

Data validation: dropdown lists, prompts, and warning pop-ups

Data validation helps the user ensure consistency in a worksheet. Use these features to limit what can be entered into a cell and provide warnings or errors to users when those conditions aren't met. To learn more about data validation in Excel, see Apply data validation to cells.

Create a dropdown list using data validation

The following sample creates a dropdown selection list for a cell. It uses the existing values of the selected range as the choices for the list.

A worksheet showing a range of three cells containing color choices 'red, blue, green' and next to it, the same choices shown in a dropdown list.

function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
  // Get the values for data validation.
  const selectedRange = workbook.getSelectedRange();
  const rangeValues = selectedRange.getValues();

  // Convert the values into a comma-delimited string.
  let dataValidationListString = "";
  rangeValues.forEach((rangeValueRow) => {
    rangeValueRow.forEach((value) => {
      dataValidationListString += value + ",";

  // Clear the old range.

  // Apply the data validation to the first cell in the selected range.
  const targetCell = selectedRange.getCell(0,0);
  const dataValidation = targetCell.getDataValidation();

  // Set the content of the dropdown list.
      list: {
        inCellDropDown: true,
        source: dataValidationListString

Add a prompt to a range

This example creates a prompt note that appears when a user enters the given cells. This is used to remind users about input requirements, without strict enforcement.

A prompt with the title 'First names only' and the message 'Only enter the first name of the employee, not the full name.' next to a worksheet with some names in cells.

 * This script creates a text prompt that's shown in C2:C8 when a user enters the cell.
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
    // Get the data validation object for C2:C8 in the current worksheet.
    const selectedSheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet();
    const dataValidation = selectedSheet.getRange("C2:C8").getDataValidation();

    // Clear any previous validation to avoid conflicts.

    // Create a prompt to remind users to only enter first names in this column.
    const prompt: ExcelScript.DataValidationPrompt = {
      showPrompt: true,
      title: "First names only",
      message: "Only enter the first name of the employee, not the full name."

Alert the user when invalid data is entered

The following sample script prevents the user from entering anything other than positive numbers into a range. If they try to put anything else, an error message pops up and indicates the problem.

An error message with the title 'Invalid data' and the message 'Positive numbers only.' next to a cell with a negative number.

 * This script creates a data validation rule for the range B2:B5.
 * All values in that range must be a positive number.
 * Attempts to enter other values are blocked and an error message appears.
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
    // Get the range B2:B5 in the active worksheet.
    const currentSheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet();
    const positiveNumberOnlyCells = currentSheet.getRange("B2:B5");

    // Create a data validation rule to only allow positive numbers.
    const positiveNumberValidation: ExcelScript.BasicDataValidation = {
        formula1: "0",
        operator: ExcelScript.DataValidationOperator.greaterThan
    const positiveNumberOnlyRule: ExcelScript.DataValidationRule = {
      wholeNumber: positiveNumberValidation

    // Set the rule on the range.
    const rangeDataValidation = positiveNumberOnlyCells.getDataValidation();

    // Create an alert to appear when data other than positive numbers are entered.
    const positiveNumberOnlyAlert: ExcelScript.DataValidationErrorAlert = {
        message: "Positive numbers only.",
        showAlert: true,
        style: ExcelScript.DataValidationAlertStyle.stop,
        title: "Invalid data"