Power BI embedded analytics allows you to create, edit, and save embedded reports. A report can be created based on an existing dataset, or you can edit an existing report. You can also save the report after it was created or edited.
How to create a report
Learn how to create a new, blank report from an existing data set.
Required access token permissions for creating a report
Generate an embed token with access to the dataset. If you use the master user authentication method, make sure your application has the following scopes: Dataset.Read.All, Content.Create, and Workspaces.ReadWrite.all. See Embed Token - Generate Token for more information.
Your user must have the right permissions for the dataset. In addition, make sure your application has the following scopes: Dataset.Read.All, Content.Create, and Workspaces.ReadWrite.all.
Required client-side permissions for creating a report
The following client-side permissions are required for creating a report:
Create - Users can create a new report.
All - Users can create, view, edit, save, and save a copy of the report.
Create a new report
Create a new, blank report from an existing dataset. You need a dataset ID and the embed URL. For example, you can use the getDatasetsInGroup REST API and retrieve the CreateReportEmbedURL. See Datasets - Get Datasets In Group for more information.
You must have build or write permissions on the dataset to create a new report.
let embedCreateConfiguration = {
tokenType: tokenType,
accessToken: accessToken,
embedUrl: embedURL,
datasetId: datasetId,
settings: settings,
theme: theme, // optional
// Grab the reference to the div HTML element that will host the reportlet embedContainer = $('#embedContainer')[0];
// Create reportlet report = powerbi.createReport(embedContainer, embedCreateConfiguration);
You can also create a report with a theme applied to it. New visuals added to the report respect the theme style. See Apply report themes for more information.
How to edit a report
Learn how to edit an existing report and switch between View and Edit modes.
Generate an embed token with access to the report. If you use the master user authentication method, make sure your application has the following scopes: Dataset.ReadWrite.All and Report.ReadWrite.All. You must also set the allowEdit: true flag for each report that the end-user needs to edit. See Embed Token - Generate Token for more information.
Your user must have the right permissions for the report. In addition, make sure your application has the following scopes: Dataset.ReadWrite.All and Report.ReadWrite.All.
Required client-side permissions for editing
The following client-side permissions are required for editing a report:
Copy - Users can save a copy of the report by using Save As.
ReadWrite - Users can view, edit, and save the report.
All - Users can create, view, edit, save, and save a copy of the report.
Edit the report
Load your existing report in Edit mode. The report must be embedded in the same way the application embeds a regular report, and the view mode must be in Edit. Make sure that you set the viewMode parameter to models.ViewMode.Edit, and that you have the right client permissions.
let config = {
type: 'report',
tokenType: models.TokenType.Aad or models.TokenType.Embed,
accessToken: YourAccessToken,
embedUrl: YourEmbedUrl,
id: YourEmbedReportId,
permissions: models.Permissions.All,
viewMode: models.ViewMode.Edit,
// Grab the reference to the div HTML element that will host the reportlet embedContainer = $('#embedContainer')[0];
// Embed reportlet report = powerbi.embed(embedContainer, config);
Your user can now edit the report based on the permissions that are enabled.
You can also switch between the Edit and View modes after the report is loaded.
To switch to edit mode:
How to save a report
Learn how to save a report, including additional options like saving a copy of a report and saving a report to another workspace.
Generate an embed token with access to the report and dataset. If you want to save the report to another workspace, the token needs to have access to the target workspace. If you use the master user authentication method, make sure your application has the following scopes: Report.ReadWrite.All, and Workspaces.ReadWrite.all. You must also set the allowEdit: true flag for each report that the customer needs to edit. See Embed Token - Generate Token for more information.
Your user must have the right permissions for the report, the dataset, and the workspace where the dataset is located. In addition, make sure your application has the following scopes: Report.ReadWrite.All, and Workspaces.ReadWrite.all.
Required client-side permissions for saving
The following client-side permissions are required for saving a report:
ReadWrite - Users can view, edit, and save the report.
Create - Users can create a new report.
Copy - Users can save a copy of the report by using Save As.
All - Users can create, view, edit, save, and save a copy of the report.
Save a report
When you create a report, the report isn't saved until you call the save operation from the file menu or JavaScript.
Save a copy of a report
Save another copy with a different name. The copy of the report is saved to the same workspace as the report's dataset.
let saveAsParameters = {
name: "newReport"
You can also save your report to another workspace. Make sure you have the right permissions for the target workspace.
let saveAsParameters = {
name: "newReport"
targetWorkspaceId: "13bbf317-fe2b-4b15-a081-94b0921c28e5"
Verify that the report is saved
Call report.isSaved to make sure the report is saved. This method can help prevent losing unsaved changes.
let isReportSaved = await report.isSaved();
Create a custom saveAs experience
You can create a custom saveAs dialog by adding the useCustomSaveAsDialog: true report setting to the configuration object. This setting hides the default UI dialog.
When useCustomSaveAsDialog: true, the saveAsTriggered event is raised when a user selects Save As in the UI. Use this information to show your custom dialog.
report.on("saveAsTriggered", function (event) {
To perform a save as operation, you can call report.saveAs from your custom dialog. See Save a copy of a report for more information.
let saveAsParameters = {
name: "newReport"
targetWorkspaceId: "13bbf317-fe2b-4b15-a081-94b0921c28e5"
Listen to the save and saveAs events
The saved event is raised when a save is triggered by a save or saveAs action in the UI or by using the APIs. See How to handle events for more information.
report.on("saved", function (event) {
Esittele menetelmiä ja parhaita käytäntöjä, jotka ovat yhdenmukaisia microsoft Power BI:n kanssa liiketoiminnan ja teknisten vaatimusten kanssa mallinnusta, visualisointia ja analysointia varten.