

TraceView -process

Use a TraceView -process command to format the binary trace messages in a trace log or from a real-time trace seesion. The TraceView -process command creates a text file of a trace messages and a summary file that describes the input and output files.

    traceview -process [EtlFile | -rt SessionName][Parameters]


Specifies the event trace log (.etl) file that contains the trace messages. Enter the path (optional) and file name. The default is c:\logfile.etl.

-rt SessionName
Real time. Formats trace messages from the specified real-time trace sessions.

SessionName is the name of the trace session. If you omit the trace session name, Tracefmt formats messages from the NT Kernel Logger trace session.

-tmf TMFFile
Specifies the path (optional) and file name of the trace message format (.tmf) file for the trace messages.

-p TMFPath
Specifies the path to the directory that contains the trace message format (.tmf) file for the trace messages.

-o OutputFile
Specifies a name for the output files. This name applies to the text file of formatted trace messages and to a summary file.

OutputFile is a path and file name with a .txt file name extension, such as c:\traces\trace.txt. The default values are FmfFile.txt and FmtSum.txt in the local directory.

If you use this parameter with the -displayonly or -summaryonly parameter, it affects only the summary file.

Formats the trace log as a comma-separated, variable length (.csv) file.

Displays the trace messages in the Command Prompt window, in addition to writing them to the output file.

Displays the trace messages only in the Command Prompt window. TraceView does not create a text file of trace messages.

Does not create a summary message file.

Creates only a summary message file. Tracefmt does not create an output file.

Omits the trace message prefix. This parameter affects trace messages in the output file and the Tracefmt display.

Sends the formatted trace messages to the debugger for display.

Verbose. Displays detailed information in the Command Prompt window as Tracefmt processes each block or buffer of trace messages. Use this parameter when you suspect file damage or inconsistencies.

-h | /?
Displays help.


traceview -process
traceview -process mytrace.etl -p c:\tracing -o mytrace.txt
traceview mytrace.etl -tmf c:\tracing\37753236-c81f-505e-d40a-128d3bb2b5ff.tmf
tracefmt -rt MyTrace -p c:\tracing -o mytrace.txt -display


To format trace messages, you must specify a trace message format file for the trace messages. The available methods are listed in order of precedence:

  • The -tmf parameter.

  • The -p parameter.

  • The %TRACE_FORMAT_SEARCH_PATH% environment variable. Sets the value of the variable to the directory in which the TMF file is located.

If the TMF file name is not a message GUID, use the -tmf parameter and enter the fully qualified path to the file. Otherwise, TraceView will not find the TMF file.

If TraceView cannot find a TMF file, or the TMF file does not include formatting information for the trace messages, TraceView cannot format the messages. Instead, in place of the message text, TraceView writes: "No Format Information found."

If TraceView cannot format a trace message, it raises an exception and displays a message such as:

*****FormatMessage Header(Header) of EventTrace, parameter 23 raised an exception*****