Partage via

HybridDictionary Constructeurs


Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe HybridDictionary.



Crée un HybridDictionary vide qui respecte la casse.


Crée un HybridDictionary vide avec le respect de la casse spécifié.


Crée HybridDictionary qui respecte la casse avec la taille initiale spécifiée.

HybridDictionary(Int32, Boolean)

Crée HybridDictionary avec la taille initiale et le respect de la casse spécifiés.



Crée un HybridDictionary vide qui respecte la casse.

public HybridDictionary ();
Public Sub New ()


L’exemple de code suivant illustre plusieurs propriétés et méthodes de HybridDictionary.

#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Collections::Specialized;

void PrintKeysAndValues1( IDictionary^ myCol );
void PrintKeysAndValues2( IDictionary^ myCol );
void PrintKeysAndValues3( HybridDictionary^ myCol );
int main()
   // Creates and initializes a new HybridDictionary.
   HybridDictionary^ myCol = gcnew HybridDictionary;
   myCol->Add( "Braeburn Apples", "1.49" );
   myCol->Add( "Fuji Apples", "1.29" );
   myCol->Add( "Gala Apples", "1.49" );
   myCol->Add( "Golden Delicious Apples", "1.29" );
   myCol->Add( "Granny Smith Apples", "0.89" );
   myCol->Add( "Red Delicious Apples", "0.99" );
   myCol->Add( "Plantain Bananas", "1.49" );
   myCol->Add( "Yellow Bananas", "0.79" );
   myCol->Add( "Strawberries", "3.33" );
   myCol->Add( "Cranberries", "5.98" );
   myCol->Add( "Navel Oranges", "1.29" );
   myCol->Add( "Grapes", "1.99" );
   myCol->Add( "Honeydew Melon", "0.59" );
   myCol->Add( "Seedless Watermelon", "0.49" );
   myCol->Add( "Pineapple", "1.49" );
   myCol->Add( "Nectarine", "1.99" );
   myCol->Add( "Plums", "1.69" );
   myCol->Add( "Peaches", "1.99" );

   // Display the contents of the collection using for each. This is the preferred method.
   Console::WriteLine( "Displays the elements using for each:" );
   PrintKeysAndValues1( myCol );

   // Display the contents of the collection using the enumerator.
   Console::WriteLine( "Displays the elements using the IDictionaryEnumerator:" );
   PrintKeysAndValues2( myCol );

   // Display the contents of the collection using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties.
   Console::WriteLine( "Displays the elements using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties:" );
   PrintKeysAndValues3( myCol );

   // Copies the HybridDictionary to an array with DictionaryEntry elements.
   array<DictionaryEntry>^myArr = gcnew array<DictionaryEntry>(myCol->Count);
   myCol->CopyTo( myArr, 0 );

   // Displays the values in the array.
   Console::WriteLine( "Displays the elements in the array:" );
   Console::WriteLine( "   KEY                       VALUE" );
   for ( int i = 0; i < myArr->Length; i++ )
      Console::WriteLine( "   {0,-25} {1}", myArr[ i ].Key, myArr[ i ].Value );

   // Searches for a key.
   if ( myCol->Contains( "Kiwis" ) )
      Console::WriteLine( "The collection contains the key \"Kiwis\"." );
      Console::WriteLine( "The collection does not contain the key \"Kiwis\"." );


   // Deletes a key.
   myCol->Remove( "Plums" );
   Console::WriteLine( "The collection contains the following elements after removing \"Plums\":" );
   PrintKeysAndValues1( myCol );

   // Clears the entire collection.
   Console::WriteLine( "The collection contains the following elements after it is cleared:" );
   PrintKeysAndValues1( myCol );

// Uses the for each statement which hides the complexity of the enumerator.
// NOTE: The for each statement is the preferred way of enumerating the contents of a collection.
void PrintKeysAndValues1( IDictionary^ myCol )  {
   Console::WriteLine( "   KEY                       VALUE" );
   for each ( DictionaryEntry^ de in myCol )
      Console::WriteLine( "   {0,-25} {1}", de->Key, de->Value );

// Uses the enumerator. 
void PrintKeysAndValues2( IDictionary^ myCol )
   IDictionaryEnumerator^ myEnumerator = myCol->GetEnumerator();
   Console::WriteLine( "   KEY                       VALUE" );
   while ( myEnumerator->MoveNext() )
      Console::WriteLine( "   {0,-25} {1}", myEnumerator->Key, myEnumerator->Value );


// Uses the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties.
void PrintKeysAndValues3( HybridDictionary^ myCol )
   array<String^>^myKeys = gcnew array<String^>(myCol->Count);
   myCol->Keys->CopyTo( myKeys, 0 );
   Console::WriteLine( "   INDEX KEY                       VALUE" );
   for ( int i = 0; i < myCol->Count; i++ )
      Console::WriteLine( "   {0,-5} {1,-25} {2}", i, myKeys[ i ], myCol[ myKeys[ i ] ] );

This code produces output similar to the following:

Displays the elements using for each:
   KEY                       VALUE
   Strawberries              3.33
   Yellow Bananas            0.79
   Cranberries               5.98
   Grapes                    1.99
   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   Honeydew Melon            0.59
   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   Navel Oranges             1.29
   Fuji Apples               1.29
   Plantain Bananas          1.49
   Gala Apples               1.49
   Pineapple                 1.49
   Plums                     1.69
   Braeburn Apples           1.49
   Peaches                   1.99
   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   Nectarine                 1.99

Displays the elements using the IDictionaryEnumerator:
   KEY                       VALUE
   Strawberries              3.33
   Yellow Bananas            0.79
   Cranberries               5.98
   Grapes                    1.99
   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   Honeydew Melon            0.59
   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   Navel Oranges             1.29
   Fuji Apples               1.29
   Plantain Bananas          1.49
   Gala Apples               1.49
   Pineapple                 1.49
   Plums                     1.69
   Braeburn Apples           1.49
   Peaches                   1.99
   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   Nectarine                 1.99

Displays the elements using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties:
   INDEX KEY                       VALUE
   0     Strawberries              3.33
   1     Yellow Bananas            0.79
   2     Cranberries               5.98
   3     Grapes                    1.99
   4     Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   5     Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   6     Honeydew Melon            0.59
   7     Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   8     Navel Oranges             1.29
   9     Fuji Apples               1.29
   10    Plantain Bananas          1.49
   11    Gala Apples               1.49
   12    Pineapple                 1.49
   13    Plums                     1.69
   14    Braeburn Apples           1.49
   15    Peaches                   1.99
   16    Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   17    Nectarine                 1.99

Displays the elements in the array:
   KEY                       VALUE
   Strawberries              3.33
   Yellow Bananas            0.79
   Cranberries               5.98
   Grapes                    1.99
   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   Honeydew Melon            0.59
   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   Navel Oranges             1.29
   Fuji Apples               1.29
   Plantain Bananas          1.49
   Gala Apples               1.49
   Pineapple                 1.49
   Plums                     1.69
   Braeburn Apples           1.49
   Peaches                   1.99
   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   Nectarine                 1.99

The collection does not contain the key "Kiwis".

The collection contains the following elements after removing "Plums":
   KEY                       VALUE
   Strawberries              3.33
   Yellow Bananas            0.79
   Cranberries               5.98
   Grapes                    1.99
   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   Honeydew Melon            0.59
   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   Navel Oranges             1.29
   Fuji Apples               1.29
   Plantain Bananas          1.49
   Gala Apples               1.49
   Pineapple                 1.49
   Braeburn Apples           1.49
   Peaches                   1.99
   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   Nectarine                 1.99

The collection contains the following elements after it is cleared:
   KEY                       VALUE

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;

public class SamplesHybridDictionary  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates and initializes a new HybridDictionary.
      HybridDictionary myCol = new HybridDictionary();
      myCol.Add( "Braeburn Apples", "1.49" );
      myCol.Add( "Fuji Apples", "1.29" );
      myCol.Add( "Gala Apples", "1.49" );
      myCol.Add( "Golden Delicious Apples", "1.29" );
      myCol.Add( "Granny Smith Apples", "0.89" );
      myCol.Add( "Red Delicious Apples", "0.99" );
      myCol.Add( "Plantain Bananas", "1.49" );
      myCol.Add( "Yellow Bananas", "0.79" );
      myCol.Add( "Strawberries", "3.33" );
      myCol.Add( "Cranberries", "5.98" );
      myCol.Add( "Navel Oranges", "1.29" );
      myCol.Add( "Grapes", "1.99" );
      myCol.Add( "Honeydew Melon", "0.59" );
      myCol.Add( "Seedless Watermelon", "0.49" );
      myCol.Add( "Pineapple", "1.49" );
      myCol.Add( "Nectarine", "1.99" );
      myCol.Add( "Plums", "1.69" );
      myCol.Add( "Peaches", "1.99" );

      // Display the contents of the collection using foreach. This is the preferred method.
      Console.WriteLine( "Displays the elements using foreach:" );
      PrintKeysAndValues1( myCol );

      // Display the contents of the collection using the enumerator.
      Console.WriteLine( "Displays the elements using the IDictionaryEnumerator:" );
      PrintKeysAndValues2( myCol );

      // Display the contents of the collection using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties.
      Console.WriteLine( "Displays the elements using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties:" );
      PrintKeysAndValues3( myCol );

      // Copies the HybridDictionary to an array with DictionaryEntry elements.
      DictionaryEntry[] myArr = new DictionaryEntry[myCol.Count];
      myCol.CopyTo( myArr, 0 );

      // Displays the values in the array.
      Console.WriteLine( "Displays the elements in the array:" );
      Console.WriteLine( "   KEY                       VALUE" );
      for ( int i = 0; i < myArr.Length; i++ )
         Console.WriteLine( "   {0,-25} {1}", myArr[i].Key, myArr[i].Value );

      // Searches for a key.
      if ( myCol.Contains( "Kiwis" ) )
         Console.WriteLine( "The collection contains the key \"Kiwis\"." );
         Console.WriteLine( "The collection does not contain the key \"Kiwis\"." );

      // Deletes a key.
      myCol.Remove( "Plums" );
      Console.WriteLine( "The collection contains the following elements after removing \"Plums\":" );
      PrintKeysAndValues1( myCol );

      // Clears the entire collection.
      Console.WriteLine( "The collection contains the following elements after it is cleared:" );
      PrintKeysAndValues1( myCol );

   // Uses the foreach statement which hides the complexity of the enumerator.
   // NOTE: The foreach statement is the preferred way of enumerating the contents of a collection.
   public static void PrintKeysAndValues1( IDictionary myCol )  {
      Console.WriteLine( "   KEY                       VALUE" );
      foreach ( DictionaryEntry de in myCol )
         Console.WriteLine( "   {0,-25} {1}", de.Key, de.Value );

   // Uses the enumerator.
   // NOTE: The foreach statement is the preferred way of enumerating the contents of a collection.
   public static void PrintKeysAndValues2( IDictionary myCol )  {
      IDictionaryEnumerator myEnumerator = myCol.GetEnumerator();
      Console.WriteLine( "   KEY                       VALUE" );
      while ( myEnumerator.MoveNext() )
         Console.WriteLine( "   {0,-25} {1}", myEnumerator.Key, myEnumerator.Value );

   // Uses the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties.
   public static void PrintKeysAndValues3( HybridDictionary myCol )  {
      String[] myKeys = new String[myCol.Count];
      myCol.Keys.CopyTo( myKeys, 0 );

      Console.WriteLine( "   INDEX KEY                       VALUE" );
      for ( int i = 0; i < myCol.Count; i++ )
         Console.WriteLine( "   {0,-5} {1,-25} {2}", i, myKeys[i], myCol[myKeys[i]] );

This code produces output similar to the following:

Displays the elements using foreach:
   KEY                       VALUE
   Strawberries              3.33
   Yellow Bananas            0.79
   Cranberries               5.98
   Grapes                    1.99
   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   Honeydew Melon            0.59
   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   Navel Oranges             1.29
   Fuji Apples               1.29
   Plantain Bananas          1.49
   Gala Apples               1.49
   Pineapple                 1.49
   Plums                     1.69
   Braeburn Apples           1.49
   Peaches                   1.99
   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   Nectarine                 1.99

Displays the elements using the IDictionaryEnumerator:
   KEY                       VALUE
   Strawberries              3.33
   Yellow Bananas            0.79
   Cranberries               5.98
   Grapes                    1.99
   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   Honeydew Melon            0.59
   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   Navel Oranges             1.29
   Fuji Apples               1.29
   Plantain Bananas          1.49
   Gala Apples               1.49
   Pineapple                 1.49
   Plums                     1.69
   Braeburn Apples           1.49
   Peaches                   1.99
   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   Nectarine                 1.99

Displays the elements using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties:
   INDEX KEY                       VALUE
   0     Strawberries              3.33
   1     Yellow Bananas            0.79
   2     Cranberries               5.98
   3     Grapes                    1.99
   4     Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   5     Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   6     Honeydew Melon            0.59
   7     Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   8     Navel Oranges             1.29
   9     Fuji Apples               1.29
   10    Plantain Bananas          1.49
   11    Gala Apples               1.49
   12    Pineapple                 1.49
   13    Plums                     1.69
   14    Braeburn Apples           1.49
   15    Peaches                   1.99
   16    Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   17    Nectarine                 1.99

Displays the elements in the array:
   KEY                       VALUE
   Strawberries              3.33
   Yellow Bananas            0.79
   Cranberries               5.98
   Grapes                    1.99
   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   Honeydew Melon            0.59
   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   Navel Oranges             1.29
   Fuji Apples               1.29
   Plantain Bananas          1.49
   Gala Apples               1.49
   Pineapple                 1.49
   Plums                     1.69
   Braeburn Apples           1.49
   Peaches                   1.99
   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   Nectarine                 1.99

The collection does not contain the key "Kiwis".

The collection contains the following elements after removing "Plums":
   KEY                       VALUE
   Strawberries              3.33
   Yellow Bananas            0.79
   Cranberries               5.98
   Grapes                    1.99
   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   Honeydew Melon            0.59
   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   Navel Oranges             1.29
   Fuji Apples               1.29
   Plantain Bananas          1.49
   Gala Apples               1.49
   Pineapple                 1.49
   Braeburn Apples           1.49
   Peaches                   1.99
   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   Nectarine                 1.99

The collection contains the following elements after it is cleared:
   KEY                       VALUE

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized

Public Class SamplesHybridDictionary   

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates and initializes a new HybridDictionary.
      Dim myCol As New HybridDictionary()
      myCol.Add("Braeburn Apples", "1.49")
      myCol.Add("Fuji Apples", "1.29")
      myCol.Add("Gala Apples", "1.49")
      myCol.Add("Golden Delicious Apples", "1.29")
      myCol.Add("Granny Smith Apples", "0.89")
      myCol.Add("Red Delicious Apples", "0.99")
      myCol.Add("Plantain Bananas", "1.49")
      myCol.Add("Yellow Bananas", "0.79")
      myCol.Add("Strawberries", "3.33")
      myCol.Add("Cranberries", "5.98")
      myCol.Add("Navel Oranges", "1.29")
      myCol.Add("Grapes", "1.99")
      myCol.Add("Honeydew Melon", "0.59")
      myCol.Add("Seedless Watermelon", "0.49")
      myCol.Add("Pineapple", "1.49")
      myCol.Add("Nectarine", "1.99")
      myCol.Add("Plums", "1.69")
      myCol.Add("Peaches", "1.99")

      ' Display the contents of the collection using For Each. This is the preferred method.
      Console.WriteLine("Displays the elements using For Each:")

      ' Display the contents of the collection using the enumerator.
      Console.WriteLine("Displays the elements using the IDictionaryEnumerator:")

      ' Display the contents of the collection using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties.
      Console.WriteLine("Displays the elements using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties:")

      ' Copies the HybridDictionary to an array with DictionaryEntry elements.
      Dim myArr(myCol.Count) As DictionaryEntry
      myCol.CopyTo(myArr, 0)

      ' Displays the values in the array.
      Console.WriteLine("Displays the elements in the array:")
      Console.WriteLine("   KEY                       VALUE")
      Dim i As Integer
      For i = 0 To myArr.Length - 1
         Console.WriteLine("   {0,-25} {1}", myArr(i).Key, myArr(i).Value)
      Next i

      ' Searches for a key.
      If myCol.Contains("Kiwis") Then
         Console.WriteLine("The collection contains the key ""Kiwis"".")
         Console.WriteLine("The collection does not contain the key ""Kiwis"".")
      End If

      ' Deletes a key.
      Console.WriteLine("The collection contains the following elements after removing ""Plums"":")

      ' Clears the entire collection.
      Console.WriteLine("The collection contains the following elements after it is cleared:")

   End Sub

   ' Uses the For Each statement which hides the complexity of the enumerator.
   ' NOTE: The For Each statement is the preferred way of enumerating the contents of a collection.
   Public Shared Sub PrintKeysAndValues1(myCol As IDictionary)

      Console.WriteLine("   KEY                       VALUE")
      Dim de As DictionaryEntry
      For Each de In  myCol
         Console.WriteLine("   {0,-25} {1}", de.Key, de.Value)
      Next de

   End Sub

   ' Uses the enumerator. 
   ' NOTE: The For Each statement is the preferred way of enumerating the contents of a collection.
   Public Shared Sub PrintKeysAndValues2(myCol As IDictionary)
      Dim myEnumerator As IDictionaryEnumerator = myCol.GetEnumerator()

      Console.WriteLine("   KEY                       VALUE")
      While myEnumerator.MoveNext()
         Console.WriteLine("   {0,-25} {1}", myEnumerator.Key, myEnumerator.Value)
      End While

   End Sub

   ' Uses the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties.
   Public Shared Sub PrintKeysAndValues3(myCol As HybridDictionary)
      Dim myKeys(myCol.Count) As [String]
      myCol.Keys.CopyTo(myKeys, 0)

      Console.WriteLine("   INDEX KEY                       VALUE")
      Dim i As Integer
      For i = 0 To myCol.Count - 1
         Console.WriteLine("   {0,-5} {1,-25} {2}", i, myKeys(i), myCol(myKeys(i)))
      Next i

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces output similar to the following:
'Displays the elements using For Each:
'   KEY                       VALUE
'   Strawberries              3.33
'   Yellow Bananas            0.79
'   Cranberries               5.98
'   Grapes                    1.99
'   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
'   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
'   Honeydew Melon            0.59
'   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
'   Navel Oranges             1.29
'   Fuji Apples               1.29
'   Plantain Bananas          1.49
'   Gala Apples               1.49
'   Pineapple                 1.49
'   Plums                     1.69
'   Braeburn Apples           1.49
'   Peaches                   1.99
'   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
'   Nectarine                 1.99
'Displays the elements using the IDictionaryEnumerator:
'   KEY                       VALUE
'   Strawberries              3.33
'   Yellow Bananas            0.79
'   Cranberries               5.98
'   Grapes                    1.99
'   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
'   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
'   Honeydew Melon            0.59
'   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
'   Navel Oranges             1.29
'   Fuji Apples               1.29
'   Plantain Bananas          1.49
'   Gala Apples               1.49
'   Pineapple                 1.49
'   Plums                     1.69
'   Braeburn Apples           1.49
'   Peaches                   1.99
'   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
'   Nectarine                 1.99
'Displays the elements using the Keys, Values, Count, and Item properties:
'   INDEX KEY                       VALUE
'   0     Strawberries              3.33
'   1     Yellow Bananas            0.79
'   2     Cranberries               5.98
'   3     Grapes                    1.99
'   4     Granny Smith Apples       0.89
'   5     Seedless Watermelon       0.49
'   6     Honeydew Melon            0.59
'   7     Red Delicious Apples      0.99
'   8     Navel Oranges             1.29
'   9     Fuji Apples               1.29
'   10    Plantain Bananas          1.49
'   11    Gala Apples               1.49
'   12    Pineapple                 1.49
'   13    Plums                     1.69
'   14    Braeburn Apples           1.49
'   15    Peaches                   1.99
'   16    Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
'   17    Nectarine                 1.99
'Displays the elements in the array:
'   KEY                       VALUE
'   Strawberries              3.33
'   Yellow Bananas            0.79
'   Cranberries               5.98
'   Grapes                    1.99
'   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
'   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
'   Honeydew Melon            0.59
'   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
'   Navel Oranges             1.29
'   Fuji Apples               1.29
'   Plantain Bananas          1.49
'   Gala Apples               1.49
'   Pineapple                 1.49
'   Plums                     1.69
'   Braeburn Apples           1.49
'   Peaches                   1.99
'   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
'   Nectarine                 1.99
'The collection does not contain the key "Kiwis".
'The collection contains the following elements after removing "Plums":
'   KEY                       VALUE
'   Strawberries              3.33
'   Yellow Bananas            0.79
'   Cranberries               5.98
'   Grapes                    1.99
'   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
'   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
'   Honeydew Melon            0.59
'   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
'   Navel Oranges             1.29
'   Fuji Apples               1.29
'   Plantain Bananas          1.49
'   Gala Apples               1.49
'   Pineapple                 1.49
'   Braeburn Apples           1.49
'   Peaches                   1.99
'   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
'   Nectarine                 1.99
'The collection contains the following elements after it is cleared:
'   KEY                       VALUE


Par défaut, la collection respecte la casse et utilise l’implémentation de la clé comme fournisseur de code de Object.GetHashCode hachage et l’implémentation de la clé de Object.Equals comme comparateur.

Le comparateur détermine si deux clés sont égales. Chaque clé d’un HybridDictionary doit être unique.

Ce constructeur est une opération O(1).

Voir aussi

S’applique à



Crée un HybridDictionary vide avec le respect de la casse spécifié.

 HybridDictionary(bool caseInsensitive);
public HybridDictionary (bool caseInsensitive);
new System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary : bool -> System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary
Public Sub New (caseInsensitive As Boolean)



Valeur Boolean qui indique si HybridDictionary ne respecte pas la casse.


Si caseInsensitive a la valeur false, la collection utilise les implémentations de la clé de Object.GetHashCode et Object.Equals. Si caseInsensitive a la valeur true, la collection effectue une simple comparaison ordinale qui ne respecte pas la casse, qui obéit uniquement aux règles de casse de la culture invariante. Pour plus d’informations sur la culture invariante, consultez System.Globalization.CultureInfo.

Ce constructeur est une opération O(1).

Voir aussi

S’applique à



Crée HybridDictionary qui respecte la casse avec la taille initiale spécifiée.

 HybridDictionary(int initialSize);
public HybridDictionary (int initialSize);
new System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary : int -> System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary
Public Sub New (initialSize As Integer)



Nombre approximatif d'entrées que HybridDictionary peut contenir initialement.


Si la taille initiale de la collection est supérieure à la taille optimale d’un ListDictionary, la collection est stockée dans un afin d’éviter Hashtable la surcharge liée à la copie des éléments du ListDictionary vers .Hashtable

Par défaut, la collection respecte la casse et utilise l’implémentation de la clé comme fournisseur de code de Object.GetHashCode hachage et l’implémentation de la clé de Object.Equals comme comparateur.

Le comparateur détermine si deux clés sont égales. Chaque clé d’un HybridDictionary doit être unique.

Ce constructeur est une opération O(n), où n est initialSize.

Voir aussi

S’applique à

HybridDictionary(Int32, Boolean)


Crée HybridDictionary avec la taille initiale et le respect de la casse spécifiés.

 HybridDictionary(int initialSize, bool caseInsensitive);
public HybridDictionary (int initialSize, bool caseInsensitive);
new System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary : int * bool -> System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary
Public Sub New (initialSize As Integer, caseInsensitive As Boolean)



Nombre approximatif d'entrées que HybridDictionary peut contenir initialement.


Valeur Boolean qui indique si HybridDictionary ne respecte pas la casse.


Si la taille initiale de la collection est supérieure à la taille optimale d’un ListDictionary, la collection est stockée dans un afin d’éviter Hashtable la surcharge liée à la copie des éléments du ListDictionary vers .Hashtable

Si caseInsensitive a la valeur false, la collection utilise les implémentations de la clé de Object.GetHashCode et Object.Equals. Si caseInsensitive a la valeur true, la collection effectue une simple comparaison ordinale qui ne respecte pas la casse, qui obéit uniquement aux règles de casse de la culture invariante. Pour plus d’informations sur la culture invariante, consultez System.Globalization.CultureInfo.

Ce constructeur est une opération O(n), où n est initialSize.

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