
remoteExecute: Remote execution of either R code or an R script.


Base function for executing a block of R code or an R script in the remote R session


  remoteExecute(rcode, script = FALSE, inputs = NULL, outputs = NULL,
    displayPlots = FALSE, writePlots = FALSE, recPlots = FALSE)



The R code, or an R Script file to be executed


If TRUE, treat the rcode parameter as a R script file name


JSON encoded string of R objects that are loaded into the Remote R session's workspace prior to execution. Only R objects of type: primitives, vectors and dataframes are supported via this parameter. Alternatively the putLocalObject can be used, prior to a call to this function, to move any R object from the local workspace into the remote R session.


Character vector of the names of the objects to retrieve. Only primitives, vectors and dataframes can be retrieved using this function Use getRemoteObjectto get any type of R object from the remote session


If TRUE, plots generate during execution are displayed in the local plot window. NOTE This capability requires that the 'png' package is installed on the local machine


If TRUE, plots generated during execution are copied to the working directory of the local session


If TRUE, plots will be created using the 'recordPlot' function in R


Complete documentation: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836352

The console output will be refreshed at a recurring rate. the default is 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds). By setting the option 'mrsdeploy.console_update', you can override this value (i.e. options(mrsdeploy.console_update=7000) Use caution when changing this value to something less than 5000 ms, as it may place a necessary load on the deployr server.
Values less than 1000 will disable refreshing of the console.


A list containing the results of the execution

See Also



 ## Not run:

#execute a block of R code
resp<-remoteExecute("x<-rnorm(10);y<-rnorm(10);plot(x,y)", writePlots=TRUE)

#execute an R script
resp<-remoteExecute("c:/myScript.R", script=TRUE)

#specify 2 inputs to the script and retrieve 2 outputs.  The supported types for inputs and 
#outputs are: primitives, vectors and dataframes.
data<-'[{"name":"x","value":120}, {"name":"y","value":130}]'
resp<-remoteExecute("c:/myScript.R", script=TRUE, inputs=data, outputs=c("out1", "out2"), writePlots=TRUE)

#alternative using 4 calls
resp<-remoteExecute("c:/myScript.R", script=TRUE)
getRemoteObject(c("out1", "out2"))
## End(Not run)