31. maalisk. klo 23 - 2. huhtik. klo 23
Suurin SQL-, Fabric- ja Power BI -oppimistapahtuma. 31. maaliskuuta – 2. huhtikuuta. Käytä koodia FABINSIDER säästääksesi 400 dollaria.
Rekisteröidy jo tänäänTätä selainta ei enää tueta.
Päivitä Microsoft Edgeen, jotta voit hyödyntää uusimpia ominaisuuksia, suojauspäivityksiä ja teknistä tukea.
This tool was retired on December 15, 2024. We have stopped supporting this tool for any issues that arise, and won't issue any bug fixes or further updates.
Database Experimentation Assistant (DEA) is an experimentation solution for SQL Server upgrades. DEA can help you evaluate a targeted version of SQL Server for a specific workload. Customers upgrading from earlier versions of SQL Server (starting with 2005) to more recent versions of SQL Server can use the analysis metrics that the tool provides.
DEA analysis metrics include:
Comparison data can lead to higher confidence and help ensure a successful upgrade experience.
To install DEA, download the latest version of the tool. Then, run the DatabaseExperimentationAssistant.exe file.
The following diagram shows the solution architecture for a workload comparison. The workload comparison uses DEA and Distributed Replay during an upgrade from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2016.
Following are some prerequisites for running DEA:
In the prerequisite environment architecture, we recommend that you install DEA on the same machine as the Distributed Replay controller. This practice avoids cross-computer calls and simplifies configuration.
DEA connects to database servers using Windows authentication. Be sure that the user running DEA can connect to database servers (source, target, and analysis) using Windows authentication.
Capturing a trace requires that the user running DEA:
In addition, the service account running the source database server requires write access to the trace folder path.
For more information, see Frequently asked questions about trace capture.
Replaying a trace requires that the user running DEA:
In addition, replaying a trace requires that:
For more information, see Frequently asked questions about trace replay.
Performing the analysis requires that the user running DEA:
For more information, see Frequently asked questions about analysis reports.
DEA has an internet-enabled feature that can send telemetry information to Microsoft for use in enhancing the product experience. The information that's collected is also saved on your computer for local audit, so you can always see what's collected. All DEA log files are saved in the %temp%\DEA folder.
Telemetry data can be collected on four types of events:
Collecting and sending telemetry data is optional. To specify which events are collected and whether collected events are sent to Microsoft, use the following steps:
DEA is governed by the Microsoft Privacy Statement.
31. maalisk. klo 23 - 2. huhtik. klo 23
Suurin SQL-, Fabric- ja Power BI -oppimistapahtuma. 31. maaliskuuta – 2. huhtikuuta. Käytä koodia FABINSIDER säästääksesi 400 dollaria.
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