XamlBuildDefinition interface
Represents a reference to a definition.
- Extends
batch |
Batch size of the definition |
build |
continuous |
The continuous integration quiet period |
controller | The build controller |
created |
The date this definition was created |
default |
Default drop location for builds from this definition |
description | Description of the definition |
last |
The last build on this definition |
repository | The repository |
supported |
The reasons supported by the template |
trigger |
How builds are triggered from this definition |
created |
The date this version of the definition was created. |
id | The ID of the referenced definition. |
name | The name of the referenced definition. |
path | The folder path of the definition. |
project | A reference to the project. |
queue |
A value that indicates whether builds can be queued against this definition. |
revision | The definition revision number. |
type | The type of the definition. |
uri | The definition's URI. |
url | The REST URL of the definition. |
Batch size of the definition
batchSize: number
Property Value
buildArgs: string
Property Value
The continuous integration quiet period
continuousIntegrationQuietPeriod: number
Property Value
The date this definition was created
createdOn: Date
Property Value
Default drop location for builds from this definition
defaultDropLocation: string
Property Value
Description of the definition
description: string
Property Value
How builds are triggered from this definition
triggerType: DefinitionTriggerType
Property Value
The date this version of the definition was created.
createdDate: Date
Property Value
Inherited From DefinitionReference.createdDate
The ID of the referenced definition.
id: number
Property Value
Inherited From DefinitionReference.id
The name of the referenced definition.
name: string
Property Value
Inherited From DefinitionReference.name
The folder path of the definition.
path: string
Property Value
Inherited From DefinitionReference.path
A reference to the project.
project: TeamProjectReference
Property Value
Inherited From DefinitionReference.project
A value that indicates whether builds can be queued against this definition.
queueStatus: DefinitionQueueStatus
Property Value
Inherited From DefinitionReference.queueStatus
The definition revision number.
revision: number
Property Value
Inherited From DefinitionReference.revision
The type of the definition.
type: DefinitionType
Property Value
Inherited From DefinitionReference.type
The REST URL of the definition.
url: string
Property Value
Inherited From DefinitionReference.url