

rxInstallPackages: Install Packages for Compute Context


Install R packages from repositories or install local files for the current session.


  rxInstallPackages(pkgs, skipMissing = FALSE, repos = getOption("repos"), verbose = getOption("verbose"), 
        scope = "private", owner = '', computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"))



character vector of the names of packages whose current versions should be downloaded from the repositories. If repos = NULL, a character vector of file paths of .zip files containing binary builds of packages. (http:// and file:// URLs are also accepted and the files will be downloaded and installed from local copies. If you specify .zip files with repos = NULL with RxComputeContext compute context the .zip file paths should already be present on a folder.


logical. Applicable only for RxInSqlServer compute context. If TRUE, skips missing dependent packages for which otherwise an error is generated.


character vector, the base URL(s) of the repositories to use.Can be NULL to install from local files, directories.


logical. If TRUE, "progress report" is given during installation of given packages.


character. Applicable only for RxInSqlServer compute context. Should be either "shared" or "private". "shared" installs the packages on per database shared location on SQL server which in turn can be used (referred) by multiple different users. "private" installs the packages on per database, per user private location on SQL server which is only accessible to the single user.


character. Applicable only for RxInSqlServer compute context. This is generally empty '' value. Should be either empty '' or a valid SQL database user account name. Only users in 'db_owner' role for a database can specify this value to install packages on behalf of other users.


an RxComputeContext or equivalent character string or NULL. If set to the default of NULL, the currently active compute context is used. Supported compute contexts are RxInSqlServer, RxLocalSeq.


This is a simple wrapper for install.packages. For RxInSqlServer compute context the user specified as part of connection string is used for installing the packages if owner argument is empty. The user calling this function needs to be granted permissions by database owner by making them member of either 'rpkgs-shared' or 'rpkgs-private' database role. Users in 'rpkgs-shared' role can install packages to "shared" location and "private" location. Users in 'rpkgs-private' role can only install packages "private" location for their own use. To use the packages installed on the SQL server a user needs to be a member of at least the 'rpkgs-users' role.

See the help file for additional details.


Invisible NULL


Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also

rxPackage, install.packages, rxFindPackage, rxInstalledPackages, rxRemovePackages, rxSyncPackages, rxSqlLibPaths,


 ## Not run:

# create SQL compute context
sqlcc <- RxInSqlServer(connectionString = "Driver=SQL Server;Server=myServer;Database=TestDB;Trusted_Connection=True;")

# list of packages to install
pkgs <- c("dplyr")

# Install a package and its dependencies into private scope
rxInstallPackages(pkgs = pkgs, verbose = TRUE, scope = "private", computeContext = sqlcc)

# Install a package and its dependencies into shared scope
rxInstallPackages(pkgs = pkgs, verbose = TRUE, scope = "shared", computeContext = sqlcc)

# Install a package and its dependencies into private scope for user1
rxInstallPackages(pkgs = pkgs, verbose = TRUE, scope = "private", owner = "user1", computeContext = sqlcc)

# Install a package and its dependencies into shared scope for user1
rxInstallPackages(pkgs = pkgs, verbose = TRUE, scope = "shared", owner = "user1", computeContext = sqlcc)
## End(Not run)