

automaticRepliesSetting resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Configuration settings to automatically notify the sender of an incoming email with a message from the signed-in user. For example, an automatic reply to notify that the signed-in user is unavailable to respond to emails.


Property Type Description
externalAudience externalAudienceScope The set of audience external to the signed-in user's organization who will receive the ExternalReplyMessage, if Status is AlwaysEnabled or Scheduled. The possible values are: none, contactsOnly, all.
externalReplyMessage string The automatic reply to send to the specified external audience, if Status is AlwaysEnabled or Scheduled.
internalReplyMessage string The automatic reply to send to the audience internal to the signed-in user's organization, if Status is AlwaysEnabled or Scheduled.
scheduledEndDateTime dateTimeTimeZone The date and time that automatic replies are set to end, if Status is set to Scheduled.
scheduledStartDateTime dateTimeTimeZone The date and time that automatic replies are set to begin, if Status is set to Scheduled.
status automaticRepliesStatus Configurations status for automatic replies. The possible values are: disabled, alwaysEnabled, scheduled.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "externalAudience": "String",
  "externalReplyMessage": "string",
  "internalReplyMessage": "string",
  "scheduledEndDateTime": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.dateTimeTimeZone"},
  "scheduledStartDateTime": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.dateTimeTimeZone"},
  "status": "String"