 is the reviewer for the first stage.
    • The people managers are the reviewers and fallback reviewers for the second stage.
  • It recurs weekly and continues indefinitely.


Content-type: application/json

  "displayName": "Group Multi-stage Access Review",
  "descriptionForAdmins": "New scheduled access review",
  "descriptionForReviewers": "If you have any questions, contact",
  "scope": {
    "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.accessReviewQueryScope",
    "query": "/groups/02f3bafb-448c-487c-88c2-5fd65ce49a41/transitiveMembers",
    "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph"
  "stageSettings": [
      "stageId": "1",
      "durationInDays": 2,
      "recommendationsEnabled": false,
      "decisionsThatWillMoveToNextStage": [
      "reviewers": [
          "query": "/users/398164b1-5196-49dd-ada2-364b49f99b27",
          "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph"
      "stageId": "2",
      "dependsOn": [
      "durationInDays": 2,
      "recommendationsEnabled": true,
      "reviewers": [
          "query": "./manager",
          "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph",
          "queryRoot": "decisions"
      "fallbackReviewers": [
          "query": "/groups/072ac5f4-3f13-4088-ab30-0a276f3e6322/transitiveMembers",
          "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph"
  "settings": {
    "instanceDurationInDays": 4,
    "recurrence": {
      "pattern": {
        "type": "weekly",
        "interval": 1
      "range": {
        "type": "noEnd",
        "startDate": "2020-09-08T12:02:30.667Z"
    "decisionHistoriesForReviewersEnabled": true


Note: The response object shown here might be shortened for readability.

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-type: application/json

  "id": "29f2d16e-9ca6-4052-bbfe-802c48944448",
  "displayName": "Group Multi-stage Access Review",
  "createdDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "lastModifiedDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "status": "NotStarted",
  "descriptionForAdmins": "New scheduled access review",
  "descriptionForReviewers": "If you have any questions, contact",
  "instanceEnumerationScope": null,
  "createdBy": {
    "id": "957f1027-c0ee-460d-9269-b8444459e0fe",
    "displayName": "MOD Administrator",
    "userPrincipalName": ""
  "scope": {
    "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.accessReviewQueryScope",
    "query": "/groups/b74444cb-038a-4802-8fc9-b9d1ed0cf11f/transitiveMembers",
    "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph"
  "stageSettings": [
      "stageId": "1",
      "durationInDays": 2,
      "recommendationsEnabled": false,
      "decisionsThatWillMoveToNextStage": [
      "reviewers": [
          "query": "/users/398164b1-5196-49dd-ada2-364b49f99b27",
          "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph"
      "stageId": "2",
      "dependsOn": [
      "durationInDays": 2,
      "recommendationsEnabled": true,
      "reviewers": [
          "query": "./manager",
          "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph",
          "queryRoot": "decisions"
      "fallbackReviewers": [
          "query": "/groups/072ac5f4-3f13-4088-ab30-0a276f3e6322/transitiveMembers",
          "queryType": "MicrosoftGraph"
  "settings": {
    "mailNotificationsEnabled": true,
    "reminderNotificationsEnabled": true,
    "justificationRequiredOnApproval": true,
    "defaultDecisionEnabled": false,
    "defaultDecision": "None",
    "instanceDurationInDays": 1,
    "autoApplyDecisionsEnabled": false,
    "recommendationsEnabled": false,
    "recurrence": {
      "pattern": {
        "type": "weekly",
        "interval": 1,
        "month": 0,
        "dayOfMonth": 0,
        "daysOfWeek": [],
        "firstDayOfWeek": "sunday",
        "index": "first"
      "range": {
        "type": "noEnd",
        "numberOfOccurrences": 0,
        "recurrenceTimeZone": null,
        "startDate": "2020-09-08",
        "endDate": null
    "decisionHistoriesForReviewersEnabled": true,
    "applyActions": []
  "additionalNotificationRecipients": []