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This article provides a solution to an issue where solution install fails because of dependencies that don't exist in a CDS environment.
Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics 365
Original KB number: 4499731
When you attempt to import a solution in Dynamics 365, the import fails because of missing dependencies. If you're installing the solution from the administration center, you may just see a message indicating installation failed. If you're importing a solution from the Dynamics 365 web application, you may see more details such as what dependencies are missing.
It can occur if the solution requires components that don't exist in a Common Data Service (CDS) environment. A CDS only environment doesn't have all the entities included and only includes some standard entities. If the solution you're attempting to install depends on an entity that doesn't exist in your environment (ex. an entity that only exists in the sales app), the solution would fail to install successfully.
Only attempt to install the solution in an environment that includes the required components. There are many solutions that can be found in the Administration Center and AppSource that can only be installed if you have certain licenses such as a license that includes the Sales app.
Paranna asiakaspalvelutoimintojen liiketoimintaprosesseja, kuten automaattista palvelupyyntöjen luomista ja jononhallintaa Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Servicen avulla.
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