

Creates captions on Dynamics NAV objects for a specified language.


finsql.exe command=createlanguage, langid=<langid>, [servername=<server>,] [database=<database>,] [filter=<filter>,] [logfile=<path and filename>,] [username=<user name>,] [password=<password>,] [ntauthentication=<yes|no|0|1>]  



Specifies the standard Windows three-letter ID of the language that you want to add captions for.


The name of the database server that hosts the Dynamics NAV database and objects that you want to modify. . The format of this parameter is <computername>\<database server instance>.

If you do not specify both the servername parameter and the database parameter, then the database server and database that are stored in the fin.zup file are used.


When you first specify a database server and database to open, either from a command at a command prompt or from a client, the database server and database are stored in the fin.zup file. By default, the fin.zup file is located at C:\users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\.

If you do not specify the servername parameter but you do specify the database parameter, then the Open Database window opens so that you can specify the database server name.


To view the name of the server on which the current database is stored, on the File menu, choose Database, and then choose Information. Use the value of the Database Server field for the servername parameter.


The name of the Dynamics NAV database that contains the objects that you want to modify.


To view the name of the current database, on the File menu, choose Database, and then choose Information. Use the value of the Database Name field for the database parameter.


Specifies a filter on the Object table. Use the filter parameter to specify which objects to add captions on. For example, you can add captions on a specific set of pages or reports. Use a semicolon to separate multiple filters. The only operator that you can use in the filter is '='. The following table shows the fields in the Object table on which you can filter.

Object table field Values Example
Type Table, Codeunit, Page, Report, XMLport, Query Type=Table|Page
ID Integer or range of integers ID=50000..50500
Name Any valid object name "Name=Cost Entry"
Modified yes, no, 1, 0 Modified=yes
Compiled yes, no, 1, 0 Compiled=0
Date Date, in the numeric format determined by your regional settings "Date=12/1/2012"
Time Time, in the numeric format determined by your regional settings "Time=12:00:00"
Version List Any valid version "Version List=NAVW17.00"
Caption Any valid caption "Caption=Company Information"
Locked Yes, no, 1, 0 Locked=1
Locked By Domain\username "Locked By=CRONUS\viktor"


If you do not specify a filter, then captions are added on all objects in the Object table.


The path and file name for the file that contains error messages that result from the command. If there are no errors, then a log file is not created.

By default, the file is named naverrorlog.txt and is located in the same location as finsql.exe.

The navcommandresult.txt file, which contains information about the success or failure of the command, is created in the folder that is specified by the logfile parameter.

When you run finsql.exe with a command, the previous log file and result file are deleted.


If User Access Control (UAC) is turned on and you do not specify to run the Command Prompt window as Administrator, then the Command Prompt window runs as a standard user. In this case, if you do not specify the logfile parameter, then the command fails because the standard user cannot write to the default location of the log file.


The user name to use to authenticate to the database. The user name must exist in the database. If you do not specify a user name and password, then the command uses the Windows user name and password of the current user to authenticate to the database.


If User Access Control (UAC) is turned on and you do not specify to run the Command Prompt window as Administrator, then the Command Prompt window runs as a standard user. In this case, if you do not specify the username parameter and the current Windows user is an Administrator, then the command is run as the standard user.

If you specify the username parameter, then you must also specify the password parameter and the ntauthentication parameter must be no.

For more information about database users and permissions, see Setting Database Owner and Security Administration Permissions.


The password to use with the username parameter to authenticate to the database. If you do not specify a user name and password, then the command uses the Windows user name and password of the current user to authenticate to the database.


Specifies if you want to use NT authentication. The possible values are yes, no, 1, or 0. If you specify the username and password parameters, then you must specify ntauthentication=no or ntauthentication=0.


The CreateLanguage command adds a language caption entry in the CaptionML Property of the controls in the objects that you specify. By default, the caption is the same value as the Name Property of the control.


After you run the command, you must to compile the modified objects. For more information, see Compiling Objects.


This example adds captions for Danish (DAN) on all table and page objects with IDs from 1 to 10000 in the NAV Danish Database.

finsql.exe command=createlanguage, langid=DAN, servername=TestComputer01\NAVDEMO, database="NAV Danish Database", filter="Table|Page;ID=1..10000"  

See Also

Compiling Objects
Using the Development Environment from the Command Prompt