
DateFormula Property

Sets a date formula used to verify that the date the user enters is correct.

Applies To

  • Table Fields

  • Page Fields


The following table shows the syntax that is used to create the date formula.

Syntax Description
30D 30 days
2W 2 weeks
CM+10D Current month plus 10 days
CM+1M Current month plus one month
CQ+1M+20D Current quarter plus one month plus 20 days
CW+1W Current week plus one week
D15 On the 15th of each month

In Dynamics NAV, weeks begin on Monday and end on Sunday.

For fields, this property only applies to text fields. In earlier versions of Dynamics NAV, the property also applied to code fields, but this has been deprecated.


We recommend that you do not use this property. Use the DateFormula Data Type instead.

See Also

DateFormula Data Type