

sys.workload_management_workload_groups (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: Azure Synapse Analytics

Returns details for workload groups.

Column Name Data Type Description Range
group_id int Unique ID of the workload group. Is not nullable.
name sysname Name of the workload group. Must be unique to the instance. Is not nullable.
importance nvarchar(128) Is the relative importance of a request in this workload group and across workload groups for shared resources. Is not nullable. low, below_normal, normal (default), above_normal, high
min_percentage_resource tinyint Guaranteed amount of resources for requests in the workload group. Resources are not shared with other workload groups. Is not nullable.
cap_percentage_resource tinyint Hard cap on the resource percentage allocation for requests in the workload group. Limits the maximum resources allocated to the specified level. The allowed range for value is from 1 through 100.
request_min_resource_grant_percent decimal(5,2) Specifies the minimum amount of resources allocated to a request. The allowed range for value is from 0.75 to 100.
request_max_resource_grant_percent decimal(5,2) Specifies the maximum amount of resources allocated to a request.
query_execution_timeout_sec int The amount of execution time, in seconds, allowed before the query is canceled. Queries cannot be canceled once they have reached the return phase of execution. query_execution_timeout_sec does not include time spent queued.
query_wait_timeout_sec int INTERNAL
create_time datetime Time the workload group was created. Is not nullable.
modify_time datetime Time the workload group was last modified. Is not nullable.


Requires VIEW SERVER STATE permission.

Next steps

For a list of all the catalog views for Azure Synapse Analytics and Parallel Data Warehouse, see Azure Synapse Analytics and Parallel Data Warehouse Catalog Views. To create a workload group, see CREATE WORKLOAD GROUP. For more information on workload classification, see Workload Isolation