Microsoft 365 Community Conference
6. toukok. klo 14 - 9. toukok. klo 0
TaitoA tekoälyn aikakaudelle yhteisön johtamassa Microsoft 365 -tapahtumassa 6.–8. toukokuuta Las Vegasissa.
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Päivitä Microsoft Edgeen, jotta voit hyödyntää uusimpia ominaisuuksia, suojauspäivityksiä ja teknistä tukea.
You can create a CSV file of every unique file, user, permission, and link on a given SharePoint site or OneDrive. This can help you understand how sharing is being used and if any files or folders are being shared with guests. You must be a site admin to run the report. Additional reporting options are available with Microsoft Graph Data Connect.
When you run the report, the CSV file is saved to a location of your choosing on the site. If you don't want site members to see the report, consider creating a folder with different permissions where only site owners can access the report.
To run the report (SharePoint):
To run the report (OneDrive):
The report may take some time to run depending on the size of the site.
When the report is finished running, you receive an email with a link to the report.
For items shared with direct access, the report contains one row for each user / item combination. SharePoint groups are shown in the report, but not individual users inside them.
For items shared with a link, the report contains a row for each signed-in user who has used the link or has been sent the link through the sharing dialog. Links emailed directly that haven't been clicked, and Anyone links aren't included in the report.
The report contains the following columns:
Column | Description |
Resource Path | The relative URL of the item |
Item Type | The type of item (web, folder, file, etc.) |
Permission | The permission level the user has on this item |
User Name | Friendly name of the user or group that has access to this item. If this is a sharing link, the user name is SharingLink |
User E-mail | The email address of the user who has access to this item. This is blank for SharePoint groups. |
User or Group Type | The type of user or group: Member (internal), Guest (external), SharePoint group, Security group or Microsoft 365 group. (Member refers to a member in the directory, not a member of the site.) |
Link ID | The GUID of the sharing link if user name is Sharing Link |
Link Type | The type of link (Anonymous, Organization, Specific People) if user name is Sharing Link |
AccessViaLinkID | The Link ID used to access the item if a user's permission to an item is via a link. |
Microsoft 365 Community Conference
6. toukok. klo 14 - 9. toukok. klo 0
TaitoA tekoälyn aikakaudelle yhteisön johtamassa Microsoft 365 -tapahtumassa 6.–8. toukokuuta Las Vegasissa.
SharePoint Onlinen hallinta Windows PowerShellin avulla - Training
SharePoint Onlinen hallinta Windows PowerShellin avulla
Todista tietosuojan, elinkaaren hallinnan, tietoturvan ja vaatimustenmukaisuuden perusteet Microsoft 365 -käyttöönoton suojaamiseksi.
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