
Earnings in Partner Center

Appropriate roles: Incentives: Incentives admin | Incentives user; Marketplace/Store: Financial contributor

See earnings and payments you receive through Partner Center.

Access your earnings statement

Sign in to Partner Center, and select the Earnings page.

The page includes a rich filter set with abilities to see your earnings data by solution area, partner association in addition to what is available in current experience in Transaction history.

You can view earnings organized by most earning top 50 customers, or search for any individual customer. Alternatively, view earnings organized by programs, engagements (for Microsoft commerce incentives only), and levers.

You can see and download data about UI views. You can see detailed earnings report downloads available from top of the page for Incentives (standard and growth reports), Store, Marketplace, and Payments.

The Earnings page shows:

Earnings card

  • Earnings - As of: Latest earning generation date (also known as Calc date found in the export file) in the UTC timezone
  • Earnings - Total for selected period and filters: Total sum of unique earnings in USD for the selected time period. Honors all page filters. Doesn't include claims.
  • Earnings - Previous month total: Total sum of unique earnings in USD for the previous month and the month prior. Time filter doesn't apply. Honors all page filters. Doesn't include claims. If the earning is $0, then that month doesn't show.
  • Earnings - Current month total: Total sum of unique earnings in USD for the current month. Time filter doesn't apply. Honors all page filters. Doesn't include claims. If the earning is $0, then that month doesn't show.

Payments card

  • Payments - As of: Latest payment order creation date in the UTC timezone.
  • Payments - Total for selected period and filters: Total sum of unique payments in USD for the selected time period. Selective filters only apply: Enrollment ID, Program, Earning Type, Payment status, and Payment ID.
  • Payments - Previous month total: Total sum of unique payments received in the previous month and month prior in USD. Selective filters only apply: Enrollment ID, Program, Earning Type, Payment status, and Payment ID. If the payment is $0, then that month doesn't show.
  • Payments - Current month total: Total sum of unique payments received in the current month in USD. Selective filters only apply: Enrollment ID, Program, Earning Type, Payment status, and Payment ID. If the payment is $0, then that month doesn't show.

Next estimated payments card

  • Estimated payments - As Of: Latest payment order creation date in UTC.
  • Next estimated payments - Total: Total sum of estimated payments in USD for the selected time period. Honors all page filters.
  • Next estimated payments: Current month, Next month and Current month +1: Breakdown of estimated payments by month in USD. Time filter doesn't apply. Honors all page filters.
  • Earnings - by payment status: Total earnings in USD by status for the selected time period. Honors all page filters. To learn more, see Payment status.
  • Earnings - by lever: Total earnings in USD by lever for the selected time period. Honors all page filters.
  • Earnings - by earning type: Total earnings in USD by earning type like Co-op, Rebate, Fee, IndirectRebate for the selected time period. Honors all page filters.

Earnings and payments

  • Earning and payments: Earning and payment (pretax) trends. Honors all page filters. Earnings trend doesn't include claims.

Earnings summary

  • By customer: Shows top 50 customers' earnings and the payments (pretax). The view is sorted by default with earnings USD with highest on top. The data can be sorted by all columns, but only on the result sets displayed in the user interface. This view can be downloaded. You can also search for any customer.


If the earnings don't have a customer name, it shows up as blank. For example, earnings resulting from manual adjustments, local/global campaign earnings, or growth levers are usually measured at partner ID or product level.

  • By program: Shows top 50 program/engagement (applicable for Microsoft Commerce Incentives only)/lever earnings and the payments (pretax). The view is sorted by default with earnings USD with highest on the top. The data can be sorted by all columns, but only on the result sets displayed in the user interface. This view can be downloaded.

Payments summary

The payment order view shows the payments that are sent and are pending.

Because the payment order is an aggregated representation of all earnings belonging to a program, earning type and payment method, there are restrictions on the type of filters that can be applied to this section. Only Enrollment ID/Location, Program Name, Earning Type, Payment status, and Payment ID, filters apply.

The By sent view shows all payments that Microsoft successfully sends.

The By pending view shows all earnings that aren't in Sent or Unprocessed state. It means a payment order creation has commenced. Any of the other statuses you see other than Upcoming means that either the minimum threshold isn't met, or money has been escheated, or bank/tax information isn't up to date, or tax invoice is rejected.

  • Payment date: Date of payment order
  • Payment ID: Payment order identification number that also shows up in your bank statement. One payment order is uniquely created per enrolled participant ID, program, earning type. Select on the payment ID to see the earnings summary by customer or by program/engagement/lever just for the payment ID. The whole page is narrowed down to show details pertaining to the payment ID only. Claim payments can't be tied back to co-op earnings. To learn more, see Troubleshoot payments FAQ: I don't see reconciliation details
  • Program: Incentive, Marketplace, or store program identifier.
  • Earning type: Reflects type of earning/payment. for example, fee, rebate, claim.
  • Earnings (USD): Earnings considered for the payment in USD.
  • Earnings in payment currency: Earnings considered for the payment in the currency chosen in Payment Instructions.
  • Payment in payment currency: Payment amount in the payment currency chosen in Payment instructions.
  • Documents
    • Payment remittance letter attachment is provided for incentive partners.
    • Service fee tax attachment is provided for marketplace/store partners where applicable.
    • Credit note link is provided for all partners where payment method is set as Credit Note.
  • Withholding tax: Withholding tax, as applicable
  • Other taxes: It's the total salesTax and serviceFeeTax applied for certain Marketplace/store users per policies.

For all payment orders that aren't of type claim, selecting the payment order filters the whole page, including Earnings summary: by customer and By program views to show earnings associated with that payment ID.

Downloads available via Earnings page

Detailed earnings and associated reconciliation details and payment status can be obtained from these reports:

Page filters

This page contains multiple filters, each of which supports multiselect options.

The time filter includes options for 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 36 months, or custom dates. When you select three months, the report returns data for the past three months starting from today.

Filter attribute Description Applicability
Enrollment ID, Location Partner ID with which you're enrolled in the program. Applies to the whole page.
Program Name Incentive, store, or marketplace program name. Applies to the whole page.
Solution Area High level product categorization. For example, Azure, Modern Work and Security. Useful only for Microsoft Commerce Incentives. Applies to all except the Payments, Estimated Payments, and Payment summary views.
Partner Role Categorization of the kind of engagement. Example: build intent, transact, consume, and use. Learn more about Partner roles. Applicable for Microsoft commerce incentive only. Applies to all except the Payments, Estimated Payments, and Payment summary views.
Engagement name Name of the incentive engagement under Microsoft commerce incentive program. Useful only for Microsoft Commerce Incentives. Applies to all except the Payments, Estimated Payments, and Payment summary views.
Lever Reflects the calculation rule/policy. Applies to the whole page.
Earning Type Type of earning. Examples: Rebate, Fee, Co-op, Indirect Rebate. Applies to the whole page.
Status Reflects the status of an earning until it's sent out. Applies to the whole page.
Payment ID Includes both the payment ID of a payment order as it reflects in the bank payment or credit note, and the payment month.
Search by payment ID or by the payment month.
Applies to the whole page.

Payment status

Payment status denotes the various statuses of an earning as it transitions to a payment. An earning is initially in the unprocessed state, then moves onto the Upcoming state when the payment order is created. Eventually, the earning reaches the Sent state (barring any policy restrictions), pending partner actions which prevent a payment from going out. Make sure your bank and tax profile are always up to date to prevent payment delays Pay out and tax profiles in Partner Center.

Payment status - Unprocessed

Earning is in unprocessed payment status during the accrual/escrow period. If the payment cadence is monthly and earnings are generated in the beginning or middle of the month, the payment stays in Unprocessed state until Microsoft creates a payment order. Example: If earning is generated for first or fifteenth of the month and is generated on or before the last day of the month, it remains in the unprocessed state until the end of the month when the payment order is created.

Payment status - Upcoming

When payment order is created, earnings move to Upcoming state. It takes 5-10 days for the payment to be internally reviewed and dispatched from this state. All earnings that will be part of the same payment will have the same payment ID assigned during this state. Earnings for a program, enrollment identity, earning type and same maturity period are usually lumped into a single payment order.

Payment status – In progress

Payment order is in progress state when it is in the process of being dispatched from Microsoft bank.

Payment status – Sent

Payment order moves to the sent status when it is dispatched from Microsoft bank. Post this state, it takes few days to weeks for your bank to receive the payment depending on the country and for any delay after this stage, contact your bank.

Payment status – Incorrect payment

Certain payment orders transition to incorrect payment status from upcoming. This means payment recouping is in progress. No partner action required.

Payment status – Rejected during review

If the payment order fails criteria to release payment it moves to Rejected during review status.

Payment status - Failed

Payment order moves to Failed status when there is a failure due to a Microsoft system error. It is usually auto corrected and no partner action is required.

Payment status – Reprocessing

Payment order temporarily moves to reprocessing status when there is a Microsoft system error and is being reprocessed. No partner action is required.

Payment status – Reversed

Payment order moves to reversed status when your bank reverses the payment. The payment will be sent again in the next payment cycle.

Payment status – Rejected

Payment order moves to rejected status when your bank rejected the payment sent by Microsoft. Contact your bank for more details.

Payment status – Escheated

Applicable for US-based incentives partners (location partner ID is registered to an address located in the United States) only. If the partners have no earning for consecutive 18 months, all earnings that we're unable to process for more than 45+180 days after the original earning period should be sent to the Unclaimed Property (UCP) team based in Fargo.

Payment status – Forfeited (applicable to incentives only)

Applicable to non-US incentives partners only. When we don't have valid payment (bank) or tax instruments from the partners to process the payment, Microsoft holds the payment for the partners. We continue to attempt to process the payment for up to six months (180 days) after the initial failure of the payment (typical SLA = 45 days). If we still don't have partners valid payment and tax instruments to process the payment, Microsoft forfeits these earnings. These earnings show as Forfeited. Alternatively, if partner doesn't accumulate more than $200 within a program year, earnings are forfeited.

Payment status – Pending tax invoice

Due to local tax regulations, partners from the following countries: India, China, Italy, Korea, Mexico, and Taiwan, are required to submit an invoice to Microsoft to receive their incentive payments through Partner Center. Until the tax invoice is submitted, payment order is in the Pending tax invoice status.

Payment status – Tax invoice under review

Payment order moves from pending tax invoice status to tax invoice under review when it is picked up for review. If the review succeeds, payment transitions to “Sent” status.

Payment status – Tax invoice rejected

Payment order is moved to Tax invoice rejected if the requirements are not met. All pending payments are on hold until the tax invoice review is complete. Microsoft will reach out with exact corrections required.

Common tasks using the earnings page

See earning per program/lever all-up

In Earnings Summary, select by program view and download the view to get the program lever breakdown. The result set is limited to 50 rows. Apply filters to make it more effective. For example, to understand how a particular country/region or enrollment location is doing, narrow down the enrollment IDs.

For Microsoft commerce incentives, view all Azure earnings and understand the breakdown by lever.

Set Solution Area filter as Azure. Choose By program to review the earnings by all levers for Azure based engagements. The result set is limited to top 50 earning levers across Azure engagements.

See how much you're earning through Modern Workplace and Security workshops

  • Set the Solution Area filter as Modern Workplace and Security.
  • Set the Partner Role filter as Build Intent.

See earnings per customer

The Earnings summary - by customer view shows the earnings per customer for the top 50 customers. To search for a customer, type their name in the search box by Customer view. You can apply program filters, engagement filters, or other filters to understand the customer earnings for the chosen criteria.

This report doesn't include manual adjustments, earnings from growth levers that measure revenue or usage growth at partner or product level.

See how much you earned for program or lever for the transactions, usage, or consumption that you drove in the last month

Refer to the previous month's earnings in the Earnings tile on the top left. Completeness of earnings is subject to when the earnings are computed.

See how much you got paid for this month

All up payment for current or previous month can be obtained by looking at the current and previous month $ value in the Total payments card. For older months, apply the time filter to desired month and consume the Total value.

Understand the earning breakdown at program lever level for a payment ID

Set the time filter to 36 months if the payment is older than six months and apply the Payment ID filter. You can view the customer level earnings and alternatively the lever level earning breakdown in the Earning summary.

Look up earnings for a date range

Use the custom time filter to select a date range (for example, from July 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023). The results filter down the page to show earnings belonging to that time period.

Look for all earnings for payment orders that Microsoft has successfully sent out

Set the preferred time filter and set the Status filter to Sent. You can view the earnings by customer and earnings by program/lever in the Earnings summary section. Alternatively, if you just want to know the high-level number without a customer/program/lever breakdown, select By status on the Earnings chart on the left.

Look for earnings corresponding to Dynamics 365 engagements only

Set the preferred time filter and navigate to Lever section of the page filters and type D365 in the search bar. The results only show all Dynamics 365 levers. To view the corresponding earnings, select 1, many, or all.

See results for your country or region for business applications

Set the preferred time filter and navigate to the Enrollment ID section of the filter pane and choose the preferred IDs belonging to country or region and set Solution Area filter as Business Applications.

See top earning engagements in Azure

Set the preferred time filter, and set the Solution area filter to Business applications. In the Earnings summary section, select By program. The results show the earnings for all Azure engagements.

See your monthly earning trend for an Azure engagement, or a lever or solution area

Set the time filter as 6 months, 12 months, or Custom, then apply the right Solution area, Engagement, or Lever filter. The Earnings and Payments trend chart provides you with the view.

Show total unpaid earnings

Multiselect all payment statuses except Sent. The total earning outcome reflects the amount that is still unpaid except for earning type Co-op. The co-op earnings never progress to a state beyond Upcoming. Use the Claim management experience to understand the pending co-op amount compared to how much has been claimed.

See the payment remittance document, credit note, or service fee tax document

Find this document in the Payment summary section corresponding to the payment you received.

Show all the individual payment orders sent to you

See the Payment summary to view and download payment order details for the last three years.

See the earnings corresponding to a single payment ID or payment month

Search for the month in the Payment ID filter and multiselect all the payment IDs you want to view the earnings for. If you're interested in only one payment ID, just select that.

See the earnings corresponding to the 'By pending view' of Payment summary?

Each payment order is defined at a program, earning type, enrollment ID level. Apply all these filters and choose all Payment status except Sent, Unprocessed to get the page filtered down to earnings corresponding to each line you see in the Payment Summary: by pending view.

Partner roles

Partner role Description
Build intent - Partner activities
Build intent - Advisor
Build with
Encourage customers to pursue Microsoft solutions and prove Microsoft solution value.
Transact Facilitate customer purchasing motions.
Use or consume Integrate solutions into customer environments and increase consumption.