Partage via

Console.Read Méthode


Lit le caractère suivant du flux d'entrée standard.

 static int Read();
public static int Read ();
public static int Read ();
public static int Read ();
static member Read : unit -> int
static member Read : unit -> int
static member Read : unit -> int
Public Shared Function Read () As Integer



Caractère suivant du flux d'entrée, ou caractère négatif (-1) s'il n'y a pas d'autres caractères à lire.



Une erreur d'E/S s'est produite.


L’exemple suivant illustre la Read méthode.

// This example demonstrates the Console.Read() method.
using namespace System;
int main()
   String^ m1 = "\nType a string of text then press Enter. "
   "Type '+' anywhere in the text to quit:\n";
   String^ m2 = "Character '{0}' is hexadecimal 0x{1:x4}.";
   String^ m3 = "Character     is hexadecimal 0x{0:x4}.";
   Char ch;
   int x;
   Console::WriteLine( m1 );
      x = Console::Read();
         ch = Convert::ToChar( x );
         if ( Char::IsWhiteSpace( ch ) )
            Console::WriteLine( m3, x );
            if ( ch == 0x0a )
                        Console::WriteLine( m1 );
                  Console::WriteLine( m2, ch, x );
      catch ( OverflowException^ e ) 
         Console::WriteLine( "{0} Value read = {1}.", e->Message, x );
         ch = Char::MinValue;
         Console::WriteLine( m1 );

   while ( ch != '+' );

This example produces the following results:

Type a string of text then press Enter. Type '+' anywhere in the text to quit:

The quick brown fox.
Character 'T' is hexadecimal 0x0054.
Character 'h' is hexadecimal 0x0068.
Character 'e' is hexadecimal 0x0065.
Character     is hexadecimal 0x0020.
Character 'q' is hexadecimal 0x0071.
Character 'u' is hexadecimal 0x0075.
Character 'i' is hexadecimal 0x0069.
Character 'c' is hexadecimal 0x0063.
Character 'k' is hexadecimal 0x006b.
Character     is hexadecimal 0x0020.
Character 'b' is hexadecimal 0x0062.
Character 'r' is hexadecimal 0x0072.
Character 'o' is hexadecimal 0x006f.
Character 'w' is hexadecimal 0x0077.
Character 'n' is hexadecimal 0x006e.
Character     is hexadecimal 0x0020.
Character 'f' is hexadecimal 0x0066.
Character 'o' is hexadecimal 0x006f.
Character 'x' is hexadecimal 0x0078.
Character '.' is hexadecimal 0x002e.
Character     is hexadecimal 0x000d.
Character     is hexadecimal 0x000a.

Type a string of text then press Enter. Type '+' anywhere in the text to quit:

Value was either too large or too small for a character. Value read = -1.

Type a string of text then press Enter. Type '+' anywhere in the text to quit:

Character '+' is hexadecimal 0x002b.

// This example demonstrates the Console.Read() method.
using System;

class Sample
    public static void Main()
    string m1 = "\nType a string of text then press Enter. " +
                "Type '+' anywhere in the text to quit:\n";
    string m2 = "Character '{0}' is hexadecimal 0x{1:x4}.";
    string m3 = "Character     is hexadecimal 0x{0:x4}.";
    char ch;
    int x;
        x = Console.Read();
            ch = Convert.ToChar(x);
            if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(ch))
               Console.WriteLine(m3, x);
               if (ch == 0x0a)
                    Console.WriteLine(m2, ch, x);
        catch (OverflowException e)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} Value read = {1}.", e.Message, x);
            ch = Char.MinValue;
        } while (ch != '+');
This example produces the following results:

Type a string of text then press Enter. Type '+' anywhere in the text to quit:

The quick brown fox.
Character 'T' is hexadecimal 0x0054.
Character 'h' is hexadecimal 0x0068.
Character 'e' is hexadecimal 0x0065.
Character     is hexadecimal 0x0020.
Character 'q' is hexadecimal 0x0071.
Character 'u' is hexadecimal 0x0075.
Character 'i' is hexadecimal 0x0069.
Character 'c' is hexadecimal 0x0063.
Character 'k' is hexadecimal 0x006b.
Character     is hexadecimal 0x0020.
Character 'b' is hexadecimal 0x0062.
Character 'r' is hexadecimal 0x0072.
Character 'o' is hexadecimal 0x006f.
Character 'w' is hexadecimal 0x0077.
Character 'n' is hexadecimal 0x006e.
Character     is hexadecimal 0x0020.
Character 'f' is hexadecimal 0x0066.
Character 'o' is hexadecimal 0x006f.
Character 'x' is hexadecimal 0x0078.
Character '.' is hexadecimal 0x002e.
Character     is hexadecimal 0x000d.
Character     is hexadecimal 0x000a.

Type a string of text then press Enter. Type '+' anywhere in the text to quit:

Value was either too large or too small for a character. Value read = -1.

Type a string of text then press Enter. Type '+' anywhere in the text to quit:

Character '+' is hexadecimal 0x002b.

// This example demonstrates the Console.Read() method.
open System

// string m2 = "Character '{0}' is hexadecimal 0x{1:x4}.";
// string m3 = "Character     is hexadecimal 0x{0:x4}.";
// char ch;

printfn "\nType a string of text then press Enter. Type '+' anywhere in the text to quit:\n"

let mutable ch = ' '
let mutable x = 0

while ch <> '+' do
    x <- Console.Read()
        ch <- Convert.ToChar x
        if Char.IsWhiteSpace ch then
            printfn $"Character     is hexadecimal 0x{x:x4}."
            if ch = char '\u000A' then
                printfn "\nType a string of text then press Enter. Type '+' anywhere in the text to quit:\n"
            printfn $"Character '{ch}' is hexadecimal 0x{x:x4}." 
    with :? OverflowException as e ->
        printfn $"{e.Message} Value read = {x}."
        ch <- Char.MinValue
        printfn "\nType a string of text then press Enter. Type '+' anywhere in the text to quit:\n"

// This example produces the following results:
// Type a string of text then press Enter. Type '+' anywhere in the text to quit:
// The quick brown fox.
// Character 'T' is hexadecimal 0x0054.
// Character 'h' is hexadecimal 0x0068.
// Character 'e' is hexadecimal 0x0065.
// Character     is hexadecimal 0x0020.
// Character 'q' is hexadecimal 0x0071.
// Character 'u' is hexadecimal 0x0075.
// Character 'i' is hexadecimal 0x0069.
// Character 'c' is hexadecimal 0x0063.
// Character 'k' is hexadecimal 0x006b.
// Character     is hexadecimal 0x0020.
// Character 'b' is hexadecimal 0x0062.
// Character 'r' is hexadecimal 0x0072.
// Character 'o' is hexadecimal 0x006f.
// Character 'w' is hexadecimal 0x0077.
// Character 'n' is hexadecimal 0x006e.
// Character     is hexadecimal 0x0020.
// Character 'f' is hexadecimal 0x0066.
// Character 'o' is hexadecimal 0x006f.
// Character 'x' is hexadecimal 0x0078.
// Character '.' is hexadecimal 0x002e.
// Character     is hexadecimal 0x000d.
// Character     is hexadecimal 0x000a.
// Type a string of text then press Enter. Type '+' anywhere in the text to quit:
// ^Z
// Value was either too large or too small for a character. Value read = -1.
// Type a string of text then press Enter. Type '+' anywhere in the text to quit:
// +
// Character '+' is hexadecimal 0x002b.
' This example demonstrates the Console.Read() method.
Class Sample
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim m1 As String = _
                vbCrLf & _
                "Type a string of text then press Enter. " & _
                "Type '+' anywhere in the text to quit:" & _
      Dim m2 As String = "Character '{0}' is hexadecimal 0x{1:x4}."
      Dim m3 As String = "Character     is hexadecimal 0x{0:x4}."
      Dim ch As Char
      Dim x As Integer
         x = Console.Read()
            ch = Convert.ToChar(x)
            If Char.IsWhiteSpace(ch) Then
               Console.WriteLine(m3, x)
               If ch = vbLf Then
               End If
               Console.WriteLine(m2, ch, x)
            End If
         Catch e As OverflowException
            Console.WriteLine("{0} Value read = {1}.", e.Message, x)
            ch = Char.MinValue
         End Try
      Loop While ch <> "+"c
   End Sub
End Class
'This example produces the following results:
'Type a string of text then press Enter. Type '+' anywhere in the text to quit:
'The quick brown fox.
'Character 'T' is hexadecimal 0x0054.
'Character 'h' is hexadecimal 0x0068.
'Character 'e' is hexadecimal 0x0065.
'Character     is hexadecimal 0x0020.
'Character 'q' is hexadecimal 0x0071.
'Character 'u' is hexadecimal 0x0075.
'Character 'i' is hexadecimal 0x0069.
'Character 'c' is hexadecimal 0x0063.
'Character 'k' is hexadecimal 0x006b.
'Character     is hexadecimal 0x0020.
'Character 'b' is hexadecimal 0x0062.
'Character 'r' is hexadecimal 0x0072.
'Character 'o' is hexadecimal 0x006f.
'Character 'w' is hexadecimal 0x0077.
'Character 'n' is hexadecimal 0x006e.
'Character     is hexadecimal 0x0020.
'Character 'f' is hexadecimal 0x0066.
'Character 'o' is hexadecimal 0x006f.
'Character 'x' is hexadecimal 0x0078.
'Character '.' is hexadecimal 0x002e.
'Character     is hexadecimal 0x000d.
'Character     is hexadecimal 0x000a.
'Type a string of text then press Enter. Type '+' anywhere in the text to quit:
'Value was either too large or too small for a character. Value read = -1.
'Type a string of text then press Enter. Type '+' anywhere in the text to quit:
'Character '+' is hexadecimal 0x002b.


La Read méthode bloque son retour pendant que vous tapez des caractères d’entrée ; elle se termine lorsque vous appuyez sur la Enter touche. appuyez sur entrée pour ajouter une séquence de terminaison de ligne dépendante de la plateforme à votre entrée (par exemple, Windows ajoute une séquence retour chariot-saut de ligne). Les appels suivants à la Read méthode récupèrent votre entrée un caractère à la fois. Une fois le caractère final récupéré, Read bloque à nouveau son retour et le cycle se répète.


La ReadLine méthode, ou la KeyAvailable propriété et la ReadKey méthode sont préférables à l’utilisation de la Read méthode.

Notez que la méthode ne retourne pas-1, sauf si vous effectuez l’une des actions suivantes :

  • Appuyez simultanément sur la Control touche de modification et sur la touche de Z console (Ctrl + Z), qui signale la condition de fin de fichier. si vous êtes sur Windows, vous devez également appuyer sur la touche de la Enter console.

  • Appuyez sur une touche équivalente qui signale la condition de fin de fichier, telle que la touche de fonction F6 dans Windows.

  • Redirigez le flux d’entrée vers une source, telle qu’un fichier texte, qui contient un caractère de fin de fichier réel.

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