

Best practices for community connectivity


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Microsoft Teams provides a shared work environment that strengthens connectivity and boosts productivity. By utilizing asynchronous technology, people can post, share, and collaborate across time zones and projects.

When fully utilized, platforms, such as Teams can encourage organic communities to grow, both those for work (Project xyz) and those outside of work (Working moms, cooks, Local sports fans, and so on).

Why it matters

The Rebuilding companies as communities and How managers can make casual networking events more inclusive explain how important a community is for an organization, such as:

  • "Communityship requires a more modest form of leadership that might be called engaged and distributed management. A community leader is personally engaged in order to engage others, so that anyone and everyone can exercise initiative."
  • “Most sustainable improvements in community occur when citizens discover their own power to act...when citizens stop waiting for professionals or elected leadership to do something and decide they can reclaim what they have delegated to others."
  • "Organizations function best when committed people work in cooperative relationships based on respect."
  • "Small groups are more effective than great leadership or individual training in creating strong communities."
  • "Part of the solution is to invite people from underrepresented backgrounds to these kinds of events. The other solution is one that can create lasting change for diversity and inclusion: organize inclusive events that welcome employees from all backgrounds."
  • "Offer activities that structure interactions without triggering social anxiety and are considerate of diverse personalities, languages, cultures, ethnicities, and physical abilities."

Best practices

  • Share the collection of Microsoft Teams training videos that help employees best use Teams, including how to experience all of the features of Channels.
  • Learn tips and tricks on LinkedIn Learning, such as the weekly Teams Tips video, to help employees master Teams and stay current on the latest Teams features and improvements.
  • Urge employees to explore distant networks. Employees need to be pushed to tap into expertise outside the company and even outside the industry.
  • Identify employees with strong interpersonal skills and a growth mindset to build relationships and collaborate across different functions and geographies.

Change strategies

Host informal gatherings with Teams video calls

Provide your employees with virtual opportunities to bond over non-work activities and form connections through Teams meetings. Create agendas with fun conversation prompts and activities such as online games.

  • Create open cafeteria meetings during the lunch hour for people to jump in.
  • Create virtual hallway conversation and utilize breakout rooms to foster small group conversation.
  • Encourage leaders to occasionally join these conversations further incentivizing people to join.

Direct your team to relevant training

When introducing a new tool, help team members get comfortable and adopt quickly with pre-built materials and resources. For example, Microsoft Teams free, live, online training classes.

Viva Insights best practices