
Data Refresh Frequency

Appropriate roles: Report viewer | Executive report viewer

Partners can access the reports available in the Partner Center Insights workspace using the Download Reports section.

These reports contain the raw datasets.

For the procedure to download the reports, see Download Reports.

Reports refresh intervals

The reports in the Downloads hub section of the Insights workspace are refreshed at various intervals. Certain reports undergo major updates every fiscal month, with the refresh period specified. For example, Fiscal month refresh of June 2023 will happen and will be available post 10th of next month, i.e. 10th of July 2023.

Dataset Data refresh interval
AzureUsage Four days (Fiscal month refresh on fifth day of next month)
BusinessAppliicationsRevenue Five days (Fiscal month refresh on 15th day of next month)
BusinessAppliicationsUsage Five days (Fiscal month refresh on 15th day of next month)
CLASAgreementRenewalsPropensity Seven days
CLASAzurePropensity Seven days
CLASD365Propensity Seven days
CLASM365Propensity Seven days
CustomersAndTenants Five days (Fiscal month refresh on 15th day of next month)
DynamicsUsage Three days (Fiscal month refresh on 15th day of next month)
EMSUsage Three days(Fiscal month refresh on 15th day of next month)
MSLearn Three days
Microsoft 365 Usage Three days(Fiscal month refresh on 15th day of next month)
PowerBIUsage Three days (Fiscal month refresh on 15th day of next month)
Profile One day
ResellerPerformance Five days (Fiscal month refresh on 15th day of next month)
SeatsSubscriptionsAndRevenue Five days (Fiscal month refresh on 15th day of next month)
TeamsUsage3PApps Three days (Fiscal month refresh on 15th day of next month)
TeamsUsageMeetingsAndCalls Three days (Fiscal month refresh on 15th day of next month)
TeamsUsageWorkload Three days (Fiscal month refresh on 15th day of next month)
TrainingCompletions Five days


Datasets with fiscal month refreshes will not include data for the last 30 days when downloaded. For e.g. June month's data will be available the next refresh will be on 10th of July. On 10th of July, the last 30 days will select the time from 10th of June to 10th of July which will not include 1st of June. As the latest data of June will have the datekey of first of June, hence the report will come up blank. To ensure you receive the most accurate data, we suggest using larger time ranges or custom time ranges when selecting your data.

Data look back time on CPP pages

Page name Maximum look back time Page URL
Summary 13 months https://partner.microsoft.com/dashboard/insights/partnerinsights/overview
Customers 24 months https://partner.microsoft.com/dashboard/insights/partnerinsights/customers
Resellers 13 months https://partner.microsoft.com/dashboard/insights/partnerinsights/resellers
Subscriptions 13 months https://partner.microsoft.com/dashboard/insights/partnerinsights/subscriptions
Azure Usage 24 months https://partner.microsoft.com/dashboard/insights/partnerinsights/azureusage
Teams Usage 13 months https://partner.microsoft.com/dashboard/insights/partnerinsights/teamsusage
Office 365 Usage 13 months https://partner.microsoft.com/dashboard/insights/partnerinsights/office365usage
Dynamics Usage 13 months https://partner.microsoft.com/dashboard/insights/partnerinsights/dynamicsusage
EMS Usage 13 months https://partner.microsoft.com/dashboard/insights/partnerinsights/emsusage
Power BI Usage 13 months https://partner.microsoft.com/dashboard/insights/partnerinsights/powerbiusage


The maximum look back time is the maximum valid “from date” you can choose in the Date filter of any page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my report appear blank when I download it for the last month?

Issue: When you attempt to download a report for the previous month during the early days of the current month, you may encounter a blank report. The reason of blank report is the report’s Month key is set to reference the 1st day of each month. If the current month’s data hasn't populated and the previous month’s data excludes the 1st day, the report does not display any data.

Example: Let’s say today is February 5 and you want to download last month’s report. The system will select the data from January 5 to February 4. Since the data for February hasn’t started flowing in and the data for January 1 is not included, you end up with an incomplete dataset, resulting in a blank report.

Solution: To avoid this issue, we recommend using the custom date range feature during the first week of the month. You can manually select the exact timeframe for the report, ensuring that you include all the necessary data from the previous month. For instance, you can set the date range from January 1 to January 31 to get the complete report for January.

For more information, see Download reports.