


Tracefmt (Tracefmt.exe) is a command-line tool that formats and displays trace messages from an event trace log file (.etl) or a real-time trace session. Tracefmt can display the messages in the Command Prompt window or save them in a text file.

Where can I get Tracefmt?

Tracefmt (Tracefmt.exe) is included when you install the WDK, Visual Studio, and the Windows SDK for desktop apps. For information about downloading the kits, see Windows Hardware Downloads.

Windows Driver Kit (WDK) 8.1 (installation path)



Note  The Visual Studio environment variable, %WindowsSdkDir%, represents the path to the Windows kits directory where the kits are installed, for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1.

Tracefmt uses the formatting instructions in a trace message format (TMF) file to convert the binary trace messages to human-readable format. You can provide a TMF file or provide the image file for the trace provider and have Tracefmt create a TMF file.

Tracefmt can format trace events generated by the TraceEvent function, and trace messages generated by the WmiTraceMessage, the TraceMessage function, or the DoTraceMessage macro. For more information about the TraceEvent and TraceMessage functions, see the Windows SDK documentation.

This section includes:

Understanding Tracefmt

Tracefmt Concepts

Tracefmt Commands

Tracefmt Examples