
How to Manage App-V 5.0 Packages Running on a Stand-Alone Computer by Using PowerShell

Tuotteet: Application Virtualization 5.0 SP1, Application Virtualization 5.0 SP2, Application Virtualization 5.0 SP3

The following sections explain how to perform various management tasks on a stand-alone client computer by using PowerShell:

  • To return a list of packages

  • To add a package

  • To publish a package

  • To publish a package to a specific user

  • To add and publish a package

  • To unpublish an existing package

  • To unpublish a package for a specific user

  • To remove an existing package

  • To enable only administrators to publish or unpublish packages

  • Understanding pending packages (UserPending and GlobalPending)

To return a list of packages

Use the following information to return a list of packages that are entitled to a specific user:

Cmdlet: Get-AppvClientPackage

Parameters: -Name -Version -PackageID -VersionID

Example: Get-AppvClientPackage –Name “ContosoApplication” -Version 2

To add a package

Use the following information to add a package to a computer.


This example only adds a package. It does not publish the package to the user or the computer.

Cmdlet: Add-AppvClientPackage

Example: $Contoso = Add-AppvClientPackage \\path\to\appv\package.appv

To publish a package

Use the following information to publish a package that has been added to a specific user or globally to any user on the computer.

Publishing method Cmdlet and example

Publishing to the user

Cmdlet: Publish-AppvClientPackage

Example: Publish-AppvClientPackage “ContosoApplication”

Publishing globally

Cmdlet: Publish-AppvClientPackage

Example: Publish-AppvClientPackage “ContosoApplication” -Global

To publish a package to a specific user


You must use App-V 5.0 SP2 Hotfix Package 5 or later to use this parameter.

An administrator can publish a package to a specific user by specifying the optional –UserSID parameter with the Publish-AppvClientPackage cmdlet, where -UserSID represents the end user’s security identifier (SID).

To use this parameter:

  • You can run this cmdlet from the user or administrator session.

  • You must be logged in with administrative credentials to use the parameter.

  • The end user must be logged in.

  • You must provide the end user’s security identifier (SID).

Cmdlet: Publish-AppvClientPackage

Example: Publish-AppvClientPackage “ContosoApplication” -UserSID S-1-2-34-56789012-3456789012-345678901-2345

To add and publish a package

Use the following information to add a package to a computer and publish it to the user.

Cmdlet: Add-AppvClientPackage

Example: Add-AppvClientPackage \\path\to\appv\package.appv | Publish-AppvClientPackage

To unpublish an existing package

Use the following information to unpublish a package which has been entitled to a user but not remove the package from the computer.

Cmdlet: Unpublish-AppvClientPackage

Example: Unpublish-AppvClientPackage “ContosoApplication”

To unpublish a package for a specific user


You must use App-V 5.0 SP2 Hotfix Package 5 or later to use this parameter.

An administrator can unpublish a package for a specific user by using the optional –UserSID parameter with the Unpublish-AppvClientPackage cmdlet, where -UserSID represents the end user’s security identifier (SID).

To use this parameter:

  • You can run this cmdlet from the user or administrator session.

  • You must be logged in with administrative credentials to use the parameter.

  • The end user must be logged in.

  • You must provide the end user’s security identifier (SID).

Cmdlet: Unpublish-AppvClientPackage

Example: Unpublish-AppvClientPackage “ContosoApplication” -UserSID S-1-2-34-56789012-3456789012-345678901-2345

To remove an existing package

Use the following information to remove a package from the computer.

Cmdlet: Remove-AppvClientPackage

Example: Remove-AppvClientPackage “ContosoApplication”


App-V cmdlets have been assigned to variables for the previous examples for clarity only; assignment is not a requirement. Most cmdlets can be combined as displayed in To add and publish a package. For a detailed tutorial, see App-V 5.0 Client PowerShell Deep Dive.

To enable only administrators to publish or unpublish packages


This feature is supported starting in App-V 5.0 SP3.

Use the following cmdlet and parameter to enable only administrators (not end users) to publish or unpublish packages:





Parameter values:

  • 0 - False

  • 1 - True

Example:: Set-AppvClientConfiguration –RequirePublishAsAdmin1

To use the App-V Management console to set this configuration, see How to Publish a Package by Using the Management Console.

Understanding pending packages (UserPending and GlobalPending)

Starting in App-V 5.0 SP2: If you run a PowerShell cmdlet that affects a package that is currently in use, the task that you are trying to perform is placed in a pending state. For example, if you try to publish a package when an application in that package is being used, and then run Get-AppvClientPackage, the pending status appears in the cmdlet output as follows:

Cmdlet output item Description


Indicates whether the listed package has a pending task that is being applied to the user:

  • True

  • False


Indicates whether the listed package has a pending task that is being applied globally to the computer:

  • True

  • False

The pending task will run later, according to the following rules:

Task type Applicable rule

User-based task, e.g., publishing a package to a user

The pending task will be performed after the user logs off and then logs back on.

Globally based task, e.g., enabling a connection group globally

The pending task will be performed when the computer is shut down and then restarted.

For more information about pending tasks, see Package upgrade improvements and pending tasks.

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