

FormRegionStartup.GetFormRegionStorage method (Outlook)

Obtains appropriate storage for a form region based on the specified information.


expression. GetFormRegionStorage( _FormRegionName_ , _Item_ , _LCID_ , _FormRegionMode_ , _FormRegionSize_ )

expression A variable that represents an object that implements the 'FormRegionStartup' interface.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
FormRegionName Required String The internal name of the form region. This can be indicated by the <name> tag in the corresponding form region XML manifest.
Item Required Object The Outlook item object that caused the loading of the form region.
LCID Required Long The current locale ID.
FormRegionMode Required OlFormRegionMode The mode that the form region is being loaded into.
FormRegionSize Required OlFormRegionSize The type of form region being loaded, either adjoining or separate.

Return value

A Variant object representing the storage that Outlook has allocated for the form region. The type of the return value can be: String representing that the return value is a local path to an Outlook Form Storage (.OFS) file; Byte() representing that the return value is an array of bytes that contains the contents of the .OFS file; IStorage representing that the return value is a COM storage object IStorage (for C++ only); Nothing or Null, representing that Outlook could not allocate storage for this form region and will not load the form region.


The add-in must check for the return value of GetFormRegionStorage. A form region will not load if any of the following is true of the returned storage:

  • The returned storage is a .OFS file specified with a non-local path.

  • The returned storage is a file but is not an .OFS file saved from the forms designer.

For examples of add-ins in C# and Visual Basic .NET that implement the FormRegionStartup interface, see code sample downloads on MSDN.

See also

FormRegionStartup Interface

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