

Tracking FAQs

My headset has stopped tracking

Make sure the lights are on, and that there isn't anything obstructing the inside-out tracking cameras on the front of your headset. If tracking is lost, it can take a few seconds to resume. Restart the Windows Mixed Reality Portal is tracking doesn't restart.

I can look around but I can't translate (I'm stuck in 3DOF)

This means that the tracking system can't generate pose, or the application has stopped using new pose data to render. To fix the issue:

  • Make sure the room has enough light.
  • Make sure the room has enough details to track.
  • Unplug the device, close Windows Mixed Reality, and plug in the device again.
  • If the message persists, contact customer support

The view in the HMD is frozen

This usually means the application or a system level component has failed. Try to:

  1. Press the "home" button to leave the application.
  2. Unplug the device, close MRP, and plug the device back in.
  3. Restart the PC.

The world briefly froze and tilted or flipped upside down before returning to normal

This could be caused by an application or system level component hitting a fatal error or a temporary lack of memory or CPU resources. To check:

  1. Open Task Manager and ensure that at least 20% of the CPU is free, 400 MB of memory is available and disk IO should be below 80%.
  2. Go to Event Viewer > Windows Logs > Application to look for any errors from around the time of the freeze. Look for anything that refers to HoloLens sensors, Mixed Reality, or the application that you were running around that time. Those logs might explain what caused the failure.
  3. Restart the PC if the problem persists.

The world flipped upside down momentarily and returned to normal

This is typically caused by errors in obtaining sensor data from the headset to inform the tracking algorithms. If this happens frequently:

  1. Plug the headset into a different USB 3.0 port.
  2. Plug the headset directly into the PC rather than into a USB 3.0 hub.
  3. If the problem persists, contact customer support.

The world is tilted but I can navigate and walk around in Windows Mixed Reality

If sensor data errors are recorded into the environment data on your PC, it can cause Windows Mixed Reality to appear tilted, sometimes permanently. To fix this:

  1. Unplug the headset, close Windows Mixed Reality and plug the headset back in.
  2. Restart the PC.
  3. Clear your environment data.