

Create organizational messages

Applies to Windows 11

Create, edit, and monitor organizational messages in the Microsoft Intune admin center. You can send important messages and call-to-actions to employees on Windows 11 devices managed by Microsoft Intune.

This article describes how to create the following types of organizational messages:

  • Taskbar messages
  • Notification area messages
  • Get Started app messages

Before you begin

Complete these steps before creating a message.

Review overview and prerequisites

Make sure your tenant is set up to support organizational messages.

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Intune admin center.
  2. Go to Tenant administration > Organizational messages.
  3. Spend some time in the Overview tab to learn about messaging options and prerequisites.

Confirm license requirements

Confirm that your tenant has the license required to support organizational messages. This step only has to be done once. You must be assigned the Organization/Update permission or be a global administrator to complete this step.

  1. Go to the Message tab.
  2. Review and verify that your tenant meets all licensing requirements. Select I confirm that my organization owns the appropriate license and I understand the Windows device requirements.
  3. Select Confirm.

Step 1: Create a message

Create and configure a message for the taskbar area.

  1. Go to the Message tab and select Create.

  2. For Message type, select Taskbar.

  3. For Message theme, select the type of message you want to create. Your options:

    • Mandatory update: Prompt employees to install a mandatory update.
    • Security update: Prompt employees to review information about an important security update.
    • Important action: Prompt employees to review an important action they need to take.
    • Important information: Prompt employees to review important information from your organization.
    • Key meeting: Prompt employees to review highlights from a recent meeting.
    • Latest video: Prompt employees to review important video updates.
    • Leadership updates: Prompt employees to review important updates from leadership.
    • Team updates: Prompt employees to review important updates from their team.
    • Planned outage: Prompt employees to review information about an upcoming outage.
  4. Select OK.

  5. On the Message page, select Add a logo, and then choose an image file. For requirements, see Logo requirements.

  6. Provide a link for the message: To include a URL link in your message:

    1. Enter your custom URL. Example:
    2. Select the full generated link to make sure it works.
  7. Choose language to preview: Select a language to preview the localized version of your message. The message is shown to employees in the display language they've selected on their device. Organizational messages are supported in 15 languages. If the employee's preferred language isn't supported, the message will appear in their preferred fallback language.

  8. Preview the message in dark theme: Turn on the toggle to view how your message appears in dark theme. Check to make sure your logo shows up correctly in both light and dark theme.

  9. Select Next: Schedule to continue to scheduling options.

Step 2: Schedule a message

On the Schedule page, schedule the delivery of your message.

  1. Configure the delivery time window. Your options:

    • First day to show message: Select when to first show the message. To ensure that delivery begins when you want it to, configure this setting 24 hours before you want the message to appear.
    • Last day to show message: Select the last day to show the message. This date must be at least 7 days after the start date.
  2. Select Next: Assignments to continue to assignment options.

Step 3: Add scope tags

Optionally, add scope tags to control which administrators can see, edit, cancel, or delete messages in Intune. Choose Select scope tags to add scope tags to the message. Select Remove to delete scope tags from the message.

For more information about scope tags, see Use role-based access control (RBAC) and scope tags for distributed IT in Intune.


Intune only enforces scope tags and scope groups for messages created in Intune, and for admins with Intune roles.

Step 4: Assign message

Assign the message to Microsoft Entra registered users in your organization. You can assign the message to Microsoft Entra user groups, not Microsoft Entra device groups. If a group includes both users and devices, Intune will only send the message to the users.

  1. To include groups in the assignment, you have two options:
    • Add groups: Select this option to individually choose from a list of Microsoft Entra groups.
    • Include all users: Select the option to assign the message to all Microsoft Entra registered users.
  2. If needed, exclude Microsoft Entra groups from the assignment. Under Exclude, select Add groups and choose the Microsoft Entra groups to leave out.
  3. Select Next: Review + Create to review and finalize your message.

Step 5: Review and create message

Review your message, scheduling details, and assignments before creating your message. When you're ready to send the message, select Create.

Return to Organizational messages and select the Message tab to view or edit your new message.

Edit scheduled message

You can edit the properties of a message that's in a scheduled state.

  1. Go to Organizational messages > Messages.
  2. Select the name of the message you want to edit.
  3. A summary of the message opens, and shows the message properties. Next to Summary, select Edit.
  4. Make changes to the properties.
  5. Select Save.

Next steps