Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.Runtime.Caching Namespace
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Class | Description | |
CacheEntryRemovedArguments |
Provides information about a cache entry that was removed from the cache.
CacheEntryUpdateArguments |
Provides information about a cache entry that will be removed from the cache.
CacheItem |
Represents an individual cache entry in the cache.
CacheItemPolicy |
Represents a set of eviction and expiration details for a specific cache entry.
ObjectCache |
Represents an object cache and provides the base methods and properties for accessing the object cache.
Delegate | Description | |
CacheEntryRemovedCallback |
Defines a reference to a method that is called after a cache entry is removed from the cache.
CacheEntryUpdateCallback |
Defines a reference to a method that is invoked when a cache entry is about to be removed from the cache.
Enumeration | Description | |
CacheEntryRemovedReason |
Specifies the reason why a cache entry was removed or an entry is about to be removed.
CacheItemPriority |
Specifies a priority setting that is used to decide whether to evict a cache entry.
DefaultCacheCapabilities |
Represents a set of features that a cache implementation provides.