

Registering a Time Provider

The system loads a time provider based on its configuration information stored in the registry. Each time provider should create the following registry key:


The following table describes the values that must exist in each provider's key.

Value Description
DllName The name of the DLL that contains the provider. This value has the type REG_SZ.
Enabled Indicates whether the provider should be started. If this value is 1, the provider is started. Otherwise, the provider is not started. This value has the type REG_DWORD.
InputProvider Indicates whether the provider is an input provider or an output provider. If this value is 1, the provider is an input provider. Otherwise, the provider is an output provider. This value has the type REG_DWORD.


The time provider manager enumerates the keys under the TimeProviders key and starts each enabled provider. Providers are started at system startup and whenever there are parameter changes.

Each time provider can also store application-specific configuration information in the registry.