
New Object - Site Link Bridge Dialog Box

Applies To: Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012

Site links are bridged by default, which means that replication automatically follows the route with the least cost between sites. You do not have to bridge site links manually unless you want to make sure that certain routes to a site are never used.

Item Details

Sites not in this site link bridge

Originally, this list contains no site links because all site links are bridged by default. When you disable site link bridging, this list does not change. When you create the first site link bridge manually, you have to remove sites from the list of bridged site links that you do not want to include in your site link bridge.

Sites in this site link bridge

Originally, this list contains all site links because all site links are bridged by default. When you disable site link bridging, this list does not change. To select the site links that you want to include in your site link bridge, remove site links that you do not want to include in the site link bridge. If you have already implemented a site link bridge, you may have to add one or more site links to the bridge.

Additional references