

Set Package Properties

Applies to: SQL Server SSIS Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory

When you create a package in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) by using the graphical interface that Integration Services provides, you set the properties of the package object in the Properties window.

The Properties window provides a categorized and alphabetical list of properties. To arrange the Properties window by category, click the Categorized icon.

When arranged by category, the Properties window groups properties in the following categories:

For information about additional package properties that you cannot set in the Properties window, see Package.

To set package properties in the Properties window

Properties by Category

The following tables list the package properties by category.


You can use the properties in this category to restart the package from a point of failure in the package control flow, instead of rerunning the package from the beginning of its control flow. For more information, see Restart Packages by Using Checkpoints.

Property Description
CheckpointFileName The name of the file that captures the checkpoint information that enables a package to restart. When the package finishes successfully, this file is deleted.
CheckpointUsage Specifies when a package can be restarted. The values are Never, IfExists, and Always. The default value of this property is Never, which indicates that the package cannot be restarted. For more information, see DTSCheckpointUsage.
SaveCheckpoints Specifies whether the checkpoints are written to the checkpoint file when the package runs. The default value of this property is False.


The /CheckPointing on option of dtexec is equivalent to setting the SaveCheckpoints property of the package to True, and the CheckpointUsage property to Always. For more information, see dtexec Utility.


The properties in this category configure the run-time behavior of the package object.

Property Description
DelayValidation Indicates whether package validation is delayed until the package runs. The default value for this property is False.
Disable Indicates whether the package is disabled. The default value of this property is False.
DisableEventHandlers Specifies whether the package event handlers run. The default value of this property is False.
FailPackageOnFailure Specifies whether the package fails if an error occurs in a package component. The only valid value of this property is False.
FailParentOnError Specifies whether the parent container fails if an error occurs in a child container. The default value is of this property is False.
MaxConcurrentExecutables The number of executable files that the package can run concurrently. The default value of this property is -1, which indicates that there is no limit.
MaximumErrorCount The maximum number of errors that can occur before a package stops running. The default value of this property is 1.
PackagePriorityClass The Win32 thread priority class of the package thread. The values are Default, AboveNormal, Normal, BelowNormal, Idle. The default value of this property is Default. For more information, see DTSPriorityClass.

Forced Execution Value

The properties in this category configure an optional execution value for the package.

Property Description
ForcedExecutionValue If ForceExecutionValue is set to True, a value that specifies the optional execution value that the package returns. The default value of this property is 0.
ForcedExecutionValueType The data type of ForcedExecutionValue. The default value of this property is Int32.
ForceExecutionValue A Boolean value that specifies whether the optional execution value of the container should be forced to contain a particular value. The default value of this property is False.


The properties in this category provide information such as the unique identifier and name of the package.

Property Description
CreationDate The date that the package was created.
CreatorComputerName The name of the computer on which the package was created.
CreatorName The name of the person who created the package.
Description A description of package functionality.
ID The package GUID, which is assigned when the package is created. This property is read-only. To generate a new random value for the ID property, select <Generate New ID> in the drop-down list.
Name The name of the package.
PackageType The package type. The values are Default, DTSDesigner, DTSDesigner100, DTSWizard, SQLDBMaint, and SQLReplication. The default value of this property is Default. For more information, see DTSPackageType.


The properties in this category are used to access the configurations and expressions that a package uses and to provide information about the locale and logging mode of the package. For more information, see Use Property Expressions in Packages.

Property Description
Configurations The collection of configurations that the package uses. Click the browse button (...) to view and configure package configurations.
Expressions Click the browse button (...) to create expressions for package properties.

Note that you can create property expressions for all the package properties that object model includes, not just the properties listed in the Properties window.

For more information, see Use Property Expressions in Packages.

To view existing property expressions, expand Expressions. Click the browse button (...) in an expression text box to modify and evaluate an expression.
ForceExecutionResult The execution result of the package. The values are None, Success, Failure, and Completion. The default value of this property is None. For more information, see T:Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSForcedExecResult.
LocaleId A Microsoft Win32 locale. The default value of this property is the locale of the operating system on the local computer.
LoggingMode A value that specifies the logging behavior of the package. The values are Disabled, Enabled, and UseParentSetting. The default value of this property is UseParentSetting. For more information, see DTSLoggingMode.
OfflineMode Indicates whether the package is in offline mode. This property is read-only. The property is set at the project level. Normally, SSIS Designer tries to connect to each data source used by your package to validate the metadata associated with sources and destinations. You can enable Work Offline from the SSIS menu, even before you open a package, to prevent these connection attempts and the resulting validation errors when the data sources are not available. You can also enable Work Offline to speed up operations in the designer, and disable it only when you want your package to be validated.
SuppressConfigurationWarnings Indicates whether the warnings generated by configurations are suppressed. The default value of this property is False.
UpdateObjects Indicates whether the package is updated to use newer versions of the objects it contains, if newer versions are available. For example, if this property is set to True, a package that includes a Bulk Insert task is updated to use the newer version of the Bulk Insert task that Integration Services provides. The default value of this property is False.


The properties in this category are used to set the protection level of the package. For more information, see Access Control for Sensitive Data in Packages.

Property Description
PackagePassword The password for package protection levels (EncryptSensitiveWithPassword and EncryptAllWithPassword) that require passwords.
ProtectionLevel The protection level of the package. The values are DontSaveSensitive, EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey, EncryptSensitiveWithPassword, EncryptAllWithPassword, and ServerStorage. The default value of this property is EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey. For more information, see DTSProtectionLevel.


The properties in this category configure the isolation level and the transaction option of the package. For more information, see Integration Services Transactions.

Property Description
IsolationLevel The isolation level of the package transaction. The values are Unspecified, Chaos, ReadUncommitted, ReadCommitted, RepeatableRead, Serializable, and Snapshot. The default value of this property is Serializable.

Note: The Snapshot value of the IsolationLevel property is incompatible with package transactions. Therefore, you cannot use the IsolationLevel property to set the isolation level of package transactions to Shapshot. Instead, use a SQL query to set package transactions to Snapshot. For more information, see SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL (Transact-SQL).

The system applies the IsolationLevel property to package transactions only when the value of the TransactionOption property is Required.

The value of the IsolationLevel property requested by a child container is ignored when the following conditions are true:
The value of the child container's TransactionOption property is Supported.
The child container joins the transaction of a parent container.

The value of the IsolationLevel property requested by the container is respected only when the container initiates a new transaction. A container initiates a new transaction when the following conditions are true:
The value of the container's TransactionOption property is Required.
The parent has not already started a transaction.

For more information, see IsolationLevel.
TransactionOption The transactional participation of the package. The values are NotSupported, Supported, Required. The default value of this property is Supported. For more information, see DTSTransactionOption.


The properties in this category provide information about the version of the package object.

Property Description
VersionBuild The version number of the build of the package.
VersionComments Comments about the version of the package.
VersionGUID The GUID of the version of the package. This property is read-only.
VersionMajor The latest major version of the package.
VersionMinor The latest minor version of the package.

Set package properties in the Properties window

  1. In SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), open the Integration Services project that contains the package you want to configure.

  2. In Solution Explorer, double-click the package to open it in SSIS Designer, or right-click and select View Designer.

  3. Click the Control Flow tab and then do one of the following:

    • Right-click anywhere in the background of the control flow design surface, and then click Properties.

    • On the View menu, click Properties Window.

  4. Edit the package properties in the Properties window.

  5. On the File menu, click Save Selected Items to save the updated package.