

Python Tutorial: Prepare data to train a linear regression model with SQL machine learning

Applies to: SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later Azure SQL Managed Instance

In part two of this four-part tutorial series, you'll prepare data from a database using Python. Later in this series, you'll use this data to train and deploy a linear regression model in Python with SQL Server Machine Learning Services or on SQL Server 2019 Big Data Clusters.

In part two of this four-part tutorial series, you'll prepare data from a database using Python. Later in this series, you'll use this data to train and deploy a linear regression model in Python with SQL Server Machine Learning Services.

In part two of this four-part tutorial series, you'll prepare data from a database using Python. Later in this series, you'll use this data to train and deploy a linear regression model in Python with Azure SQL Managed Instance Machine Learning Services.

In this article, you'll learn how to:

  • Load the data from the database into a pandas data frame
  • Prepare the data in Python by removing some columns

In part one, you learned how to restore the sample database.

In part three, you'll learn how to train a linear regression machine learning model in Python.

In part four, you'll learn how to store the model in a database, and then create stored procedures from the Python scripts you developed in parts two and three. The stored procedures will run on the server to make predictions based on new data.


Explore and prepare the data

To use the data in Python, you'll load the data from the database into a pandas data frame.

Create a new Python notebook in Azure Data Studio and run the script below.

The Python script below imports the dataset from the dbo.rental_data table in your database to a pandas data frame df.

In the connection string, replace connection details as needed. To use Windows authentication with an ODBC connection string, specify Trusted_Connection=Yes; instead of the UID and PWD parameters.

import pyodbc
import pandas

# Connection string to your SQL Server instance
conn_str = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}; SERVER=<server>; DATABASE=TutorialDB;UID=<username>;PWD=<password>')

query_str = 'SELECT Year, Month, Day, Rentalcount, Weekday, Holiday, Snow FROM dbo.rental_data'

df = pandas.read_sql(sql=query_str, con=conn_str)
print("Data frame:", df)

You should see results similar to the following.

Data frame:      Year  Month  Day  Rentalcount  WeekDay  Holiday  Snow
0    2014      1   20          445        2        1     0
1    2014      2   13           40        5        0     0
2    2013      3   10          456        1        0     0
3    2014      3   31           38        2        0     0
4    2014      4   24           23        5        0     0
..    ...    ...  ...          ...      ...      ...   ...
448  2013      2   19           57        3        0     1
449  2015      3   18           26        4        0     0
450  2015      3   24           29        3        0     1
451  2014      3   26           50        4        0     1
452  2015     12    6          377        1        0     1

[453 rows x 7 columns]

Filter the columns from the dataframe to remove ones we don't want to use in the training. Rentalcount should not be included as it is the target of the predictions.

columns = df.columns.tolist()
columns = [c for c in columns if c not in ["Year", "Rentalcount"]]

print("Training set:", df[columns])

Note the data the training set will have access to:

Training set:      Month  Day  Weekday  Holiday  Snow
1        2   13        5        0     0
3        3   31        2        0     0
7        3    8        7        0     0
15       3    4        2        0     1
22       1   18        1        0     0
..     ...  ...      ...      ...   ...
416      4   13        1        0     1
421      1   21        3        0     1
438      2   19        4        0     1
441      2    3        3        0     1
447      1    4        6        0     1

[91 rows x 5 columns]

Next steps

In part two of this tutorial series, you completed these steps:

  • Load the data from the database into a pandas data frame
  • Prepare the data in Python by removing some columns

To train a machine learning model that uses data from the TutorialDB database, follow part three of this tutorial series: