DirectShow Structures
[The feature associated with this page, DirectShow, is a legacy feature. It has been superseded by MediaPlayer, IMFMediaEngine, and Audio/Video Capture in Media Foundation. Those features have been optimized for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code use MediaPlayer, IMFMediaEngine and Audio/Video Capture in Media Foundation instead of DirectShow, when possible. Microsoft suggests that existing code that uses the legacy APIs be rewritten to use the new APIs if possible.]
This section describes the DirectShow structures.
Structure | Description |
ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES | Contains the allocator's count, size, alignment, and prefix properties. |
AM_DVD_RENDERSTATUS | Contains codes indicating the status of DVD-Video playback. |
AMCOPPCommand | Contains a COPP command. |
AMCOPPSignature | Contains the signature to initiate a Certified Output Protection Protocol (COPP) session. |
AMCOPPStatusInput | Contains a COPP status request. |
AMCOPPStatusOutput | Contains the result of a COPP status request. |
AM_MEDIA_TYPE | Describes a media type. |
AM_MPEGSTREAMTYPE | Describes an MPEG-1 elementary stream. |
AM_MPEGSYSTEMTYPE | Defines the format block for an MPEG-1 system stream. |
AM_SAMPLE2_PROPERTIES | Describes the properties of a generic media sample. |
AM_STREAM_INFO | Contains start and stop information given to a pin. |
AM_WMT_EVENT_DATA | Contains information pertaining to a WMT_STATUS event and the associated status code returned by the Windows Media Format SDK. |
AM_WST_PAGE | Describes a page of WST text. |
AMOVIESETUP_FILTER | Contains filter information for registering a filter. |
AMOVIESETUP_MEDIATYPE | Contains media type information for registering a filter. |
AMOVIESETUP_PIN | Contains pin information for registering a filter. |
AMVABeginFrameInfo | Specifies information needed to begin processing the frame. |
AMVABUFFERINFO | Describes buffer information. |
AMVACompBufferInfo | Describes the allocated surfaces and compressed buffer information. |
AMVAEndFrameInfo | Specifies information to finish processing the frame. |
AMVAInternalMemInfo | Specifies the amount of scratch memory the hardware abstraction layer (HAL) will allocate for its private use. |
AMVAUncompBufferInfo | Describes the surfaces to be allocated. |
AMVAUncompDataInfo | Specifies the pixel format and dimensional characteristics of the data input stream. |
AMVPDATAINFO | Specifies the data-specific characteristics of the VP input stream. |
AMVPDIMINFO | Specifies the dimensional characteristics of the VP input stream. |
AMVPSIZE | Specifies the width and height for a VP image. |
ANALOGVIDEOINFO | Maintains information about the format of the analog video signal. |
AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS | Contains information about all possible audio formats supported. |
AVIMAINHEADER | Defines global information in an AVI file. |
AVIMETAINDEX | The base structure for an AVI 2.0 index ('indx' format). |
AVIOLDINDEX | Describes an AVI 1.0 index ('idx1' format). |
AVIPALCHANGE | Defines a palette change in an AVI file. |
AVISTDINDEX | Contains an AVI 2.0 standard index. |
AVISTDINDEX_ENTRY | Contains one index entry for an AVI 2.0 standard index. |
AVISTREAMHEADER | Contains information about one stream in an AVI file. |
AVISUPERINDEX | Contains an AVI 2.0 super index (index of indexes). |
BITMAPINFOHEADER | Contains information about the dimensions and color format of a device-independent bitmap (DIB). |
CodecAPIEventData | Describes the event data that an encoder forwards along with an EC_CODECAPI_EVENT event. |
COLORKEY | Communicates color key information between the renderer and another filter. |
DDCOLORKEY | Describes a color key as a range of values. |
DVD_DECODER_CAPS | Contains information about the audio decoder's capabilities. |
DVD_HMSF_TIMECODE | Contains timecode information. |
DVD_MenuAttributes | Contains information about the menus on a DVD disc. |
DVD_MUA_Coeff | Contains information about surround sound mixing coefficients for multichannel audio on DVD. |
DVD_MUA_MixingInfo | Contains information about surround sound mixing information on a DVD disc. |
DVD_MultichannelAudioAttributes | Contains information about multichannel audio streams on a DVD disc. |
DVD_KaraokeAttributes | Contains information about karaoke audio streams on a DVD disc. |
DVD_PLAYBACK_LOCATION | Contains the DVD playback location. |
DVD_PLAYBACK_LOCATION2 | Contains the DVD playback location. |
DVD_SubpictureAttributes | Contains information about a subpicture stream on a DVD disc. |
DVD_TIMECODE | Contains DVD timecode in hours, minutes, seconds, and frames. |
DVD_TitleAttributes | Contains information about a title on a DVD disc. |
DVD_VideoAttributes | Contains information about the video stream on a DVD disc. |
DVINFO | Describes the format of a digital video (DV) stream. |
FILTER_INFO | Contains information about a filter. |
HEAACWAVEFORMAT | Contains format data for an AAC or HE-AAC stream that includes AudioSpecificConfig() data. |
HEAACWAVEINFO | Contains format data for an Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) or High-Efficiency Advanced Audio Coding (HE-AAC) stream. |
KSMULTIPLE_ITEM | Describes the size and count of variable-length properties on kernel-mode pins. |
KSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION | Describes a node connection within a kernel streaming (KS) filter. |
MPEG1VIDEOINFO | Defines the format of MPEG-1 video data. |
MPEG1WAVEFORMAT | Defines the format of MPEG-1 audio data. |
MPEG2_TRANSPORT_STRIDE | Describes the format of MPEG-2 transport stream (TS) packets. |
MPEG2VIDEOINFO | Contains additional MPEG-2 video system information. |
MPEGLAYER3WAVEFORMAT | Describes an MPEG Audio Layer-3 (MP3) audio format. |
NORMALIZEDRECT | Specifies the location of a video rectangle in composition space. |
PERFINFO_DSHOW_AUDIOBREAK | Data for a trace event of type GUID_AUDIOBREAK. |
PERFINFO_DSHOW_AVREND | Data for a trace event of type GUID_VIDEOREND. |
PID_MAP | Identifies the contents of an MPEG-2 transport stream packet ID. |
PIN_INFO | Contains information about a pin. |
Quality | Defines a quality-control message. |
REGFILTER2 | Describes a filter for registration through the IFilterMapper2 interface. |
REGFILTERPINS | Contains pin information for registering a filter. |
REGFILTERPINS2 | Contains information for registering a filter through the IFilterMapper2 interface. |
REGPINMEDIUM | Describes a pin medium for registration through the IFilterMapper2 interface. |
REGPINTYPES | Contains media type information for registering a filter. |
STREAM_ID_MAP | Contains information about an elementary stream within an MPEG-2 program stream. |
TIMECODE | Contains basic timecode frame count information. |
TIMECODE_SAMPLE | Contains complete timecode information. |
TRUECOLORINFO | Maintains color information. |
VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS | Contains information about possible connections. |
VIDEOINFO | Contains information that specifies a video image and its color palette and bitmasks. |
VIDEOINFOHEADER | Describes the bitmap and color information for a video image. |
VIDEOINFOHEADER2 | Describes the bitmap and color information for a video image, including interlace, copy protection, and pixel aspect ratio information. |
VMR9AllocationInfo | Used to allocate a new bitmap surface by the IVMRSurfaceAllocatorNotify9::AllocateSurfaceHelper method. (VMR-9.) |
VMR9AlphaBitmap | Provides a static alpha-blended bitmap to be displayed on the composited video frame supplied by the IVMRMixerBitmap9::GetAlphaBitmapParameters method. (VMR-9.) |
VMR9DeinterlaceCaps | Describes the capabilities of a deinterlacing mode. (VMR-9.) |
VMR9Frequency | Describes the frequency of a video stream. (VMR-9.) |
VMR9MonitorInfo | Used to set and retrieve information about monitors on the system. (VMR-9.) |
VMR9NormalizedRect | Used to specify or retrieve the location of a video rectangle in composition space. (VMR-9.) |
VMR9PresentationInfo | Used to present video frame information. (VMR-9.) |
VMR9ProcAmpControl | Specifies the image adjustments to be performed on a video stream. (VMR-9.) |
VMR9ProcAmpControlRange | Specifies the valid range for an image adjustment property. (VMR-9.) |
VMR9VideoDesc | Sescribes a video stream to be deinterlaced. (VMR-9.) |
VMR9VideoStreamInfo | Contains video stream information that is used by the VMR-9. |
VMRALLOCATIONINFO | Used to allocate a new bitmap surface by the IVMRSurfaceAllocator::AllocateSurface method. (VMR-7.) |
VMRALPHABITMAP | Provides a static alpha-blended bitmap to be displayed on the composited video frame supplied by the IVMRMixerBitmap::GetAlphaBitmapParameters method. (VMR-7.) |
VMRGUID | Used to identify a monitor on the system. (VMR-7.) |
VMRMONITORINFO | Used to set and retrieve information about monitors on the system. (VMR-7.) |
VMRPRESENTATIONINFO | Used to present video frame information. (VMR-7.) |
VMRVIDEOSTREAMINFO | Contains video stream information that is used in the Video Mixing Renderer filter call to the IVMRImageCompositor::CompositeImage method. (VMR-7.) |
WAVEFORMATEX | Defines the format of waveform-audio data. |
WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE | Defines the format of waveform-audio data for formats having more than two channels. |
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